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Jagmeet Singh, probably the biggest political loser?

Just to be clear since the far left cheering crowd doesn't get what I say

I am truly sick and tired of government employees who don't seem to realize we are in a major economic crisis
Many government employees do understand and get it, and aren't so quick to defend the undefendable.
Daily flossing works wonders.
For years I had bleeding gums and tooth decay and then a few years back I made a concerted effort to floss my teeth daily and get an electric tooth brush and its been clear sailing ever since.

Here's an idea, every morning at school the teacher and kids floss their teeth with the government provided dental floss and electric toothbrush. Get them indoctrinated when they're young and reap the savings down the road.

Brilliant !!

season 6 episode 10 GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Here's an idea, every morning at school the teacher and kids floss their teeth with the government provided dental floss and electric toothbrush. Get them indoctrinated when they're young and reap the savings down the road.
Before or after morning range practice with C7s?
Read his response and yours, pay attention very carefully.

I don't doubt that dental care is essential but I also think shelter, clothing, food and potable water are essential.

WHO is going to pay for it? HOW is it being paid for? You can't answer that. Damn the consequences, make it happen. The more money the LPC spends that we don't have, the more money is "printed" (created) and that drives inflation through the fucking roof. Get it yet?

The LPC was NEVER serious about "pharmacare" or "dental care" or they would have prioritized it long ago. I will say it again and again, it was a political stunt and nothing more by both the LPC and the NDP to try and steal back votes from the CPC.

I am truly sick and tired of government employees who don't seem to realize we are in a major economic crisis (record number of people going to food banks and living in tent cities) and seem to think governments should plow through tax money like its no one else business.

If you UNDERSTOOD the most basic principles of economy you would realize it is the private sector especially resource harvest/extraction/management (mining, oil and gas, lumber, farming, etc) that is TRULY key to economic growth not government taxation and forced into BS "green" programs (that are anything but)

I have no issue with funded pharmacare and or dental care. From a macro economic perspective it makes fiscal sense. But some people don’t see the long term economic benefit if properly applied so they lament the upfront cost. Dental care is healthcare so I don’t know why people see it differently.

The key is to ensure it is properly and efficiently delivered.
Pharmacare is a long, long away. C-64, was passed by Canada's House of Commons on June 3, 2024. Still needs Senate (discussion) approval and Royal Assent.

Once that is done the PS and Gov't have to work out the program, draft regulations, get it online, etc. That will take a couple of years.

So then the two collaborators say the CPC is going to cut Pharmacare, it's BS. There is no Pharmacare to cut.

NOTE: "This enactment sets out the principles that the Minister of Health is to consider when working towards the implementation of national universal pharmacare and provides the Minister with the power to make payments, in certain circumstances, in relation to the coverage of certain prescription drugs and related products".
Just to be clear since the far left cheering crowd doesn't get what I say

If you think anyone here on this site is remotely close to ‘far left’, I respectfully suggest you need to pause and recalibrate. Not even close. There are a few social democrat leanings on certain policy platforms - generally also from people who support a tougher military and more rigorous policy around crime and national security. You’re getting pissed off at a discussion on two closely related policy planks, and trying to pidgeonhole people ideologically based on our general, cautious support for those policies. That’s not a label that’s going to survive any real challenge or scrutiny. Nor does the ad hominem contribute anything to your own arguments.
Still can’t get my 83 year old mom enrolled because she has a plan that I pay for.
In BC, seniors benefits are means tested by household income and the cut off threshold is very low. So for most seniors, they will never see this benefit.
Yea, we don't qualify for any of the Diabetic supply stuff either. It's great for the people with very little money.
I have no issue with funded pharmacare and or dental care. From a macro economic perspective it makes fiscal sense. But some people don’t see the long term economic benefit if properly applied so they lament the upfront cost. Dental care is healthcare so I don’t know why people see it differently.

The key is to ensure it is properly and efficiently delivered.
Elaborate. REALLY challenge me on what I said about this government running up an unforgivable amount of debt. You have no specifics.
Guess what? Housing is also important. So is affordable food. So is infrastructure. So is well funded defence.
Yet this government has wasted untold hundreds of millions of nonsensical programs (like green slush fund and arrivescam) while people like you and @dimsum look the other way pretending nothing wrong.
You’re getting pissed off at a discussion on two closely related policy planks, and trying to pidgeonhole people ideologically based on our general, cautious support for those policies.
Pissed off? Hell yes. Those of us not employed by the government take a thrashing the likes of which you don't understand or comprehend.

We are only a few hundred dollars away from losing everything. From meeting our bills no problem in 2020 to not even breaking even, and we charge more for our livestock/meat. Go figure.

My father was an 81 year old cancer diagnosed senior citizen who was living out of his truck for almost a year before social housing finally housed him. They had to wait for "asylum seekers" to move on.

One of my best customers (was a visible minority immigrant) left this country two years ago because she said couldn't trust Trudeau or tolerate the nonsense we put ourselves through.

I am fighting veterans affairs for the coverage on they denied me (I got some coverage and denied others, my lawyer is shocked they denied me and I am awaiting the appeal) but fuck it, I am just a pissed off far right winger screaming "freeeeedom", right?

Lecture me again.

I guess we experience things differently
Pissed off? Hell yes. Those of us not employed by the government take a thrashing the likes of which you don't understand or comprehend.

We are only a few hundred dollars away from losing everything. From meeting our bills no problem in 2020 to not even breaking even, and we charge more for our livestock/meat. Go figure.

My father was an 81 year old cancer diagnosed senior citizen who was living out of his truck for almost a year before social housing finally housed him. They had to wait for "asylum seekers" to move on.

One of my best customers (was a visible minority immigrant) left this country two years ago because she said couldn't trust Trudeau or tolerate the nonsense we put ourselves through.
You’re changing the subject, which frankly you do constantly. You characterized several of us as “far left”, which is absurdly out to lunch.

I am fighting veterans affairs for the coverage on they denied me (I got some coverage and denied others, my lawyer is shocked they denied me and I am awaiting the appeal) but fuck it, I am just a pissed off far right winger screaming "freeeeedom", right?

Lecture me again.

I guess we experience things differently

Given that you’re a released veteran with VAC and, presumably, PSHCP coverage- yeah, you’re experiencing things differently from many Canadians. When was the last time you were sidelined from work due to an acute dental problem you had no coverage for? When was the last time you worried about whether you or your dependents would have necessary prescriptions because you couldn’t afford it?

You’re already getting taxpayer funded coverage for some of this stuff, so your aggression on this specific subject is starting to get a bit hypocritical.
Elaborate. REALLY challenge me on what I said about this government running up an unforgivable amount of debt. You have no specifics.
Guess what? Housing is also important. So is affordable food. So is infrastructure. So is well funded defence.
Yet this government has wasted untold hundreds of millions of nonsensical programs (like green slush fund and arrivescam) while people like you and @dimsum look the other way pretending nothing wrong.
Elaborate. REALLY challenge me on what I said about this government running up an unforgivable amount of debt. You have no specifics.
Specifics on what exactly? I didn’t challenge anything you said.
Guess what? Housing is also important. So is affordable food. So is infrastructure. So is well funded defence.
Ok and? No one is countering any of that. You are chasing windmills here.
Yet this government has wasted untold hundreds of millions of nonsensical programs (like green slush fund and arrivescam) while people like you and @dimsum look the other way pretending nothing wrong.
You really need to calm yourself and actually read what people write. You are the one making ad hominem attacks instead of arguing against the arguments. You once talked about tone. Maybe apply that here.

Calm yourself and maybe I can explain what you missed in my post if you read it a bit more critically.
When was the last time you were sidelined from work due to an acute dental problem you had no coverage for?
2018, a bull horned me in the face, caused an infection and a broken tooth and I had to every emergency dental surgery to remove a molar, no plan at the time, cost me a bundle.

your aggression on this specific subject is starting to get a bit hypocritical
How so? Read some of what I went through in life.

Your missing the damn point. Dental and pharmacare? WHO is going to pay for it and HOW is it going to be paid for? Canada is broke, broke beyond broke. And thats because of reckless government spending of the LPC.
Calm yourself and maybe I can explain what you missed in my post if you read it a bit more critically.
Lets hear it. include details and specifics, otherwise it comes across as rehashing government talking points.
Pissed off? Hell yes. Those of us not employed by the government take a thrashing the likes of which you don't understand or comprehend.

We are only a few hundred dollars away from losing everything. From meeting our bills no problem in 2020 to not even breaking even, and we charge more for our livestock/meat. Go figure.

My father was an 81 year old cancer diagnosed senior citizen who was living out of his truck for almost a year before social housing finally housed him. They had to wait for "asylum seekers" to move on.

One of my best customers (was a visible minority immigrant) left this country two years ago because she said couldn't trust Trudeau or tolerate the nonsense we put ourselves through.

I am fighting veterans affairs for the coverage on they denied me (I got some coverage and denied others, my lawyer is shocked they denied me and I am awaiting the appeal) but fuck it, I am just a pissed off far right winger screaming "freeeeedom", right?

Lecture me again.

I guess we experience things differently
You really are throwing your anger at the wrong people.

I’ll say it again. You don’t have a monopoly on hardship. I’ll leave it at that.
Given that you’re a released veteran with VAC and, presumably, PSHCP coverage- yeah, you’re experiencing things differently from many Canadians. When was the last time you were sidelined from work due to an acute dental problem you had no coverage for? When was the last time you worried about whether you or your dependents would have necessary prescriptions because you couldn’t afford it?

You’re already getting taxpayer funded coverage for some of this stuff, so your aggression on this specific subject is starting to get a bit hypocritical.
Presumed is correct. PSHCP is an opt in that you have to pay for so there is the possibility that released vets don't have it as they decided housing and food was a priority. Convincing someone retiring with a 40% pension to pay for something they never had to worry about was never easy. At least now it is a 50% pension if they stick it out.
2018, a bull horned me in the face, caused an infection and a broken tooth and I had to every emergency dental surgery to remove a molar, no plan at the time, cost me a bundle.

So you understand the stakes if someone has a dental injury and loses out on work. If it happened in a workplace that would generally be covered by workers comp, but someone with an abcess or non-occupational injury who lacks coverage can be in a world of hurt. And you have such coverage now through VAC, correct?

How so? Read some of what I went through in life.

Your missing the damn point. Dental and pharmacare? WHO is going to pay for it and HOW is it going to be paid for? Canada is broke, broke beyond broke. And thats because of reckless government spending of the LPC.

The government will pay for it through general revenue same as for all manner of things, some sounds some not.

You can contend that Canada is ‘broke broke broke’ but there just isn’t evidence supporting that. You’re also I go print the positive economic impacts of expanding healthcare coverage to include things like dental and pharma for those not already covered through their employers. Fewer people off sick is a healthier and more reliable workforce, less need to import labour, etc.

And, just so we don’t lose track, I originally challenged you on characterizing several of us as “far left”. That’s nonsense, I’ve called you on it, you keep ignoring it.
And you have such coverage now through VAC, correct?
Nope. I have it through my military pension, a plan WHICH I PAY FOR!

The government will pay for it through general revenue same as for all manner of things, some sounds some not.
What? Ohhh if it was that easy, then fuck it, lets have 220 Main Battle Tanks, 120 F35s, full pharmacare for everyone here and in India.
Come on, better thought out answer than. D-

There isn't a magic money tree.

‘broke broke broke’ but there just isn’t evidence supporting that.
PM Trudeau has racked up more debt than all previous governments COMBINED and every economist will tell you the BoC has to literally create new money to cover more funding, which means their is money owed back to it WITH INTEREST.

economic impacts of expanding healthcare coverage to include things like dental and pharma
Its very little dental coverage, for very few people. The "pharmacare" ? Please paying for some birth control for young people and some diabetes medication is hardly realistic.
How about ALL the money wasted on killing and harming people in the "safe supply" and "harm reduction" programs?

All the prattling on about not being far left? You demonstrated in your answer your just that. You think we should have unlimited social programs for everyone because the government has the money. You said it, not me. Yes, you did, don't shake your head no.