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Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

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I'm going to buy that T-shirt and wear it when I go into the recruiting office for my interview.

They'll know I mean business, for sure.

Common, everybody knows the *real* JTF-2 t-shirt has the writting on the back, and is billingual (per DND policy). Damn posers and their fake t-shirts.

Besides, real JTF-s commandos would probably wear this  ;D
Doug said:
The Canadian Airborne Regiment was not a special operations unit and no one claims it was, however it was an elite unit.  The CAR also provided a great deal of start-up power to the JTF.

Isn't JTF2 just another incarnation of the Airborne Regiment? Seems pretty clear to me they shut down the 'bad apples' and just gave then another name and let them be mysterious as a way to to make up for their former disbandment. Just a thought.
Steve-o get the book "Canada's Secret Commando's" it will give you a little more info about our special operations force and eliminate some of these misconstrued notions you have. :cdn:
Steve-O, just a thought - google "Special Operations" and then google "Airborne" and see what you can find.

I'll give you a hint - do some research by reading these articles before you decide to say something silly again:

Infanteer said:
Steve-O, just a thought - google "Special Operations" and then google "Airborne" and see what you can find.

I'll give you a hint - do some research by reading these articles before you decide to say something silly again:


Hmmmm...a good paper.
steve-o said:
Huh? What the hell is up your ass? Do you feel better about yourself now that you posted your snarky little smart-assed comment? I guess that's how it works here, put down someone else to make yourself seem bigger? Very high-school of you, Britney.


Please understand that just about every new person that registers and posts on the site has made some comment about the JTF2...And none of them are accurate as those who are here and in the know about the unit (and there are some) don't comment.

If you'd done a bit of research you would quickly see that the Joint Task Force 2 and the CAR exist (ed) for very different tasks with a completely different TO&E and operating methodology.

All JTF2 recruits are scanned very thoroughly in terms of mental and physical attributes and toughness. The same cannot be said for the CAR. (No disrespect to any former member! :salute:)

All I'm saying is that it gets a bit tiring to have torepeat this stuff over and over again...If they were hard on your statements, that is probably why.

If you have any questions or concerns please PM me straight away and I will do my best to look into it for you.


steve-o:  The bee up his *ss probably has something to do with you implying that JTF-2 was created as a hiding place for sociopaths...

ATTENTION all teenage mutant ninja-snipers: this just in from today's Globe and Mail; in (well connected insider) Jane Taber's 'Ottawa Notebook' â “ in the Hot and Not section:

JTF2. Senior military officials are kicking around the idea of renaming the elite force so that it sounds less like a bureaucratic or parliamentary committee and more like the special operational force that it is. JTF2 soldiers are now heading into Afghanistan, the Chief of Defence Staff and a fighting general himself, Rick Hillier, said this week. The Americans have the Delta Force and the British have the SAS.

Why, does that sound like a make work project for senior staff, who have nothing better to do with their time.
Edward Campbell said:
ATTENTION all teenage mutant ninja-snipers: this just in from today's Globe and Mail; in (well connected insider) Jane Taber's 'Ottawa Notebook' â “ in the Hot and Not section:


Ed I can't tell if you're joking or not...Please tell me that you are...

JTF-2? a Special Operations unit? 
and all this time this damn yank thought it was some hippies in Vancouver BC, "Joint Task Force" guess it ain't the hippie marijuana testing folks I was thinking about.....   

hey just kidding..... ok, so my sense of humor sucks...

being an old dude, I sort of remember reading, (yeah some of us American can read, you Canadians just hope we don't figure out now to read and map and move to Canada...) about the Canadian Special Service Forces (SSF) did I remember that right?  I'd think the current JTF unit is just a natural progression of those WW2 heros. 
Not just a recycling of the Cnd. Airborne Regt. 

tough men, tough job, neat kit, glad someones doing it. Too bad the world needs men like this, just glad there are much tougher men then me that can do it. 

Slim said:
Ed I can't tell if you're joking or not...Please tell me that you are...


Gee, Slim, I'm not sure; but maybe if they change the name then there will be a cadet corps, too.  You think?
Hmm, now that THAT'S out of the bag, I imagine the mods will be kept busy for the rest of the year locking up "I heard somewhere there was a JTF2 Cadet corps? How do I join?" threads......
Britney Spears said:
Hmm, now that THAT'S out of the bag, I imagine the mods will be kept busy for the rest of the year locking up "I heard somewhere there was a JTF2 Cadet corps? How do I join?" threads......

Sonofagun.  That's awful.  I'm really sorry I said anything.
I say just let them do what their doing, cuz they're doing a damn good job of it..... :salute:
i have an observation to make and i know this might sound stupid or childish but.... could the CAR and JTF2 be compared to the US Army Rangers and Delta Force?  both CAR and Rangers are elite and both Delta and JTF2 are both country's top elite commando unit. is this a good comparison? :-[
I think from the minimal readings that I have done that the DF and the USAR may or not be as well trained or well diciplined as JTF2... We really cannot know, There are no known competitions against the three forces such as the Can-Am cup for the Armoured divisions. But the thing is, JTF2 was thought upon for anti terrorists roles (We know they do more than that) and Delta Force is an Army version of the Seals (Small 5 man squads who go in do the job then get out) Hope my opinion makes sense. My ******* ******* is a JTF2 Commando but he cant tell his family about what he does or anything. Although he did get sent home for sapposedly ********a ****** ****into falling into a well or something... That he did say.
But on another point he drives a Black Suburban with dark windows!But I hope my answer did not seem un educated in any aspect.

Mod Edit:
Possible OPSEC, Second hand unverified information, neither which is appropriate.

Stay in your lane
