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Kandahar Explosion

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Army.ca Legend
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A few pic's of the suicide attack today.







Assistance Force (ISAF) secure the site of a suicide bomb attack a Canadian military convoy in Kandahar, southern Afghanistan, 12 March 2008. A suicide attacker detonated his explosives-filled vehicle targeted at a Canadian military convoy killing an Afghan civilian and wounding four others, including a Canadian soldier, officials said. Around 2, 500 Canadian forces are stationed in the southern province of Kandahar, a strong-hold for Taliban militants, whose government was toppled in late 2001
Amazing pictures, where did you get them from?

Best of luck to the injured soldiers  :cdn:
Wow! It's hard to imagine what it must be like to be there, and even more so when these attacks happen. Incredible pictures! I hope the injured soldier heals quickly. God bless them all and keep them safe.  :cdn:
slowmode said:
Amazing pictures, where did you get them from?

Best of luck to the injured soldiers  :cdn:

Militaryphotos.net and I suspect they may have come from combat camera,but I havent checked to verify.
The photos as great as they are should not be on the net. We are giving the enemy great battle damage assessment. They get most of there intel off the net. I would like to see these photos off of here and off the net. Who ever got them on the net in the first place messed up.
I agree with Regulator, but they may show up in the mainstream media in the meantime.
regulator12 said:
The photos as great as they are should not be on the net. We are giving the enemy great battle damage assessment. They get most of there intel off the net. I would like to see these photos off of here and off the net. Who ever got them on the net in the first place messed up.

I'd hazard a guess that the local Taliban have much more from their own sources.
regulator12 said:
The photos as great as they are should not be on the net. We are giving the enemy great battle damage assessment. They get most of there intel off the net. I would like to see these photos off of here and off the net. Who ever got them on the net in the first place messed up.

Your kidding aren't you? You don't think they knew the BDA within minutes of the attack?
No iam not kidding sure the locals know whats up, but what about other jihadis around the globe looking to see the affects of the blast on vehicles 80% of all there intel comes from the net. If you dont realize the potential danger of posting such things on the net your right out of her.
regulator12 said:
The photos as great as they are should not be on the net. We are giving the enemy great battle damage assessment. They get most of there intel off the net. I would like to see these photos off of here and off the net. Who ever got them on the net in the first place messed up.


I am NOT right out of 'er!

Their INT comes from the local supporters and the bad guys.

Don't you think they were watching and most likely even videoed th event??

They have their own moles and HUMINTsources. These pics mean nothing to them.

EDIT: Coming up 100 posts reg, and NO profile!
regulator12 said:
No iam not kidding sure the locals know whats up, but what about other jihadis around the globe looking to see the affects of the blast on vehicles 80% of all there intel comes from the net. If you dont realize the potential danger of posting such things on the net your right out of her.

By now, there are more detailed photographs and videos of the event from beginning to end already distributed amongst the networks. There could also be other information based on this incident already in use by the organizations around the world.

They are not the ignorant savages some people believe them to be. They are highly intelligent and well educated individuals that are planning these events. Their abilities to gather useful int, amongst other things should not be underestimated. This doesn't mean that you have to go into hyper vigilance mode.

Stick to your lane.

having driven down the road where the bombing occured I know there are a million places that someone could sit and vdeotape the IED in comfort, and have a great view of the show.....

this tells them nothing they dont already know....

goodspeed to the injured.

looks like the Hadjis are probing the new Roto to see how they do buisness....

For all those who felt the need to give regulator12, shake your stupids out!  You suspect that the Taliban might have collected the intelligence, therefore you argue it is perfectly acceptable to disseminate the information to every conceivable adversary on the globe?  Maybe the trigger team got a few pictures off, but maybe the pictures lacked quality or maybe there were no pictures; then posting battle damaged photos is not only helping in dissemination, it is giving the enemy information he did not have.

And just so we are all clear, it is CF OPSEC policy that nobody is to post such pictures unless vetted by the appropriate technical authority or they found it in the media:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/40907/post-674076.html#msg674076
MCG said:
For all those who felt the need to give regulator12, shake your stupids out!  You suspect that the Taliban might have collected the intelligence, therefore you argue it is perfectly acceptable to disseminate the information to every conceivable adversary on the globe?  Maybe the trigger team got a few pictures off, but maybe the pictures lacked quality or maybe there were no pictures; then posting battle damaged photos is not only helping in dissemination, it is giving the enemy information he did not have.

And just so we are all clear, it is CF OPSEC policy that nobody is to post such pictures unless vetted by the appropriate technical authority or they found it in the media:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/40907/post-674076.html#msg674076

I was in no way advocating that pictures of anything be posted on the internet or any other open sources. I am merely saying that to think that those who have committed the acts have not already gotten int that are valuable to them is plain stupidity on our part. Maybe, maybe, maybe. It is all speculation and we may never really know if this or that. These pictures did not originate here from this forum. It originated from another. As long as we do our own due diligence, and let other worry about their own sites.

WE should know better, and hence our mods control and vet the possible OP/PERSEC issues. We can't change how others operate, but we can convince members here to watch their own posts, and thus prevent them from committing the same mistakes as others.

Obviously those who took the pictures did not think. Or they were approved, or they were taken by others who are not constrained by our policies. Either way, the pictures are out in the open, and that is the end of the story.
regulator12 said:
No iam not kidding sure the locals know whats up, but what about other jihadis around the globe looking to see the affects of the blast on vehicles 80% of all there intel comes from the net. If you dont realize the potential danger of posting such things on the net your right out of her.

Somehow I feel someone with "20 yrs TI, Kuwait, Somalia, Bosnia x 3, Afganistan" isn't exactly "right out of er.

You've said 80% of intell is from the internet, what are you basing this statistic off of?  IS this off of some kind of CIA fact book or are you making up this 80% figure?

When we got hit in the very same situation that convoy from the pictures was, we had aljazeria (sp?) on the scene within minutes video taping us. Their allowed.  By the time I got back to base, did our close down drills and went to check my email I saw a picture of myself on the CTV website at the IED site. (I had a talking to from my boss because I had my sleeves up while setting up the cordin and he saw the picture of it, thanks CTV!  ;D ) 

Those pictures look professionally done.

PS-DAMN I love the RG. Those things save lives.

MedTech said:
I was in no way advocating that pictures of anything be posted on the internet or any other open sources. 
You failed to state your opposition to posting such pictures on the internet.

MedTech said:
I am merely saying that to think that those who have committed the acts have not already gotten int that are valuable to them is plain stupidity on our part.
But to assume that such pictures no longer pose an OPSEC risk would also be stupid on our part.

MedTech said:
We can't change how others operate, but we can convince members here to watch their own posts, and thus prevent them from committing the same mistakes as others.
Again, you missed this important part of your message in your previous post.

MedTech said:
Obviously those who took the pictures did not think.
It would seem.  Unfortunately, they are media so whether it belongs on the internet or not, it is out there (and why we are discussing appropriateness of the pictures as opposed to my already having taken them down)
MCG agreed on all fronts. We're just agreeing with each other now.
Consider something else.

The Taliban may be able to take some sort of BDA away from those photos but the Canadian public ALSO have a graphic reminder that bad things are still going on in Afghanistan and the equipment their tax dollars are paying for is working and saving the lives of their sons and daughters.

Hearing on the news 'another convoy was hit today' and seeing what it looks like up close are two very different things.
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