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JTF2 & AFG (merged)

I’ve had wonky quotes as well, MM, and there’s no way Chris was the originator of Carson’s quote.
A big stretch that this is against the Site Guidelines.

Meh 🍔
TheHead just needs to go away or post (which I don't think he can do anymore). He's just an admin burden trolling politics threads being the thought police.
Post in thread 'A Deeply Fractured US' by Fishbone Jones has been reported by IKnowNothing. Reason given:
"Creepy uncle joe your demented paedo" would be pretty on the nose example of whats not acceptable on the Political Discourse guidance post

Content being reported:
So more whataboutism?

He not only held the records he shouldn't have ever had, he had them in a golf course where spies were previously arrested, in an unsecured area, fought the return, deliberately obscured that they had them, and generally lied and acted like a huge public asshole about it to try and get FBI and DOJ persons targeted by the mob.

Intent and patterns of behaviours factor into all of it, and his has been and continues to be egregious. No one should be above the law, but there is a really good reason why there is prosecutor discretion, judges have sentencing discretion etc as there is a wide spectrum of mitigating/aggravating factors.

This guy did really stupid things, that put national security and people's lives in danger, then continued to behave like an asshole, and is continuing to behave like an asshole. If he's getting extra special treatment maybe it's because he's being biggly extra all the time?

When his lawyers continually need lawyers, and he continues to dig his own hole deeper, at what point do you think it's not 'them' and maybe it's just him?

I guess you have zero faith in the bunch of Secret Service Agents that guard those same premises 24/7 and it's not whataboutism. It's about felonies and Capitol crimes commited by democrats, who have been caught time after time after time lying through their teeth and manufacturing evidence. It could be just as easily said that that's the way the FBI stacked them waiting for the truck. But you hate Trump, so that's all you need. If it's against him, you're happy, whether it's the truth or not. Nothing of what you say has been proven in court. You're just parroting the corrupt press.

"This guy did really stupid things, that put national security and people's lives in danger, then continued to behave like an asshole, and is continuing to behave like an asshole. If he's getting extra special treatment maybe it's because he's being biggly extra all the time?"

Sorry, thought you were talking about Creepy Uncle Joe your Demented Paedo
What are we going to do with Dave? He's got DDS...Democrat Derangement Syndrome.
Post in thread 'A Deeply Fractured US' by Fishbone Jones has been reported by brihard. Reason given:
“Creepy uncle Joe your demented Paedo”? Cleanup in aisle Politics…

Content being reported:
So more whataboutism?

He not only held the records he shouldn't have ever had, he had them in a golf course where spies were previously arrested, in an unsecured area, fought the return, deliberately obscured that they had them, and generally lied and acted like a huge public asshole about it to try and get FBI and DOJ persons targeted by the mob.

Intent and patterns of behaviours factor into all of it, and his has been and continues to be egregious. No one should be above the law, but there is a really good reason why there is prosecutor discretion, judges have sentencing discretion etc as there is a wide spectrum of mitigating/aggravating factors.

This guy did really stupid things, that put national security and people's lives in danger, then continued to behave like an asshole, and is continuing to behave like an asshole. If he's getting extra special treatment maybe it's because he's being biggly extra all the time?

When his lawyers continually need lawyers, and he continues to dig his own hole deeper, at what point do you think it's not 'them' and maybe it's just him?

I guess you have zero faith in the bunch of Secret Service Agents that guard those same premises 24/7 and it's not whataboutism. It's about felonies and Capitol crimes commited by democrats, who have been caught time after time after time lying through their teeth and manufacturing evidence. It could be just as easily said that that's the way the FBI stacked them waiting for the truck. But you hate Trump, so that's all you need. If it's against him, you're happy, whether it's the truth or not. Nothing of what you say has been proven in court. You're just parroting the corrupt press.

"This guy did really stupid things, that put national security and people's lives in danger, then continued to behave like an asshole, and is continuing to behave like an asshole. If he's getting extra special treatment maybe it's because he's being biggly extra all the time?"

Sorry, thought you were talking about Creepy Uncle Joe your Demented Paedo
That was right off the deep end…it was.

Bruce, if he doesn’t heed the warning, he should be in the ramp. The rampant *whataboutism is getting to be one of the lesser issues with him.
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We need to crack down again, the name calling is getting bad on both sides.
Post in thread 'A Deeply Fractured US' by shiska has been reported by Fishbone Jones. Reason given:
Called a presidential candidate and past POTUS a loudmouth asshole

Content being reported:
What do you attribute the silent acceptance of this kind of malfeasance by the lay person who would like to see Trump jailed?

If that comes across as a loaded question, I won't be offended if you outright ignore it.
I'll bite. I think it might have something to do with how public he's been about it. He's a loudmouth asshole who flaunts his position and authority. I think that rubs people the wrong way and makes him easy to hate. In comparison, the established political class who may or may not be doing the exact same things behind the scenes are at least keeping it behind closed doors and therefore not drawing the public's ire.

IMO, fuck em all. If theyre doing criminal shit then they should face the consequences regardless of party.
Post in thread 'A Deeply Fractured US' by Navy_Pete has been reported by Fishbone Jones. Reason given:
Called a previous POTUS and current Presidential candidate an asshole numerous times in one post.

Content being reported:
The problem is not that Trump has not committed likely criminal acts. The problem is that the "they" who are trying to take him down can't resist choosing only a few important battles to fight, and at the same time "they" are conspicuously incurious when it comes to pursuing other people who have committed likely criminal acts. For example, it is simply a matter of record now that various players in the drama have made demonstrably false statements under circumstances in which making false statements is a crime, and not been prosecuted. And it defies common sense to believe that a single credible accusation of Russian Collusion bribery would not be enough to launch another special prosecution, provided Trump were the target.

So more whataboutism?

He not only held the records he shouldn't have ever had, he had them in a golf course where spies were previously arrested, in an unsecured area, fought the return, deliberately obscured that they had them, and generally lied and acted like a huge public asshole about it to try and get FBI and DOJ persons targeted by the mob.

Intent and patterns of behaviours factor into all of it, and his has been and continues to be egregious. No one should be above the law, but there is a really good reason why there is prosecutor discretion, judges have sentencing discretion etc as there is a wide spectrum of mitigating/aggravating factors.

This guy did really stupid things, that put national security and people's lives in danger, then continued to behave like an asshole, and is continuing to behave like an asshole. If he's getting extra special treatment maybe it's because he's being biggly extra all the time?

When his lawyers continually need lawyers, and he continues to dig his own hole deeper, at what point do you think it's not 'them' and maybe it's just him?
Who banned FJ?

EDIT.. I see it, checked his profile, Mike gave him a 3 day ban.
A shot across the bow of Brian also......like Chris said earlier, its time for some manners to be brought back.
Brian has developed a bit of a holier than thow attitude. I think it's gotten progressively worse the longer he's worked in Ottawa for the Feds.

It's basically the same disease Dave has, only it's affecting the opposite side of the brain 😄
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Post in thread 'A Deeply Fractured US' by Pelorus has been reported by PuckChaser. Reason given:
Discussion to be had

Content being reported:
Dershowitz is no friend of Trumps. People should read about his background and who he really is before discounting his opinion(s).

First off, I just want to say that it's incredible to me that good-faith actors here continue to engage with you.

This specific thread on this forum is an amazing study of the human psyche: A criminal indictment or other serious, fact-based accusation against Donald Trump is submitted to US federal court. @brihard comments after he's personally reviewed the indictment with a much-better-than-most layperson's interpretation of the document, explaining why he thinks the most recent indictment is significant. You @Fishbone Jones shitpost a bunch of random right wing (note I'm specifically not using the term conservative, because conflating the two here isn't helpful) chaff "articles" designed to stoke right wing anger in response.

@brihard asks you if you've taken the time to read the indictment yourself, and if you have anything to offer to counter the items being discussed. You (by my count near 100% of the time) ignore this, and instead post a National Review, Daily Wire, etc. article about Hunter Biden to try to distract from the facts that he's trying to discuss. This has repeated for nearly 200 pages of this forum.

Regarding Alan Dershowitz: I would think that by this point he's a problematic public figure, given the numerous accusations made against him that peg him as an associate of Jeffery Epstein and a visitor to his island:

Alan Dershowitz Cannot Stop Talking

Alan Dershowitz helped Jeffrey Epstein get a plea deal. Now he’s tweeting about age of consent laws.

Jeffrey Epstein Victim Said She Was Forced Into Threesome With Alan Dershowitz

Etc., etc.

Now since then, one of the key witnesses has come forward to say that she could have been mistaken, likely as part of ongoing legal proceedings:

Epstein Survivor Says Accusation Against Alan Dershowitz May Have Been 'Mistake'

Epstein Victim Says She May Have ‘Made a Mistake’ in Accusing Dershowitz

I have not followed this case closely enough to take an educated position as to whether or not this is indicative of Dershowitz being "innocent", or rather the victim saw an unprovable case in front of her and took a settlement instead.

My gut tells me that Trump, Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, and a number of other Western elites were probably involved in some gross stuff relating to Epstein's Island, and I can only hope that the truth will someday come out. Again, I'm not going to call Dershowitz a sexual predator without proof, but can probably conclude that his reputation as an independent constitutional scholar is likely not as clean as you make it out to be.

Given that the standard of evidence for conspiracy theorists is typically so rock bottom, and that your profile picture says, "I IDENTIFY AS A CONSPIRACY THEORIST. MY PRONOUNS ARE TOLD/YOU/SO", I have to conclude that you have no interest in seeking the truth or any sort of philosophical resolution to the events discussed in this thread whenever they put Donald Trump or his shitty grifter family in a negative light. Instead, I have to conclude that you are here to repost Newsmax et al., trash and hopefully convince others to adopt your angry, paranoid worldview.

Again, the fact that reasonable members of this forum continue to engage with you IMO speaks to their patience, not to your value-added to this community.
Dave is going to be upset with this one when he sees it, I bet. I think he'll probably be right. If Pelorus only posted from "Regarding..." down to the last link then I think he's good to go. The remainder is just a polite personal attack on Dave as a poster, not disputing his content. I really see him just trying to troll Dave into reacting and getting himself in trouble, and if "TheHead" likes the post, then I know its probably borderline or over the line.