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Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rian_Ca
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lol, if he goes home crying from just a little teasing maybe a desk job would be more appropriate?

best of luck whatever you do tho.
SFontaine said:
Don't forget Navy boarding team.

Do you have a problem with Naval Landing and Boarding Teams or those of us that serve on one?  >:(

The airborne qualified personnel in the Canadian Army are currently concentrated in the "Jump" companies within the Third Battalions of each of the three regular force infantry regiments (The RCR, PPCLI and R 22e R). To get there you first have to successfully complete basic military training, the soldier's qualification and basic infantry training. On enrolment you will be offered a position with one of the Regiments, following these initial courses you will have an opportunity to identify which battalion you would like to serve with, but keep in mind that you will be sent where the Army and the Regiment need you.

Once in the battalion, you will have opportunities to be selected for a variety of courses, first those that will make you more employable as a soldier in your initial rifle company, then possibly other courses such as parachute training. While most slots for the jump course will go to the Third Battalions to support their airborne tasks, I expect there will be chances for soldiers from the other battalions to attend as well. (Someone in the Battalions now can confirm this.)

Positions for the parachute courses will undoubtedly be competitive, and the best way to get there is to be the best at everything you are assigned, while ensuring that your superiors know you want the training. By ensuring they know I am not advising open declaration at every opportunity, I suggest you take care to bring it to the attention of your supervisors when you have interviews that are open to discussing future training desires. For soldiers in the battalions, submitting a memo to your platoon commander once a year requesting specific training is a polite and official means to bring the subject to their attention. After completing the parachute course, you can then request a move to the jump company of your Regiment. Patience and dedication to current reponsibilities are the best approach, proving you deserve it is better than just declaring you want it.

Once you have served for a few years, you can consider JTF-2. That unit has very high standards and is something to be worked toward over time as you better understand your own capabilities and personal expectations.

You'll find the subjects of fitness, infantry training, para and JTF-2 have been dealt with in extraordinary detail on the forum in the past. I suggest you start with the FAQs in the Infantry and Recruiting boards, then use the search engine to find other related material.

The FAQs can be found here:

Infantry - http://army.ca/forums/threads/17073.0
Recruiting - http://army.ca/forums/threads/17067.0

This is good stuff
Nice and polite and provides all the info one really can give.

Thanks OLeary
Thanks for answering me OLeary , i alreadyed the forums and  search'd for the traning, sorry but over 100 matches is too much, anywyas thanks alot i know im aiming very high to get into JTF-2 but eveyone has dreams ya know ,anyways my goal really is just to become a paratrooper, thats all, enought with all the making fun of me shows how mature you guys are. Thanks OLeary again
Master your trade before you start dreaming of becoming a JTF-2 commando.
Ex-Dragoon said:
SFontaine said:
Don't forget Navy boarding team.

Do you have a problem with Naval Landing and Boarding Teams or those of us that serve on one?   >:(

Of course not. It was a joke. I was adding on to AlphaCharlie's joke. See?
You might think it as a joke but I am proud of what the Navy Teams have done and I am very proud of being a part of those teams. I don't appreciate having something I belong to linked to a nintendo wannabe joke!
If I can interpret, I think he meant more along the lines of the fact that everyone wants to be JTF2, SAR-Tech, Fighter Pilot, or Naval Boarding Party member.. As  opposed to a mockery of the teams themselves.
Maybe...sometimes hard to judge intent or meaning on the internet.
Really it's actually a compliment.. I'm saying Naval boarding team is one of the things the "nintendo wannabes" always wanna be. ;)
I guess it's something to do with me being a rookie here and bringing back old threads, and I know how annoying that can get since i've had to deal with some of the abusers of being able to apply to old threads, so please dont be upset with me...

I, like so many others on this forum want to become a paratrooper...and the more I look in to it the harder and harder it sounds to achieve (not nesessairly the training involved but the likely hood of being selected to attend jump school).  After I complete all the training needed to try to get to jump school, and I dont make it that go-around, what do I do?  Is there other training a Paratrooper in training can take while waiting for his chance to make it to jump school?
Not exactly true,

Sappo said:
Infantry, keep training and dont stop.

any Army trade can be put onto the jump course.
Infantry being the most common,

Med Techs as well. We sent 3-5 a yr from 2 fd Amb.

Please do NOT make JTF a career goal for yourself until you are in doing your job. You MUST be good at yuor job, fit, and driven to even be looked at by the selection committee.
Hello, I served in the British Parachute Regiment for four years and I hope my advice will help and guide you. I am a 29 year old third year university student and I am Canadian.
My mother was born in Wales so I received a certificate of the right of abode in the U.K. I plan to join the Canadian army as an infantry officer when I graduate. Firstly, the Canadian army does not have a Parachute Regiment, and what I understand about the JTF 2 it is not the same as being a para, just as being in the SAS is not like serving in my old regiment. Many of my friends have rotated in and out of the SAS and even though they do not say much about what they did you can just feel there was a difference.
Anyways, if one of your parents was born in the U.K go for the Parachute Regiment, you will not be disappointed. When you join as a para in England you do not go through some bullshit of joining the infantry craphats first then transfer in the regiment, you join as a potential para. The training is very tough and they weed out the Rambo's very quickly. P company almost killed me. If you go Canadian do your best and you will achieve your dream. Take it from someone who knows hardship I was always in the back of the runs because I weighed 25 pounds more then all the other guys in my platton. I was ripped, but I am a muscular person. Don't let anyone tell you that you can not do it. The best way to train to be a Para or JTF 2 member is to pick up the book The Paras Ultimate fitness If you follow this book you will be ready for the physical part of any unit. Just remember 85 percent of SAS are ex paras. If you need any help with getting in touch with the boys in England leave me a message and I will give you some numbers to guys I know in recruiting.Good luck my friend if you join the Canadians maybe I will be your platoon commander one day LOL. P.S remember there is always the 2ND REP in the Foreign legion and I know you could join that.
Forgive me for going backwards here (and this is going to sound really stupid of me considering it's the profession I want to get in to) but what does JTF2 stand for (I know it's something to do with jumping but what does the FT2 mean)? 

And because theres no Parachute Regiment in Canada, does that mean it's absolutely pointless for me to stay here if I want to be a paratrooper, or are the training and parachuter's THAT much better overseas?  My plan originally was to graduate college and enlist here and become a paratrooper...but if it is THAT pointless then perhaps it would be better for me to go to England...the only thing is neither of my parents we're born in England, my grandpa was, would that work?  In all honesty I would prefer to stay in Canada, but if England is the only way, then I have some serious thinking to do...

I'll pick up that book the next time I'm out and about...Thanks for your help so far guys :)
JTF2 - joint task force 2

i did i quick search and i think this is the same book for ppl trying to find it...
The Paras Ultimate Fitness By Claire Gillman Paperback / Hodder & Stoughton Canada / January 1996