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Justin Trudeau - Timelines

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Army.ca Veteran
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Spawn of Trudeau speaks:


"It's a crying shame," argues the late Pierre Trudeau's middle son. "Their sacrifices are in vain."

:threat: :rage:  :threat:
Whats that? 

"It's a crying shame that you are insane?"

Well, sort of.  But I won't argue with the insane part of your comment. 

If I were you, I wouldn't "pee at the urinal" in public.  Someone might just dunk your head in to freshen you up some.  Twice.  Three times even.

I didn't know he was running for the NDP. 
Typical bleeding heart lefties to bad we couldn't leave them some where like the  North West Teratories you call it something nice like environmental assessment of the north  make it sound  really important  and than just forget to pick them back up be a good way to get rid of them LOL  Darn it there I go thinking out loud again LOL
Which Vietnam will Afghanistan become?  The one where public opinion at home undermined the government's ability to plan and support the war properly?
Why is Trudeau so eager to make this happen to us?

Hopefully, five years into the mission, the Canadian public has grown enough guts in order to let us finish the job.
From the posted article:

While {Turdeau} initially supported sending Canadian troops to Afghanistan after 9/11 -- "Afghanistan had become a threat to the world" -- he insists that our mandate is complete. "The terror threat has been neutralized. We no longer have a reason to be there," Trudeau says. "I believe what our forces are now doing is killing and fighting and being killed by Afghani people who are farmers and it's just not our business to be doing that. They are no longer harbouring outside elements.

"Al-Qaida has been routed out of Afghanistan and that's it and there's nothing to do there anymore. If the people wanted our forces there, or wanted our help, but obviously they don't, not in that province."

Whatta prick.  I guess that is part of trying to be a big media type, spout off about things that you know nothing of. 
Seems to me one of PET's spawn was in Gagetown in the summer of 96 for officer training?  Anybody remember which one, and if he was as useless as his father or was he alright?
  Typical egotistical tactic from someone trying to drum up interest - make controversial comments so that MSM will put some heat and light on your project.

   One wishes for avalanches on demand.  
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I see....
I expect a Lawrence Martin column in the Grope and Flail any day now explaining why young 'film maker' Trudeau, unlike the bureaucrats in PCO, DFAIT and DND and the generals and admirals, knows all about the lack of any real threat to Canada and is uniquely fitted to plan and manage our foreign policy and military operations.
I believe it was this young man...........and I think (I am getting a little forgetful) that he was with the Black Watch.   Oh well......... ::)
Sounds like he's tired of working for a living, (or a group with deep pockets and clandestine interests has gotten to him), and he's about to step into the world of professional politics. He'll probably be running for head of the Lieberals in five years.
Jumping on the bandwagon, but missed the step!

Better luck next time, eh.
In an interview at the Four Seasons, where he is drumming up publicity for his upcoming documentary for CTV ...

... by latching on to a poorly thought-out but media-friendly soundbyte. Well done, son, you'll go far.
So wait a second...why does this guy matter? What has he accomplished up to this point in his life? His legitimacy in this matter is entirely predicated on that, and from what I know about him he's no different than some film-student bum on the street.

Oh yes, I forgot - he's a Trudeau. Although his father would rant at the very idea of a hereditary aristocracy, somehow it doesn't apply to him. Because he's a Trudeau, even the filth that flows from him must be of value. Because he's a Trudeau, he should get media time. Great, just what we need in this country - a lefty-politico with no legitimacy getting media time. Stephen Staples, you've found a friend.

The media should be ashamed that it's giving this nobody a voice on this issue.
For someone that won't participate in the way the country is run (by not voting), I don't think he has any right to b*tch about the way things are being done.
I was merely pointing out he has NO legitimacy on military matters, yet somehow the media give him face time. He is no more qualified to produce a valid opinion than the "average Canadian". Kinda like Stephen Staples, another less-than "expert".

As for his parentage, I think that's a bit too far!
When Alexandre (Sacha) Trudeau becomes quoted by media on topics of foreign affairs & the military, then it may be fair game to dispute his relevance as an authority of the subject (you could also attack the logic of his arguments).  However, mean observations about his parents are irrelevant and will not be posted.
From MCG - "When Alexandre (Sacha) Trudeau becomes quoted by media on topics of foreign affairs & the military, then it may be fair game to dispute his relevance as an authority of the subject (you could also attack the logic of his arguments).  However, mean observations about his parents are irrelevant and will not be posted."

That's close to my point.  An argument which disputes what he says is much more effective than questioning his relevance.  Anyone can have an opinion, not everyone can defend their opinion successfully.  Opinions without supporting premises and supporting information are not relevant.  It may be fair to question his ability to form a supported opinion based on his perceived knowlege and experience, but it is much more effective to systematically take apart his point, if any.

Great past and future world-leaders like John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Prince William and Henry Mountbatten-Windsor all have something in common... military training. If Alexandre Trudeau was allowed to be in a position to speak out against the CF, he should then have had the experience to serve his country for a few years and discover what the military is really like.

Alexandre Trudeau seems like a very small man in stature, especially against his father. I don't know if he will succeed politically, but his extreme leftist attitude will not gain my support, even if he's on CTV's pay-roll. 

I can't recall who first said it, but the quote, albeit paraphrased, is apt:

"His sole qualification is that he survived childbirth".

All of the Trudeau offspring and their dear old dad share one trait:  they're all posturing, effete, dilletantes.
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