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Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rian_Ca
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How do you feel about an entire course (funding, instructors time, et al) being given to Cadets?

One one level i feel it's a waste of time and resourses.  It makes more sense to have that course alloted to regular force soldiers and after that, reserves.

Someone brought up a good point about reservists taking the jump course. It's fun to have but how important is it really to the reservists career? It's like spending resourses on training armored reserves to drive M1 abrams tanks. When are they going to use it?
(I'm probably not doing the quote justice)

Why give the course to cadets?
The only real answer I can think of is because there isn't much "army" the army cadets can offer their people.  Sea cadets go sailing, aircadets flying.  Army cadets need something more than orienteering to atttract kids to their organization.
GO!!! said:
To find the coopers test - there are several variants.

The one the army uses with the detailed breakdown should be available from your BOR, as several units in the Land force use it at Bn and lower levels.
Contacted my BOR, got this in response, "I have no idea as to what you are talking about."  Anyone know of a online link, or have it in e format?

Try your peri staff - or psp, I dont have a scanner, but I will post a copy of the test on the first week of April, when I get some leave.

Coopers test thread: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/18848.0.html

The Real skinny from the JTF2 Pre-Selection Physical Fitness Training Program book, available to those applying to JTF2:

Page 24 of the manual has a grid, with the Army Fitness checks & JTF2 Fitness checks, here's a breakdown:

(Before starting the JTF2 program you must have reached Level 4 of the Army Fitness Manual Standard, after that come Levels 5-7 of JTF2, and the JTF2 Standard is Level 6, and Level 7 is JTF2 advanced)

2400m Run Std (min:s) L5=8:30-8:16 L6=8:15-8:00 L7=<8:00

8km Run Std (min:s) L5=37:30-35:01 L6=35:00-34:01 L7=<34:00

600M Swim Std L5=11:45-11:01 L6=11:00-10:15 L7=<10:15

Upper Body
Bench Press Std
75kg L5=13-14reps L6=15-16reps L7=17+Reps
65kg L5=24-25reps L6=26-27reps L7=28+reps
55kg L5=33-34reps L6=35-36reps L7=37+reps
45kg L5=39-40reps L6=41-43reps L7=44+reps

Push-ups Std L5=50-52reps L6=53-54reps L7=55+reps

Chin-ups Std L5=12-14reps L6=15-17reps L7=18+reps

Pull-Ups Std L5= 9-11reps L6=12-13reps L7=14+reps

Lower Body
Squat Std
90kg L5= 9-11reps L6=12-14reps L7=15+reps
80kg L5=15-18reps L6=19-21reps L7=22+reps
70kg L5=18-21reps L6=22-25reps L7=26+reps
60kg L5=21-24reps L6=25-28reps L7=29+reps

Abdominal Core
Curl-ups Std L5=100-124reps L6=125-149reps L7=150+reps

Power & Speed
Long Jump Std L5=290-294cm L6=295-299cm L7=300+cm
2 Jump Std L5=525-532cm L6=533-539cm L7=540+cm
Vertical Jump L5=55-59cm L6=60-64cm L7=65+cm
40m Sprint L5=5.10-5.06s L6=5.05-5.01s L7=<5.00s
20m Sprint L5=3.00-2.81s L6=2.80-2.71s L7=<2.70s

Anaerobic Capacity
400m Run Std L5=1:15-1:11s L6=1:10-1:06s L7=<1:05s
800M Run Std L5=2:45-2:31s L6=2:30-2:21s L7=<2:20s
I think those interested in joining a Para Coy will benefit from my attempt to clarify a few points here for GO! in reference to his previous comments;

" Units like the QOR do mostly administrative DZs and associated activities. For them, and anyone else who has'nt actually done an exercise jump, it's just a course, another pin. They dont get jump pay or wear a maroon beret, and as such, are not qualified to make assumptions and observations about stuff I do every day. They don't do a Coopers test WELL 3-4 times a year, or run in all weather as a welcome break from circuit training. I don't see too many of those people around when we are doing full kit, double door mass at night on day one of a 2 week Exercise. "

First off, although the QOR are fortunate enough to have a relationship with the CPC and 8 Wing at Trenton that allows us to jump pretty much every month, the Para Coy conducts full eq. double door exercise jumps regularly to allow us to continue to ply the paratrooper trade. I am confident that I speak for most in our Para Coy when I say that for the QOR, it is infinitely more than just a course and another pin. I do not for a moment suspect that the operations of our unit rank highly in your list of priorities, however since you feel the necessity to comment on us I must point out that you appear incredibly underinformed. We do in fact proudly wear the maroon beret, those who have earned it wear white ( silver ) wings and we are allotted jump pay.   You are correct about the Coopers test though GO!, we do not do that. Instead, our Para Coy conducts the old SSF fitness test ( referred to as the EPL ) which was adopted when we were tasked to augment a platoon to 3CDO and is still our method of testing the minimum fitness standard. I am not surprised you don't see too many QOR jumpers involved in your ex's out there in Edmonton (?) considering we're based in Toronto, but you may be surprised to discover that the QOR DOES send jumpers on the 3RCR Para Coy ex's, in fact we just had a few get back from a 2 week winter ex with them. I heard the jump went great.   Naturally reservists could never match the training program or intensity of the Regular force, such is the nature of the reserves and I am not trying top compare the two, but a little credit where credit is due bud.
Thanks ABN RFN, I knew someone from the QOR would step up to the plate. Say hi to Capt S for me!

I was just speaking to a recruiter about para courses and said they were open to combat arms with Infantry being the priority. I am going in for 043, can I still take the courses? Will I be posted into a paracoy or just remain in my Trp with para experience?

Patrick H. said:
I am going in for 043, can I still take the courses?
Yes, but you will never be posted to a parachute company.  Instead you may find yourself employed in the sub-sub unit (depending on your regiment) that supports the brigade's light bn.
Thanks, MCG. I think the experience would be worthwhile in itself no matter where I am posted.

Ref Joining a para coy , you will first have to serve within one of the other rifle coy, and once you have volunteered to attend the basic para crse you will have to under go a unit PT test and compete with the other volunteers , the UEO will select the top soldiers and you will be placed on the next available crse. Just a reminder if you complete the course doesnt meen you will be selected to join the para coy , you will have to prove yourself and again be selected by the para coy to join them . I am a little worried about your comment about wanting a set of wings to put on your chest ,its not about about the wings its about the men you will serve with..
I am a little worried about your comment about wanting a set of wings to put on your chest ,its not about about the wings its about the men you will serve with..

Sadly most of the people who come here asking about becomming a paratrooper seem more concerned with the wings on their chest and showing it off rather than who they are working with.