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Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

  • Thread starter Thread starter the patriot
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I would not specifically call them "Special Forces" but rather elite within their trade.

Elites in general share common characteristics such as distinct dress, the acceptance of only volunteers and rigorous selection requirements which focus on physical fitness, endurance, self-discipline, motivation, initiative and aggression.

Eliot Cohen developed specific criteria which define elite units:

First, a unit becomes elite when it is perpetually assigned special or unusual missions: in particular, missions that are-or seem to be-extremely hazardous. For this reason airborne units have long been considered elite since parachuting is a particularly dangerous way of going into battle. Secondly, elite units conduct missions which require only a few men who must meet high standards of training and physical toughness, particularly the latter. Thirdly, an elite unit becomes elite only when it achieves a reputation-justified or not-for bravura and success. The rationalization for the existence of elites is primarily based on a requirement to field a highly trained force which is capable of performing tasks which require special training or is capable of conducting specific, and often unique operations. The nature of these tasks is considered so hazardous, that the inherent risk and danger involved, requires the use of exceptionally courageous and tough individuals.

There are lots of specialists out there in all the elements, like combat divers, clearance divers, IED qualified ammo techs, parachutists(those with Maroon berets), SAR techs, JTF. The JTF, while definitely being an elite unit is probable the only one the can be referred to as special forces(buy international definition)
Looking to hear from someone in or that was in JTF 2. Would like to know what it is like; Life style, family life(if any), just what will life be when(hopefully) I get in. I understand not much can be mentioned because of classifications but anything that you can say will help me to decide what to do.
Very interested in going into JTF and would like to know what special quialities they look for. Other than being extremely menatlly and physically prepared.
This subject is old, but interesting so I have to put in my two cents.

It seems that everyone in the Army has a JTF2 story. They are either really positive or really negative. I would venture that the positive ones are more accurate. Not that I live in a dream world, the unit and it‘s members screw up on occasion like everybody else, but I think like any other SF unit around the world the are professionals.

Since the JTF2 is an elite unit, since they do a different job then line infantry (or at a more extreme), since they require of their members a higher physical and mental standards the the rest of the CF, since they are secretive a lot of resentment can build up. It happened with the Airborne, and now it‘s happening with the JTF2. The bad stories I hear (like kids catching their sniper team, dunno about that) may be due largely to jelousey. For all the soldiers out there who do their time in the RCR, PPCLI, or R22eR or other conventional units the JTF2 (I think) represents a challenge that either you can‘t handle or don‘t want to. They hold the upper rung of the food chain where you once did. Canada doesn‘t have a long history of elite units, other then the Airborne we have had nothing (unless you go back to the days of the Devil‘s Brigade), as such the Infantry was IT. The JTF2 is our first real experiment with such a unit. I know I‘m gonna piss some people off here, but the CAR was not a true special operations unit. They had higher PT and soldiering standards the the Btln‘s, but they had a different mission then true SF units.

Remember that even if your a Section 2IC, or a Platoon Commander, or an OC your job is important. I‘m sure in many ways it can be more difficult because such people are dealing with raw, inexperienced, recruits as well as the tediousness of life (sometimes) in a Btln. Also remember that there is nothing wrong with wanting to be in the JTF2, it‘s called aspiring to be the best. Hell, 90% of new recruits in the U.S. Army are there because they have notions about being Green Berets or in Delta. An elite unit in Canada is needed for such a purpose, but I don‘t think that the JTF2 is it. We need another unit, like the CAR but not the CAR, more like the Rangers in the U.S., which complements Delta nicely. Another, less-experienced, younger, elite unit to help with the NEO stuff and such.

Could go on, but I won‘t... for now.
The Canadian Airborne Regiment was not a special operations unit and no one claims it was, however it was an elite unit. The CAR also provided a great deal of start-up power to the JTF.
What does one call an elite amoungst elites? like a Pathfinder to a paratroop. Both are elite, but one is more so.

:cool: Yard Ape
I‘d call it the best of the best. I didn‘t know Canada even had any paratroops let alone pathfinders! I know that we have some people that are trained to be paratroopers.
Want to know more about Canadian Paratroopers? Check out our website!

3 RCR Para Coy

We‘re in Bosnia now, so it‘s mostly rigged towards our operations there. If anyone has any questions, feel free to email me.

Awsome site!!!
Whats actually happining in Bosnia? I‘ve been looking around and can‘t find anything about what the war is actually about.
Thought I‘d give this a try again. Anyone out there at this time that would like to share their experiences with the JTF or the selections process?

-the patriot-
The Patriot, members trying out for ph 2 and ph 3 JTF2 selection agree to non-disclosure of what they went through. Doug posted the following in the General forum under Special Forces. it provides a pretty good overview of the initial selection process.

CANFORGEN 102/98 ADM(HR-MIL) 066 060952Z Oct 98 The
following text is a repeat of the Ref. Quote.
1. Intro: JTF 2 is the CF Unit responsible for federal level
counter-terrorist/hostage rescue operations. This mandate
demand personnel who possess very specific personal
attributes and capabilities and who can be trained to perform
a diverse range of unique tactics, techniques and skills
2. The Unit is comprised of three categories(cat) of
employment: a) Cat A - special operations assaulters
(ASLTRS) who are directly employable in the tactical aspects
of counter-terrorist/hostage rescue and other high value
tasks. This Cat is open to both genders of any MOC and any
rank from pte - Maj. They must be volunteers and are
selected based on the successful completion of a selection
process and the special operations assaulter course (SOAC) b)
Cat B - consists of personnel who are employable in CBT SP
tasks during JTF 2 Ops. This Cat is comprised of two groups as
(1) Mobility - this is a recently established group tasked with
tactical mobility and other CBT SP tasks (eg. Fire sp). Mbrs
receive skills trg in JTF 2 which will incl high speed tactical
operation of a variety of vehs and watercraft plus extensive
trg with crew served and pers wpns. The Unit is actively
seeking volunteers for this dynamic new role which is open to
both genders of any MOC and any rank from pte - WO. Cat B
(mobility) mbrs must be volunteers and are selected based on
the successful completion of a new selection process
(commencing 1999) and successful completion of the skills trg.
(2) Specialists - selected technical specialists who provide
specialty skills, which are directly related to their MOC. Cat
B(specialists) are volunteers or those identified and
recommended by their CO‘s and career managers and are
selected based on their superior trade skills. A review of their
career and pers profiles and a personal interview conducted by
JTF 2. It is emphasized that these Cat B(specialists) are
screened and selected as per Cat C below.
(3) Cat C - consists of service support pers who are selected
from regular force MOCs to fulfill JTF 2 support requirements.
Mbrs are selected from those who volunteer and those
personnel identified and recommended by CO‘s and career
managers for service in JTF2. A review of their career and pers
profiles and an interview JTF 2 will be conducted.
3. JTF 2 will commence screening CF volunteers for Cat A and
B(mobility)-repeat Cat B(mobility)in Nov 98. Pre-requisites are
as fols: a) med category - 32225 b) mbr must have a min of 3
years svc and be eligible for a second basic engagement(be)
prior to commencement of phase iv skills trg c) reservists must
be prepared to commit to a four year pd of svc prior to
commencement of phase iv skills trg.
4. The screening, selection and trg process for Cat A and Cat
B(mobility) is as fols: a) phase i - initial application at Unit
level (1) mbr volunteers through his/her chain of comd (2) mbr
undergoes PT test (coopers test) which must be administered
by PSP staff at a CF gym. Min std for the PT test is as fols: i)
1 1/2 mile run - 11 minutes or less ii) pushups (no rest stops)
- min 40 iii) situps (1 minute ) - min 40 iv) overhand,
straightarm chinups - min 5 v) bench press(4 inches from
chest to full arm extension - 1 press) - min 65kg
Note: the overall test scoring is based on an aggregate point
system. Historically nobody with a total score of less than 75
points has ever successfully completed the Cat A selection
process. ie. Achieving the bare minimum standard in each
exercise as indicated above will not be sufficient to attain
those 75 points. The fitness levels required for Cat B(mobility)
employment are presently being identified but as a general
guideline mbrs should be able to achieve at least 65 points.
PSP reps at CF gyms will be able to brief interested mbrs on
the Cooper tests scoring system or mbrs may contact the
recruiting WO at the number provided below. (3) unit co fwds
letter to dhtc ottawa/ci//verifying: i) the volunteers
particulars ii) which Cat(A or B)is being applied for iii) that
he/she has met the basic criteria as set out above, and iv)
provides a recommendation based on the mbrs job
performance, overall character, and details of any fin,
disciplinary, pers, admin issues that might affect suitability (4)
accompanying the letter must be a copy of the mbrs ASAP
and NLT 5 working days prior to the commencement of DHTC
screening team visits to respective CF bases as detailed below
(6) no financial commitment to be made at this stage a) phase
ii - regional screening (7) JTF 2 teams will visit the fol CF
bases on dates indicated to conduct phase ii screening i) team
1 - Esquimalt 23-24 Nov, Comox 26-27 Nov ii) team 2 -
Edmonton 23-24 Nov, Cold Lake 26-27 Nov iii) team 3 -
Winnipeg 23-24 Nov, Shilo 26-27 Nov iv) team 4 - Petawawa
23-24 Nov, Kingston 26-27 Nov v) team 5 - Trenton 23-24
Nov, Borden 26-27 Nov vi) team 6 - St-Jjean 23 Nov,
Valcartier 24-25 Nov, Bagotville 27 Nov vii) team 7 -
Gagetown 23-24 Nov, Halifax 26-27 Nov viii) Dwyer Hill Trg
Centre/Ottawa - 23 Nov (8) screening will be conducted in the
respective base gyms and will include an introductory unit
brief(20-30 minutes), the physical fitness test, a diagnostic
test to assess IQ/spacial recognition, and an interview (9)
mbrs will be required during the screening interview to
authorize the initiation of a criminal background check which
will be administered through military police channels and the
Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) (10) applicants
travelling to CF bases for phase ii screening will be auth TD
costs on case by case basis as Coord through DHTC trg clk
(11) the data gathered during the phase ii screening is
reviewed by a board at DHTC. Units will be informed by msg
which applicants have been selected to progress onto phase iii
c) phase iii - selection process (1) Cat A - suitable applicants
will be invited to attend a six day selection process (plus three
days admin)to be conducted at DHTC in Ottawa as fols: i)
serial 9901 : 32 candidates 07-15 feb 99 ii) serial 9902 : 32
candidates 21 feb-01 mar 99 iii) serial 9903 : 32 candidates
(all off candidates will attend this serial) 07-15 mar.
Successful off will remain for part 2 of the off selection which
will be completed by 18 mar 99 (2) Cat B(mobility) repeat Cat
B(mobility) - suitable applicants (up to 32 candidates)will be
invited to attend a six day selection process (plus three days
admin) to be conducted at DHTC in Ottawa during the pd
21-29 mar 99 (3) both selection processes are designed to
assess if candidates are likely to succeed during the phase iv
trg and assess if they possess the personal attributes reqr for
their respective Cat A or B role. These selection processes are
demanding and push candidates to their physical and mental
limits. (4) candidates will undergo endurance runs of up to 10
km in PT kit interspersed with circuit trg stands every 200 -
500m(eg. Push-ups, sit-ups, squat thrusts, dips, fireman and
deadman lifts, wind sprints, skipping). Mbrs must complete
runs with their peer group within a reasonable fixed time
margin (5) mbrs undergo phobia tests for water, heights and
confined spaces (6) individual and group tasks assess the
candidates psychological profile, interpersonal skills, problem
solving skills (7) mbrs must negotiate various obstacle courses
dressed in PT strip or burdened with cbt clothing, boots,
helmet and other eqpt. These assess physical dexterity /agility
/ strength /coordination /speed and accuracy of reaction and
power of recall (8) tests are conducted in high stress tactical
settings to assess the mbrs ability to recall instructions,
identify and react to threats, safely handle weapons and make
decisions in dynamic environments while under physical and
mental duress and to assess his/her ability to assimilate new
skills (9) off selection is in two parts - part 1 the off will be
reqr to successfully complete the six day process. Part 2 will
assess the off organizational, analytical, communicative and
presentation skills under continued physical and mental duress.
(10) the decision to progress a candidate onto phase iv trg
will be based on a review of his/her overall performance during
the selection process. (11) successful candidates will be
informed that they are loaded onto phase iv skills trg by msg
and joining instr. (12) unsuccessful candidates will be informed
by msg. (13) given the extensive resources expended during
the screening and selection phases a candidate will only be
allowed a max of three attempts at phase iii after which
his/her application will not be considered again d) phase iv -
skills trg (1) Cat A - those mbrs selected will be on restricted
BTL posting to JTF 2 and will attend SOAC 9901 during the PD
12 Apr - 31 Oct 99. A HHT will be allowed in Jun 99 for
students who pass certain critical performance objectives.
Movement of DF and E will take place in Aug 99. (2) Cat B
(mobility)- those mbrs selected for Cat B (mobility) posns will
be on restricted posting to JTF 2 in May 99 and will undergo
skills trg reqr for Cat B (mobility) employment. A HHT will be
allowed in Jun 99 and movement of DF and E will take place in
Aug 99
5. Cat A and B (mobility) mbrs can expect a fixed four year
posting as an initial posting to JTF 2. Cat B(specialists) and
Cat C mbrs can expect a normal 4 - 6 year posting.
6. JTF 2 will commence screening CF mbrs for Cat B(specialist)
and Cat C in Nov 98 to fill MOC specific posns in Apr 99 a)
volunteers for SP posn and those pers identified by CO‘s and
career managers will have their files reviewed by JTF 2 to
verify their suitability based on job performance, skills,
qualifications and pers profiles. b) selected mbrs will be invited
to DHTC for further screening which will consist of the coopers
test (as a general guideline a min score of 55 points is
desired), further evaluation of their trade /military skills and an
interview. c) those mbrs invited to DHTC will be informed of
their selection status. Successful mbrs will be informed and
posting instrs will be coord through D MIL C.
7. Conclusion - the Op effectiveness of JTF 2 directly affects
the interests of Canadian public safety and security and the
fight against terrorism. The nature of its role demands
intensive trg be continually conducted to ensure precision
skills are honed to the finest extent possible. Mbrs must be
operationally effective and ready to deploy at extremely short
notice throughout their tour in JTF 2 - this environment results
in a unique lifestyle and demands that the right people be
selected for the job. JTF 2 provides an extremely challenging
and rewarding career/life experience for its mbrs. The wealth
of skills, knowledge and experience gained by JTF 2 mbrs
serves to benefit not only the mbr but the CF as a whole.
8. With this in mind it is urged that any interest in volunteering
for svc with JTF 2 be supported to the fullest extent possible.
9. Questions regarding JTF 2 screening and selection should be
directed to the DHTC recruiting WO at pager (613)780-1214 .
You may wish to call the CWO that was placed in charge of standing up the JTF sometime ago. I believe he‘s posted out of RCR Battle School. There is a contact phone number off the JTF page listed on the Canadian Military Related link.

-the patriot-
Thanks for the info, the patriot, I‘ll definitely look into the lead you‘ve given me, Thanks again. :)
did any body read the full page comment about the JTF 2 guys being a bunch of criminals (bank robbing,kidnapping,sodomie,torturing)in the toronto sun on sunday july 15. please tell me it is not true,and that it is just the commie rag up to there usual bullsh** journalisum! :cdn:

The general public has no clue of what the JTF2 is about. Hell, those of us with an interest know very little more.

I read the editoral by Peter Worthington (except in the Winnipeg Sun) and I would judge it as very poor. The grammer was bad (although that may have been the fault of the editor) and the writing style was to sequential. He just listed items one after the other.

The content was no better. It seems that he lifted the entire atricle from Scott Taylor‘s book Tested Mettle. There was nothing really original about it. However there were a few "facts" I had not heard before.

The JTF2‘s involvement in Somalia. I have always been under the impression that the JTF2 was just being created while the Somalia mission was occuring. Worthington speaks of Capt. Rainville often. How he lead a JTF2 "demonstration" (Worthington called it a "turkey shoot") to impress U.S. special forces and Canadian brass by firing at unarmed Somalis. It‘s unclear as to what Worthington is speaking of. There were a few such incidents involving Rainville in Somalia. He also said that Scott Taylor suspected that the entire Somalia Inquiry was cancelled because U.S. SF were wearing CDN. uniforms during the mission and that if this fact came to light it would somehow expose the role of the JTF2. I have read a lot on the Airborne and Somalia but have never heard of this before. U.S. Army SF did wear CDN. uniforms but worked alongside the Airborne, not the JTF2. Rainville himself was in the Airborne, not the JTF2 at the time of the mission.

In connection with the above, Worthington mentions Rainville‘s "readiness exercise" on the Quebec Citidel in 1992. Worthington left the impression that the raid was done by JTF2 soldiers (which I‘m not sure about) and lead by Rainville (which it was) who was at the time a JTF2 officer (that‘s uncertain as well).

Native "Warriors" didn‘t tap into the JTF2 phones, they most likely read the number off a card printed out by Col. Herb Pitts who put the JTF2 number on his private dog breeding business. The other comment about JTF2 achieving relatively little in it‘s tenure is unsubstantiated. How could he (this goes for me too) know what the unit has or hasn‘t achieved?

Worthington, who fought against the disbandment of the Airborne Regiment is now using the same arguements against the JTF2 that appalled him not so long ago. "A few bad apples," "trigger-happy rambos," "inept junior (and senior) leadership." He closes by calling for the units disbandment (or to become more accountable to the public).

As I mentioned before, it seems as if Peter Worthington just spoke to Scott Taylor, identical claims can be found in Taylor‘s book. This is getting pretty suspecious, but Taylor may be lusting after a scandal, partially because I think he has a personal vendetta against many of the senior staff at NDHQ. As for Worthington, I generally like his work, too bad he wrote this.
If they disbanded JTF2 then it would definetly have a down on moral (I think) because I know that one of the reasons that im joining the forces is to try to make it to JTF2. Its a good goal to strive for.
In my opinion JTF 2 is a vital unit of the CF. They‘re our primary anti-terrorism response. It seems to me that everytime the Canadian Forces gets an exceptional unit (i.e. Airborne) the media seems to think it is primarily composed of hooligans and criminals. JTF 2 is composed of highly trained highly professional soldiers whose dedication to their country should not be questioned. I‘d like to see some smart *** reporter last 1 hour in the selection. Like it is‘nt hard enough to get new recruits into the Forces without some reporter shooting his mouth off. JTF 2 is so discreet for a reason. It‘s pretty hard to have a clandestine unit that‘s effective with all of these reporters sticking their noses where they should‘nt. The press should just leave JTF 2 alone so they can get along with their job.

PRESS :fifty:
you took the words right out of my mouth fusillier.that peter worthington is a bag of sh*t