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Knife Question

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Michael O'Leary said:
Ah, then I reiterate, Google reality.

Did you forget about this:

No I havn't forgot, and I don't think I will because that's what I grew up hearing from teachers at my school in London. Once a kid found a live hand grenade under a fruit tree in their back yard. Everyone was talking about it...

how about this


I fire the 50 Cal.

That's gotta work..  the lightsaber has to evaporate the incoming rounds.
I bet this thread doesn't last past the next page...
Still going strong....but hopefully not contributing to the Gene Pool.

OK.  First you wanted Throwing Knives.......Now you want a Knife that will protect you against bullets.  You can only have one......which one do you want?

Oh!  Guys?  Should we tell him about 'Dispersion'?
I must say.. this thread *is* rather amusing.
George Wallace said:
OK.  First you wanted Throwing Knives.......Now you want a Knife that will protect you against bullets.  You can only have one......which one do you want?

There can be only one .....
~RoKo~ said:
I must say.. this thread *is* rather amusing.

If by amusing, you mean it's like watching someone stick their fingers in an electrial socket...

Wait, that is funny  ;D
John Tescione said:

We should tell him about about effexor....

Naw, but I hear cyanide tastes like vanilla.
Ice cream sundies all around..  or Cool aid for the youngens.
Might as well throw in some other terms too. 

Cone of Fire.

Beaten Zone.


You have completely lost touch with reality.....what haven't you figured out yet?

Someone get out their +5 mace and smash this freak's sword.....it's the only thing he understands.

Where do we get these trolls?    ::)

Ok man, so I was on the battlefield back in 1942 and I pulled out my lightsaber right?  Not just any lightsaber, this one was given to me, hand crafted by Patton himself.  So I whipped out my lightsaber and pressed the ON button when all of a sudden, because of the -4 factor caused by rain, I had a misfire and it took off my hand, as well and my magical amulet.

I let out this ferocious ROAR and charged all the stormtroopers head on with my AK, and seriously there was blood everywhere man.  We took one of the  trenches and I sat down on a crate of War Hammers and dried off my lightsaber.

The enemy was retaking the line, so I whipped out my trusty D6 and rolling a 6, slaughtered them all with my Hand of the Emperor psychic power, and then turned on my lightsaber, which thanks to my Emo Sweat Band of Vulcan ignited properly this time.  I whipped it at the hill, chopping it in half, and when we took the other side, I am not kidding you here man, HITLER HIMSELF was there, so I picked up my lightsaber, but then he pulled out his double sided lightsaber.  I was like OH NOES, but then I cut off his legs because he failed his armour save.

This is how I single handedly won WW2.
Kyle, you've been hanging out here far too much.  Don't make me ban you during exams.
socialhandgrenade said:
Hey dude why dont you roll youre 20 sided dice out of here.

Wait a tick guys.....they don't use dice in Austrailia.

Perhapse Wes can wack this kid with a digery-do or something.    ::)

Go away young troll....you're welcome is now well worn out.

Kyle Burrows said:
This is how I single handedly won WW2.

You didn't take the little red pills, did you?

Supposed to take the blue pill.
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