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Jeffrey Deslisle-former RCN, convicted of spying

Brihard said:
Is it wrong that I was amused to see his job up on REO two days after this broke?

Thought I seen that too. That's pretty funny actually.
Brihard said:
Is it wrong that I was amused to see his job up on REO two days after this broke?

Not a job you'd want to be too eager to apply for, lest it draw suspicion. :Tin-Foil-Hat:
Maybe they were just going to backfill it for a while until they could post in a RegF?

...or maybe they figured the new person would find a way to add the other 15% to their salary  ;D
The case of a Canadian navy intelligence officer accused of passing information to a foreign entity is scheduled to resume today.

Sub.-Lt. Jeffrey Paul Delisle faces two charges of violating the Security of Information Act that deal with communicating information that could harm national interests.

Court documents say one of the alleged offences happened between July 6, 2007, and Jan. 13, 2012, while the other offence is alleged to have happened between Jan. 10 and Jan. 13 of this year.

The Halifax man also faces a breach of trust charge under the Criminal Code that is alleged to have happened between July 6, 2007, and Jan. 13, 2012.

All the offences are alleged to have happened in or near Halifax, Ottawa and Kingston, Ont.

Delisle's case is due in Halifax provincial court, where a bail hearing date is expected to be set ....
The Canadian Press, 28 Feb 12
A Canadian navy intelligence officer charged with passing classified information to a foreign entity has been given an earlier date for a bail hearing.

Defence lawyer Mike Taylor appeared in Halifax provincial court Monday on behalf of Sub-Lt. Jeffrey Paul Delisle.

Taylor asked that Delisle’s bail hearing be moved ahead to March 28 from April 13.

Delisle, 40, of Bedford, faces two counts of violating the Security of Information Act and one Criminal Code count of breach of trust by a public officer.

He was arrested Jan. 13 and is being held at the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility in Dartmouth.

Delisle was not present for Monday’s proceeding, which was handled by Judge Barbara Beach in less than 30 seconds.

Outside court, Taylor said his client is "eager" to have a bail hearing and get out of jail ....
Halifax Chronicle-Herald, 13 Mar 12
A new report, reproduced under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act from the Globe and Mail:

Espionage case may have done ‘grave injury’ to ties with allies


From Thursday's Globe and Mail
Published Wednesday, Mar. 14, 2012

The case of a naval intelligence officer accused of leaking classified military documents to a foreign adversary has done significant damage to Ottawa's treasured intelligence-sharing relationships with key allies, sources say.

The fallout has been an extraordinarily sensitive topic for the federal government since January, when a Canadian Forces sailor was arrested for espionage and reports surfaced that some Russian diplomats were asked to go back to Moscow.

No officials in Ottawa have been cleared to speak publicly about the damage, but some government sources say the strain on relations with allies cannot be fully gauged until damage assessments determine exactly what has been lost. Problem is, no one seems to know the extent – the leaks of military information are alleged to date back years, while the accused is understood to have been put under surveillance for only a matter of months.

Some sources characterize the damage – particularly to relations with the United States – as grave, while others say they hope bad feelings will blow over. Defence Minister Peter MacKay has said key allies retain “full confidence in Canada.”

In mid-January, Canadian Forces Sub-Lieutenant Jeffrey Delisle was arrested and charged with spying. The 40-year-old worked at HMCS Trinity in Halifax, a naval intelligence hub. There, military surveillance gleaned by NATO and English-speaking allies are collated into a real-time picture of global security for Canadian policy makers.

The espionage case is a nightmare for federal security agencies, which benefit disproportionately from sharing state secrets with big players such as the United States and the United Kingdom despite the fact that Canada gives relatively little in return. Various federal officials have openly attested over the years that being a “net importer” of intelligence breeds fears that allies could cut off the information flow should Canada ever be seen as an untrustworthy junior partner.

The first person criminally charged with violating Canada’s Security of Information Act, SLt. Delisle is accused of multiple counts of leaking secrets to a “foreign entity” starting in July, 2007.

No evidence has been disclosed publicly. Prosecutors are even keeping portions of the criminal dossier under wraps from SLt. Delisle and his lawyer. “There is quite a bit of stuff that is blacked out. That will present some challenges down the road,” attorney Mike Taylor said in an interview on Tuesday, adding that, for now, he is focused on his client’s March 28 bail hearing.

There is no suggestion that the accused was part of a larger spy network. In fact, some government sources say they believe SLt. Delisle took the initiative to sell state secrets to foreigners and that only modest amounts of cash were involved.

Government insiders and allies are now asking how the accused got security clearance from government screeners despite some obvious red flags. The father of four had declared bankruptcy in 1998, and went through a painful separation from his wife a decade later. Both life-altering events are laid out in public court documents.

SLt. Delisle had been cleared to handle top-secret information – which, by definition, causes “exceptionally grave injury” to the national interest if compromised.

The federal agency that assesses the suitability of civil servants to handle secret and top-secret information now screens three times as many people as it used to: The Canadian Security Intelligence Service screened 40,000 employees in 2005-2006 and more than 120,000 in 2009-2010. (This number does not include 200,000 additional people who were looked at that year to work at the Vancouver Olympics.)

Canadian history has no obvious parallels to the Delisle case. Most allegations of spying involve foreign nationals, and trials are rare in all countries, given how they highlight security vulnerabilities and cause profound embarrassment.

In such cases, expulsions, and not prosecutions, are the norm. When U.S. authorities rounded up a 10-member spy ring two years ago, the accused were quietly deported to Russia in exchange for the release of prisoners overseas. No such exchange or deportation is possible in the case at hand – SLt. Delisle is a Canadian citizen who was apprehended in his hometown of Halifax.

In Canada, different federal departments screen to different standards. For example, federal spy services routinely polygraph their employees to gauge their reliability, but the Canadian Forces is averse to subjecting soldiers to the lie-detection machines.

Rarely do documented examples of frayed intelligence relationships among English-speaking countries surface, but some examples are known. In 2004, U.S. president George Bush was briefed by his advisers that prime minister Paul Martin was about to beseech him to allow Canada into an intelligence channel that was created for English-speaking countries – the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia – fighting together in the Iraq invasion even though Canada had refused to join the military action.

“The [Canadian] government has expressed concern at multiple levels that their exclusion from a traditional 'four-eyes' construct is 'punishment' for Canada's s non-participation in Iraq,” reads the leaked State Department briefing note released last year via WikiLeaks. “And they fear that the Iraq-related channel may evolve into a more permanent 'three-eyes' only structure. …”

I have no comments.
Uh....guys...he was a gamer.......so?

Delisle led second life online
steven chase, tamara baluja  AND jane taber
OTTAWA AND HALIFAX— From Saturday's Globe and Mail Friday, Mar. 30, 2012
Article Link

The Canadian naval intelligence officer accused of spying led a rich second life as “Baron Mordegan,” an avid Internet gamer and a collector of medieval fantasy gear, his ex-wife says.

Sub-Lieutenant Jeffrey Delisle, who was arrested in January, remains in custody after a provincial court judge in Halifax denied him bail on Friday. He’s charged with passing state secrets to a foreign country.

In an interview with The Globe and Mail on Friday, Jennifer Delisle said her former husband, 41, was an excessive computer user.

“He admitted he had a computer addiction problem,” she said.

SLt. Delisle used the Internet screen handle “Baron Mordegan” during their 13 years of marriage, his ex-wife remembers. They divorced in 2010.

She said he once explained that it came from a 1988 fantasy movie titled Willow.

The George Lucas film, which hit theatres two years before SLt. Delisle graduated from high school, is a sword-and-sorcery tale. There’s no character named “Baron Mordegan” in the script, but there is one named “Madmartigan,” a renegade warrior who redeems himself.

Ms. Delisle said her ex-husband was already hooked on medieval and military history when she met him at age 15.

The Canadian Forces member devoted hours of free time to the immersive online fare, she recalled.
More on link
And you guys thought WoW was just a game...

Better find out who all the Comm Rsch and LCIS guys have been talking to...
Bail denied for naval officer charged with spying

A Nova Scotia judge has denied bail to a Canadian naval officer charged with spying.

Sub-Lt. Jeffrey Paul Delisle, 40, faces two charges under the Security of Information Act and a criminal charge of breach of trust.

Delisle appeared in a Halifax court for a bail hearing Wednesday, when the decision was put over until Friday morning.

There is a publication ban on the proceedings.

More at link
GAP said:
Uh....guys...he was a gamer.......so?
More on link
From further on in the article, he seems to have bought a "Central Intelligence Agency-theme coffee mug" and "a challenge coin – bearing the symbols of the U.S. Defence Intelligence Agency." He appears to be a poser within the Int Community as well as any other 'negative attributes' -- you know, computer gaming (but medieval fantasy  :geek: ; not a cool war-fighting game), and that whole spying and betraying your country thing.

Spectrum said:
And you guys thought WoW was just a game...

Better find out who all the Comm Rsch and LCIS guys have been talking to...

They already do that.  Also WoW is terrible, internet spaceships are much better.
Journeyman said:
From further on in the article, he seems to have bought a "Central Intelligence Agency-theme coffee mug" and "a challenge coin – bearing the symbols of the U.S. Defence Intelligence Agency." He appears to be a poser within the Int Community as well as any other 'negative attributes' -- you know, computer gaming (but medieval fantasy  :geek: ; not a cool war-fighting game), and that whole spying and betraying your country thing.

Don't forget that the Navy does all of their war fighting on computer, so they play medieval fantasy because their personal weapons skills are limited to swinging a sword. >:D
cupper said:
Don't forget that the Navy does all of their war fighting on computer, so they play medieval fantasy because their personal weapons skills are limited to swinging a sword. >:D
Oh yeah?  My second CO in 1 MP PL received Dungeons and Dragons Monthly.  Dweebs are not only in the Navy.

The Canadian Press
08 May 2012

HALIFAX — The case of a Halifax navy intelligence officer accused in a case of espionage has been adjourned until next month.

Sub-Lt. Jeffrey Delisle is charged with communicating information to a foreign entity that could harm national interests.

His lawyer, Mike Taylor, told provincial court he hasn't received full disclosure and the case was adjourned until June 13.

Delisle was denied bail during his last court appearance in March, and he has been in custody at the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility since his arrest in January.

He was charged under a section of the Security of Information Act that was passed by the House of Commons after the terrorist attacks on the United States on Sept. 11, 2001.

The RCMP say the charges against Delisle mark the first time that anyone has been charged under that section of the act.
