Not to sound too negative (perhaps I’m just getting cynical post Covid lockdown nonsense) - but Canadian politicians have to be some of the dumbest on Earth.
It doesn’t matter which candidates are running in our riding, neither of them rarely stand out as someone who will push anything forward. Sure, they may listen to the citizens in their riding, and many of them can help their local citizens out when dealing with the federal government… but when it comes to big thinkers or long term thinkers, Canadian politicians just are not these things.
A good example was from rmc_wannabe - a former mayor, and local MP, hasn’t once stepped foot onto the base. One of the largest local employers, and he can’t be bothered.
Why? Is it sheer arrogance? Is it not knowing how important the military is for employment in their riding? Is it total apathy, while instead being focused on Starbucks & just getting through the day?
Canadian politicians have allowed the military to wither away because for the most part, they are stupid. Some in some ways, others in other ways. They fail to understand that monetary currency isn’t the only currency around. That, and they are too proud to accept a good deal when offered.
And I think they are well aware that most Canadians are about as in touch with international affairs as they are - aka they form opinions based on what the media tells them.