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Jagmeet Singh, probably the biggest political loser?

Absolutely I do. But, in this instance and the “wacko” instance, it was the Opposition that started the name-calling. If the CPC forms govt and whoever the Opposition is starts resorting to name-calling in the House (or social media), you can quote me that I will call them out.

This is grade-school BS.
The CPC is hardly the first to use name calling in the HoC. Singh is the first leader of a national party I've heard of walking into the aisle between benches puffing his chest like a high-school tough guy.
The CPC is hardly the first to use name calling in the HoC. Singh is the first leader of a national party I've heard of walking into the aisle between benches puffing his chest like a high-school tough guy.

"But first, the news: The House of Commons was sealed off today after police chased an escaped lunatic through the front door during Prime Minister's question time. A spokesman at Scotland Yard said it was like looking for a needle in a haystack."

- Ronnie Barker
What’s up with the language he’s using these days; “bro” and “that’s what’s up”.

I guess I’m getting old but come on.
What’s up with the language he’s using these days; “bro” and “that’s what’s up”.

I guess I’m getting old but come on.

shaka Shaka Brah GIF by Chord Overstreet
The funny thing is, the PM Canada needs right now is a boring, statesmanlike leader that can come in, make some deeply and widely unpopular course corrections with respect to how much money we spend and what on, while calming the room down. That's likely the recipe for a single term.

I'll be surprised, and extremely impressed if PP is that guy, and would vote for a 2nd term.

Yup. I agree.

I want a PM who isn’t intertwined with a malevolent state actor, nor who will go to great lengths to keep Canadians from knowing the degree to which such a malevolent state actor has gone to influence Canadian politics, finances and for all intents and purposes, our sovereignty. It boggles my mind that some people are actually okay with that.
And I especially agree here.

Even though I'm resigned to vote for him, I’m not convinced PP is serious enough to do what it takes. I hope he surprises me, but what I see from him is more governing by comms like our current useless PM, except in a way that causes lefties’ heads to explode.
The CPC is hardly the first to use name calling in the HoC. Singh is the first leader of a national party I've heard of walking into the aisle between benches puffing his chest like a high-school tough guy.

There's been more than a few cross-aisle physical confrontations.

A bit of a scramble when Conservative Government House Leader Peter Van Loan approached NDP MP Nathan Cullen over use of and responses to certain hand gestures and salty language.

Or a response with more distance from Reform MP Darrel Stinson; "I hear the word 'racist' from that side. Do you have the fortitude or the gonads to stand up and come across and say that to me you son of a b****, come on!"

And then there was "Elbowgate"


Or if we go back to the early days of Canadian politics; John A. Macdonald once engaged in fisticuffs with a rival, Oliver Mowat, in the legislature in Toronto. He was pulled off of Mowat, shouting: “Come back here you damn pup, I’ll smack your chops!”
There's been more than a few cross-aisle physical confrontations.

A bit of a scramble when Conservative Government House Leader Peter Van Loan approached NDP MP Nathan Cullen over use of and responses to certain hand gestures and salty language.
View attachment 88114

Or a response with more distance from Reform MP Darrel Stinson; "I hear the word 'racist' from that side. Do you have the fortitude or the gonads to stand up and come across and say that to me you son of a b****, come on!"
View attachment 88115

And then there was "Elbowgate"

View attachment 88116

Or if we go back to the early days of Canadian politics; John A. Macdonald once engaged in fisticuffs with a rival, Oliver Mowat, in the legislature in Toronto. He was pulled off of Mowat, shouting: “Come back here you damn pup, I’ll smack your chops!”
There's a reason the aisle width in Westminster, itself, is two sword lengths and a bit.
That is very specific…😏

To be even more specific, 3.96m ;)

House of Commons Procedure and Practice

6. The Physical and Administrative Setting​

Traditionally, the front-row seats to the left of the Speaker are reserved for leading members of the opposition parties, and opposition parties are allocated front-row seats in proportion to their numbers in the House. The distance across the floor of the House between the government and opposition benches is 3.96 metres, said to be equivalent to two swords’ length.

There's been more than a few cross-aisle physical confrontations.

A bit of a scramble when Conservative Government House Leader Peter Van Loan approached NDP MP Nathan Cullen over use of and responses to certain hand gestures and salty language.
View attachment 88114

Or a response with more distance from Reform MP Darrel Stinson; "I hear the word 'racist' from that side. Do you have the fortitude or the gonads to stand up and come across and say that to me you son of a b****, come on!"
View attachment 88115

And then there was "Elbowgate"

View attachment 88116

Or if we go back to the early days of Canadian politics; John A. Macdonald once engaged in fisticuffs with a rival, Oliver Mowat, in the legislature in Toronto. He was pulled off of Mowat, shouting: “Come back here you damn pup, I’ll smack your chops!”
On that last one between SJAM and OM, there’s a highly probability of it being something like “… cam back ‘ere, ye scrawny Presby bastard pup …”
What a royal loser...

So tears up the SACA with the Trudeau Liberals and says he refuses to support them anymore for blah, blah, bullshit but AFTER the tw by elections (and holds onto the seat in Winnipeg with Conservatives breathing down his neck), he then decides not to vote no confidence with the CPC.

My suspicions? He really wants that pension more than anything d he will absolutely destroy the NDP.

There should be one day per Parliamentary session where it’s completely fair game for them to throw down. Just a brief moment where one is accountable for what comes out of one’s mouth the same way as if it was said in any normal public place.

Parliament has always been raucous to some greater or lesser extent, but basic accountability for the civility of one’s conduct seems to have gone by the wayside.