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Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rian_Ca
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Hello again...

If anyone could help me out,it would be great.Im really looking forward to joining the army,wether here in Canada or in the UK.What im really after is a pair of wings on my chest.I have a few questions I hope some of you could help me find awnsers to.

First off,I was at the recruiting office a few weeks back and an ex-CAR Sargeant told me if I want to be Airborne,go PPCLI.He didnt explain why,but I also noticed that they were the only ones taking infantry recruits at the time.I told him id wait,I would rather go to RCR.How true is this,and why would it be a better choice to go PPCLI?

How would I go about getting selected for the para course? Ive heard there is a waiting list,and also heard that you just have to show leadership aside from being an overal quality soldier.Wich is most true and is there anything eles I could do or work on?

Ive looked around on the internet and I cant find anything to do with the para course and its physical requirments.Ive been training close to a year now following the UK Paras PT schedual,and im doing ok.Can anyone tell me what is required to get on,and pass this course?

Also,im intrested as to what other skills are taught on the para course other than parachuting,and what I might do to get a headstart on these skills?

Thank you.
if you live in toronto, why dont you join the QOR (queens own Rifles) they have a pare coy. i have heard that withinn a year of joining they can get you on a para course. and then you will get your maroon beret and wings (if you pass that is) the para course for canada, you have to be able to do 7 straight arm chin-ups, 32 situps, and a 7 mile run in 7min30sec. it is a 3 week course in trenton. the only reason i know all this is because i also am in desperate need for a pair of wings on my chest. i have always wanted to be airborne. ifd you have any questions don‘t hesitate to ask.

Think your off on that 7 miles in 7 minutes.
11.2 KMs in 7 minutes is pretty fast
Menion, you‘re thinking of the JTF2 test. The para PT test is 1600m in 7 minutes 30 seconds.
Here is a thread from another site that may answer some of your questions:
web page

Good luck!

Take my advise from the aformentioned thread. Some haven‘t in the past - at their own expense.
Thanks guys,good link excoelis. Any ideas or advice on how to even get on the course? What other skills are taught on it,and why i was told to go to PPCLI if i want it?

as far as the pt goes,its only a matter of time.I can do 50 sit ups,10 chin ups and 60 pushups alright,but my run is a little of at 7:45.That will inprove.

my brother was told that the top recruit or top3 on the BIQ course have the choice of taking the jump the course

the reason you might have been told to goto PPCLI is because 1 an 3 PPCLI need 400-500 new soldiers(was on the news)
My friends dad‘s uncle who bunked with a Brit sailor while in cadets told me that if you‘re really good at grabbing your socks while standing, you have the choice of taking the "jump the course" after BQSILQP.
i still say join QOR.. they are close to you. you wouldn‘t have to move.
" i still say join QOR.. they are close to you. you wouldn‘t have to move."

Im talking about reg force.

Thanks for the info guys.
Well, Im going to send my NOC application very soon, and being a paratrooper is a dream and also my grandfather was one and I want to jump like he did and try to join JTF2 but this aiing really high but what ever im talking about now, what are the standards, should I start running? lifting weights? im perfecly healthy and have 20/20 vision and if any of you Paratroopers can give me a detail on what a normal day its like to be one? Ive read alot about infantry but i cant find anything about Paratroopers... help me out please  :dontpanic:
i know that but i know you have top be really fit to get in in the first place, ...
Before some of the other's come in here and get on your ass I suggest you check the FAQs and do a search. It'll all been covered before.
Guys leave him alone and if you dont have an inteligent answer, dont answer.
The fact is everyone has their dreams and just because you get sick and tired of people asking similar questions doesnt give you the right to make them feel like shit.
