Well then, here I am still waiting.
So I called the CFRC in Hamilton Monday. This is the response I get "Well our office is switching desks, so you can consider this week to be a skip week, nothing in our office will move this week. Please call back next Wednesday and we will see how your file is moving. But on the positive side, there are no negative notes on your account as of yet. Thanks for calling"
Hmm, that's unfortunate for me. But like he said there are no negative notes against me as of yet, and I hope there won't be an I receive my merit listing and a position in late July.
When I finished up all my testing I asked the reception at the CFRC what was to be done next, I love the response I got. "Sit on your hands, and hope to get a call soon".
Boy that phrase is correct, but like I said, I'm hanging in here and I hope I get the call soon!