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July 2009 BMQ


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I just got my call today :o for July 13th BMQ, I get sworn in at the Edmonton CFRC and fly out July 11 and start July 13th. Anybody else signed up for these dates?
I'm soo excited I can barely contain myself. ;D
I remember when I was so happy to go do basic and quickly couldn't wait for it to be over. ;)
:camo: I am finishing up my testing Wednesday, I will hopefully be in that BMQ class with either of you too. Definitely looking forward to it.

What careers are you guys looking to get into?
I myself am a Combat Engineer :)
I'm going AVS but my first pick was AVN but the recruiter(Edmonton) said all the AVN positions had been filled and put me in for AVS since it was my second choice.
CDN Aviator said:
Not yet

Surprise Surpise, another completely uncalled for post by CDN Aviator. Seriously, you're doing the same thing in the June BMQ thread. Have you noticed the replies to your previous posts there also? Why do you even bother posting in the Basic Training section, especially if you have nothing good to say?

Cooldevil789, I hope that you get your career as a Combat Engineer. I have a friend here in Barrie, Ontario who is going through the process for the same career. He's also quite excited. CDN Aviator is right, you haven't gotten the job yet, so it would be more correct to say "I APPLIED for Combat Engineer", but I'm into your enthusiasm and wish you the best of luck  :). It's a pretty awesome feeling when you get that phone call!
All the best,
Cooldevil789 said:
:camo: I am finishing up my testing Wednesday, I will hopefully be in that BMQ class with either of you too. Definitely looking forward to it.

What careers are you guys looking to get into?
I myself am a Combat Engineer :)

I accepted an offer for Infantry Soldier in PPCLI.
Aye, Sorry for my ignorance.

You are right, I am not yet, but that is the position I applied for. I am hoping to get a call for the job.

And thank you luker.

CDN Aviator:
There is no need to be ignorant, listen ignorance is bliss my friend. I worded my statement wrong. Please be a little more forgiving of such mistakes, nobody likes obscene criticism
Cooldevil789 said:
CDN Aviator:
There is no need to be ignorant,

Was not being ignorant. I spent 11 years of my CF career as a Sapper and was pretty damned proud of the day i was allowed to call myself one. Your turn will come and i wish you the best of luck.
I have all my CFAT, Aptitude and interview on June 2nd, assuming that all goes well I hope to be off to basic sometime in July. Infantry.  ;D
Just a bit of advice:  Some of you may want to grow thicker skin before BMQ.
xxmixkexx said:
Hopefully I will get in around then. I have my interview tuesday.

You going Res or RegF? I would doubt that you will get in that fast after interview. Although it is totally case by case basis(so there is a chance) its unlikely. I had my exam/interview and med all in a few weeks back in April. Passed all with flying colours and had "recommended for immediate enrollment" written in my file. April 27th I was told I was looking at about 4-5 days before my call...its now almost three weeks later and not a bleedin' thing. Don't post your hopes on it.
Tulach, have you heard what the hold up is?  I heard the same on Apr. 29th.  Today I called and my file manager tells me they haven't got my Criminal record check back and it's been nearly 3 weeks too.  She said she'd contact them today.  The really crappy part is there are only two openings for my first choice left, and my second is full.  So either they hustle it up or I get offered third choice (which is a long way from first).  Just when you thought that the waiting couldn't get any more stressful.
No I haven't yet found out what the holdup is. I actually thought that all that "back check" stuff was finished, as I was called by someone that said she was in charge of my back check....long before I even had my medical. From what I gathered everything was already taken care of by the time my med rolled around (april 27th)

I am going to call them, just trying to find time when they are open and I am not at work ::)

So did your file manager say how long or what is involved in speeding up criminal record check?
No she was simply e-mailing them to inquire as to why it had not been returned yet and prod them a little.  Funny thing is I am fairly certain she told me my Back Check was completed a while ago too (like my second phone call over a month ago).  Ironically in my civilian career I have gone through CSIS security checks that made this one look pretty rudimentary by comparison.
Just got my call 20 May, 2009 for the July 13 BMQ in St. Jean (flight from Calgary to Montreal 11 July, 2009).
Gary D. in SK said:
No she was simply e-mailing them to inquire as to why it had not been returned yet and prod them a little.  Funny thing is I am fairly certain she told me my Back Check was completed a while ago too (like my second phone call over a month ago).  Ironically in my civilian career I have gone through CSIS security checks that made this one look pretty rudimentary by comparison.

Well I called and left a message for my file manager last night to call me in the AM...no call back. So I called again and finally got a live person, only to find out that my "file manager" was re-posted to teach a course in Ontario, WEEKS ago!!  Nice how they informed me. So my new "file manager" tells me:

"Well yes XXXX was moved, and all of her files just fell by the wayside."

Me:....*crickets*...."Um ya, so you wanna find mine please?"

WOW, are they organized or what! ::) so yes, frustration is rather high right now, although I suppose I should get used to this SNAFU.
