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Kandahar Explosion

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I get my stats from int guys in theatre where i am right now. I am staying in my lane by stating that the photos should not be posted.
OK Mr SME sorry to offend.

Afterall you are getting all the guff, after not setting one foot out of Canada.
regulator12 said:
I get my stats from int guys in theatre where i am right now. I am staying in my lane by stating that the photos should not be posted.

So it's anecdotal evidence.
These pictures do not violate OPSEC - at least by the standard I know. These photos are no different than the bombing scene last week or the one 6 months ago or the ones from Canada's Kabul ISAF days or even bombing scenes we have have seen in Iraq. I can appreciate the need for OPSEC but that can be a broad brush where no photos would be released.

This bombing was a failure for the Taliban in that they didnt kill any Canadian soldiers and the fact that Afghan civilians were killed, they lost their hearts and minds campaign. What do these images demonstrate ? I see power - Canadian power. Armored vehicles. Alert professional soldiers going about their business. Just the images we want the world to see in my opinion.
Well you guys are so sure your right without even trying to understand the implications posting such photos on the net could have. There is clear shots of a damaged RG sure it shows that where strong. I just think that those photos are valuable to the right people. They will be able to use photos for there propaganda for analysis for whatever. I am not trying to get into a big discussion on this topic, i simply wanted to state that posting these photos on the net is not a good idea. The Taliban are not stupid exactly so we should be careful with what we post.
As was stated earlier by Shamrock, "The photos are attributed to Allauddin Khan of the AP and have been reproduced in several media sources, including Globe and Mail and CTV". They're already out there on the net.
Here is a pic of a damaged US vehicle. Notice in the Canadian pic's damage done to the vehicle isnt up close and personal as the US photo. There is a need to report the news and pictures are part of that.


U.S. soldiers secure the area next to a damaged U.S. military vehicle after a roadside bomb explosion during the Sukhumi clearing operation in the area of Al-leg, some 60 kilometers (40 miles) south of Baghdad, Iraq, Friday, March 7, 2008. Two roadside bombs exploded during Friday's operation, the first one in the morning, damaged a U.S. army vehicle, and the second one in the late afternoon, wounded five Iraqi volunteer civilians
How old are you Reg12?

What do you know about OPSEC?

What is your military experience?

Those pics show nothing what would be considered OPSEC.

The enemy will continue to use EFP/IED no matter what veh's we use, as its the collateral damage which makes the news anyways.

Cant see much on YET another empty profile.
regulator12 said:
Well you guys are so sure your right without even trying to understand the implications posting such photos on the net could have. There is clear shots of a damaged RG sure it shows that where strong. I just think that those photos are valuable to the right people. They will be able to use photos for there propaganda for analysis for whatever. I am not trying to get into a big discussion on this topic, i simply wanted to state that posting these photos on the net is not a good idea. The Taliban are not stupid exactly so we should be careful with what we post.

Regulator, you are completely correct and im actually very surprised more people aren't supporting you.

Who cares what humint and int sources the Taliban have, there's no need to give them any help. It's long been policy in Afghanistan to not reveal damaged/destroyed vehicles to the public - theres a reason we tarp over the vehicles when moving them around. Come on Wesley you know better than that. Assuming the Taliban already know all about it and it's okay and who cares is an immature and unprofessional attitude.

How often do you see destroyed Canadian vehicles on TV? There are alot more of them than reported, my section went through more than one.
also, to reiterate what MCG has already stated several times:


I don't care what your "professional opinion" on what is and isn't valuable to enemy int sources is, rules are rules and you'll damned well follow them because this is the army and thats what you're paid to do.
It isn't up to any of you to decide what is and isn't allowed.It's probobly a very good chance imho that the Taliban already have/had excellent BDA on the attack as soon as it happened anyway, but if for some reason they didn't why would you so foolishly take the chance just to post pictures? The fact that you would even take the risk and blatantly think nothing of it only shows alot of people what little respect you might have for the threat ...
IEDs are the #1 Killer of troops on the ground, what the hell guys . . .

I'll go on all night if I let myself so just do yourselves a favor and read about OPSEC..


We do not decide what is useful to the enemy and what isn't.
It was becoming a rule when I was in theatre and im sure if it isn't already it will be soon: NO PICTURES ON THE INTRAMAWEB MACHINE
This has gotten stupid with the "lets piss OPSEC out the window crowed."  Yes, those pictures absolutely do constitute an OPSEC risk, but they are authorized because they are from the media.  Lets not go stupid & look for other reasons to justify thier publication & the publication of similar photos ("I can find something that shows more information, so these one's must okay now").  Just like loose lips sink ships, OPSEC breaches kill soldiers regardless of how much you justify it to yourself.

Wesley  Down Under said:
OK Mr SME sorry to offend.

Afterall you are getting all the guff, after not setting one foot out of Canada.
Stop being belligerent for the sport of it.  He's told you he is in theater in the post you've quoted  If your position is so bloody weak that you must resort to attacking others' profiles then you'd best pull out of this thread.  The site has policies on ad hominem & it is not on.

Flawed Design said:
The Taliban may be able to take some sort of BDA away from those photos but the Canadian public ALSO have a graphic reminder that bad things are still going on in Afghanistan and the equipment their tax dollars are paying for is working and saving the lives of their sons and daughters.
There are other ways to provide a "graphic reminder" without handing every potential enemy in the world a battle damage photo (& source of int).
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