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July 2009 BMQ

TopHatCat said:
Cool. I recieved my info package a while ago. I am also going for Infantry. PPCLI at the moment, but I have been thinking about it, and may end up switching to RCR.

Who knows, we might end up going on course together for the next while if everything goes well(or equally bad ;D) for both of us. 

Right on, when we get there, I'll look for the cat in the hat.
Might want to inquire ASAP about the switch from PPCLI to RCR, as bureaucracies never work in your favour with regard to time.
Here is the run down for the July 6th BMQ

TopHatCat - Infantry PPCLI
Aredpath – Navy - Short Guy English Accent
AgentEagle – Field Artillery – Southern Accent
Supra – Guy from BC with freckles
Lutherd –
Pmath – Infantry RCR – Pens fan

So Aredpath, Supra, Lutherd, what trade you going in for?
I am swearing in July 2nd or 3rd in Toronto and flying out of Toronto.

See you all there!

pmath said:
Right on, when we get there, I'll look for the cat in the hat.
Might want to inquire ASAP about the switch from PPCLI to RCR, as bureaucracies never work in your favour with regard to time.

I asked already. They told me that it should be a very painless procedure as long as I do it during BIQ and before I get posted.

I'm guessing they will ask our preferences again at some other point as well  ;D.
Got my 2nd choice MSE op

For you Islanders... I'm wondering if they'll fly you out from the island then stopover  on the mainland.
My buddy who has been to basic a few months back flew out of Abbotsford, so im assuming it'll be same for me but im wondering if you guys will be on the same flight as me.
I get my itinerary when i swear in on June 18 in New Westminister.
I'm going Comm Research. From my research on Air canada's web site (I was told that I am flying out of Nanaimo) my flight leaves at 0600 hrs and arrives at YVR at 0622 and leaves again at 1100 and I believe arrives at Trudeau at 1845. This is my guess based on my departure date and shuttle bus times at Trudeau.

What is everyones background?

lutherd said:
What is everyones background?

My background is WASP, only without the P.
I like to jam to Jimi, read and write politics, and play hard.
Generally speaking, I keep it real, fit, and in the know.

Driving out of Toronto on the 5th if anyone wants to hitch.
Background.. Well let's see if I can prevent this from sounding like a dating ad. I'm from Sudbury Ontatio, which really should be famous for its oh so nice roads. I spend my days on a PC,reading, and PT, and nights at the boxing club. still not sure on my departure date yet, but I do know I won't be driving. And like I've stated in a before post, I accepted the offer for infantry PPCLI.

Glad to see theres a few people on here now who are on the same basic as me, and looking forward to meeting all of you when I get there.
Pmath I will live in Louisville, KY but I believe I'm flying out of Toronto. I'm not setting it up the recruiting office is. I was born in Newfoundland, raised in Toronto but have spent the last 4.5 years in Kentucky where my 2 kids where born. I work for a bank in the credit card business and take escalated calls all day so people yelling at me is normal (BMQ)  Only difference is this time they are the boss not me.

I would have drove down but I have KY plates and the said I could keep that at BMQ.
WOHOO!!! Got my call today! July 20th BMQ!
Flying out from Vancouver July 18th...anyone else?

I am going Reg F Armoured, and will see you July 20th-ers in St. Jean!
Tulach Ard said:
WOHOO!!! Got my call today! July 20th BMQ!
Flying out from Vancouver July 18th...anyone else?

I am going Reg F Armoured, and will see you July 20th-ers in St. Jean!

See you there!!
mack333 said:
Trygin to see how many of us here got the call to start BMQ July 27th.

Here too, correction to a previous post, not at Valcartier, in St Jean at CFB LRS.
Good Day Fuzzy and Mack,
Congrats to the both of you, I'm looking forward to seeing the two of you there.
I will be arriving from Windsor ON, on the 25th. My trade will one day be Infantry. Cant wait to start!
Congrats Mighty! Look forward to meeting you, and everyone else in about six weeks.