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It's starting to feel real.

Are the 2nd Lts and OCdt in the same platoon as you ?

If they give me the choice, I might go for the weekend BMOQ.

That is a real introduction to a reservist life style: Family and Work in the week and Training in weekend !


Antoine said:
That is a real introduction to a reservist life style: Family and Work in the week and Training in weekend !

I wish once a year Reservists could wear their uniforms for the day on their civilian jobs so we could thank them for their service, and tell them how proud we are of them. 
In this country, unless you live near a port or base, you don't get to see the uniforms very often.
Antoine said:
Are the 2nd Lts and OCdt in the same platoon as you ?

If they give me the choice, I might go for the weekend BMOQ.

That is a real introduction to a reservist life style: Family and Work in the week and Training in weekend !


Our course only has one platoon, and the 2Lts and the OCdts are mixed right in with the rest of us. They share rooms with the Pte. Recruits too. Good bunch of guys, and I think it's beneficial for them to see how things go for us, and I like the fact that I know what they have gone through for training too.

Definitely a good introduction to reserve life. I was completely comfy with the Wednesdays and one weekend a month schedule, but this is a bit of a stretch. Thankfully my wife isn't due until after my BMQ is done.

mariomike said:
I wish once a year Reservists could wear their uniforms for the day on their civilian jobs so we could thank them for their service, and tell them how proud we are of them. 
In this country, unless you live near a port or base, you don't get to see the uniforms very often.

That's an interesting thought, mariomike. Hell, even being in a town with a base, I find myself getting odd looks the few times I stop for gas/ coffee etc. on the way to or from the armoury/ barracks. It seems like Remembrance day and Victoria day are the only times people are comfortable seeing uniforms in public around here. That's my VERY limited experience though, and maybe I'm just sensitive to it as it's a new experience for me.
I know what you mean, I broke my ankle (i'vegot 6screws now)december 8th, and I went through lots of Physio,  now my course is in 2 weeks and I'm Brought in all of my Docter notes, 1 from surgeon, 1 from physio therapist, 1 from my family docter last thursday, now i'm waiting for ottawa to give me the ok. I hope to god they do. :o
Thank you for the answers and best of luck on your BMQ.

THEY CALLED!!!!!! I'M SET TOOO GOO, my reserve BMQ begins next friday  :cdn:      i'm growing up so fast :'(    ahahaha
We passed our first big inspection from the Course Warrant, and all but a couple of us got through the drill test this weekend. I know this coursed is condensed vs. the reg force course, but I'm still amazed at the level of progress I've seen in the people around me over the course of 4 busy weekends. I've been both a section senior, and a course senior now, and the help I got from those in my room, and from the section seniors while in a leadership role was outstanding. It's not something I would expect in most of the civy jobs I've held, where the undermining of leaders for personal gain is the norm. I'm diggin' this army stuff!
Weekend six came and went. We did some firefighting work at CFB Esquimalt yesterday, and had our C7 Weapons Test today. Most of us got past that one too. I thought I had bobbled on one of my IAs, but I guess I was over thinking my performance. Full pass and moving on. My section is really working hard together, and most of the shitpumps have been weeded out or corrected.
Pushing on, course is almost over now. We had our CBRN weekend come and go two weeks back. Pretty straight forward stuff, but I was rear ended on the highway friday morning before course, so shaking my head around in the gas hut with helmet and respirator sucked pretty bad. Almost worse than the tear gas itself.

This weekend we were at the range. Great times had by all. Saturday was a long day, as we stayed for a brief night shoot after our PWT 1s. Today we shot the PWT 2 qual. I qualified as a marksman with a 65 score, but there was some tough competition in our group. One of my section mates scored a near perfect 69/70.

Two weekends left now, and the course has become really tight. I'm now looking forward to the BMQ-L course coming up in June. Should be a gooder too.
VIChris said:
I don't think there is a separate BMOQ for reserve officers. We have two 2nd Lts and an OCdt on our course. From there I don't know where the officer specific training goes.

VI Chris, I'm curious, I've never heard of a BMOQ weekend course for officers.  Not sure if you know but what are the officers on your course doing attending the BMQ course?  Are they attending it as a form of prep for their BMOQ course in the summer?  Also I would've imagined that the 2Lt's on your course should have finished BMOQ already at a minimum so I'm curious about what their role is on your course?

Best of luck finishing BMQ!  Cheers.
Snakedoc said:
VI Chris, I'm curious, I've never heard of a BMOQ weekend course for officers.  Not sure if you know but what are the officers on your course doing attending the BMQ course?  Are they attending it as a form of prep for their BMOQ course in the summer?  Also I would've imagined that the 2Lt's on your course should have finished BMOQ already at a minimum so I'm curious about what their role is on your course?

Best of luck finishing BMQ!  Cheers.

Honestly, I'm unsure about the training of the Ocdts. and and 2Lts. in the Reserves. We are down to one of each on course now. The 2Lt is on a DEO program apparently, but again, I don't know all the details 100%, so I'll say nothing so as not to mislead you. I believe I heard them talking about doing a CAP course after this one, that's officer training, no? Again, I'm new enough to still have the bubble wrap on, so my info here is weak at best.

CEEBEE501 said:
Silly question but do you have a Pte. Haywood or Ocdt. smyth on your course

Good question. To answer, yes, and yes. Both good men! You're in their unit, yeah?
After a short grad parade yesterday, my BMQ is now complete. I was fortunate enough to finish as Top Candidate, too. I feel doubly honoured by this, as we had a lot of very determined, high quality folks on course.

I'm now awaiting to receive confirmation on my BMQ-L course in June.
Thanks all! I'm still a little buzzed by the whole experience. I miss the gang on weekends already. Though last weekend a bunch of folks from my section came with me for some paintball/ BBQ/ catch up time, and it was great. We absolutely RAN that field with small unit tactics. Was great.

Tonight our unit stood down for the summer. Got my crossed rifles tonight to go with my DEUs, which I won't see until Oct. I guess. Very nice way to end our unit training year.

I'm told BMQ L is a go for June, but still nothing in writing.