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It's starting to feel real.

Right.. makes sense now.

How would you VR if you have signed a contract for 3-5 years??

I wish I was in Virtual Reality right now..

I don't think you will have a problem, Brad. Firefighters know how to operate as a team and swiftly execute the orders they are given by their officers.
That is so true. By gosh will surround and drown until the foundation floats.
I must be as dry as old bread. This thread got no love until it was jacked to talk about VRs and GFs. Go figure.
Fitness testing done. No problems with any of it. The step test was an odd one though. Situps and pushups were average I guess, with 39 and 35 respectively. The grip test surprised me, I had a combined score of 121kgs. I've never done a grip test before and had no idea where I would score. I guess all those years of rowing and grappling have paid off.
I've never felt closer to falling asleep on my feet than I did during the step test... Ugh...

Passed the medical today. Nice to know I'm still in fair shape, I haven't had a check up for years. Now I guess I wait for the CFRC to review the file, then send it back to my home unit. It's nice to see some progress.
Damn. I have to do the step test :( Anyways, I hope your file comes back fast and positive. Good Luck :salute:
Looks like my file cleared the piles back east, and is now en route to my home unit. Next step is my offer I guess.  ;D
So close I can taste it now. Popped in to see my recruiter today, and he just happened to have my file on his desk. I signed off on a whole stack of papers, and may be sworn in as early as next Wednesday.

I really got a dose of 'this is real' today while signing the final documentation. Then we started talking about arranging for ID, and kit and so on and so on. I've not been this excited about starting a new adventure since I had my first white belt tied on 8 years ago, my wedding last year notwithstanding.
I'm in! Great bunch of people at the 11th. I was able to parade with the group tonight, which was great, as we took a look back at the unit's history through the museum located in the same building (Ashton Armoury). I was able to meet a bunch of the Veh Techs, and join the group at the mess afterwards. The whole experience has me pumped for my training and regular parade nights and exercises.
^^ Cheers!

All booked now for kit issue and ID for the week after next - I'm off to Lost Wages, Nevada this week. Soon I'll even look the part. Turns out my wife is from the same village of about 900 people, 6 hours away from here, as one of my fellow Veh Techs. Sometimes I think Vancouver Island is the biggest little island around.
Indeed it does. We had a live fire exercise last weekend, my first taste of what our weekends will look like.  I was on the kitchen truck all day Saturday, which I used as an opportunity to meet as many people in our unit, as well as the other local groups with us at the range as possible. It was a valuable experience, and as my father in law told me very clearly, it's always a good idea to be on good terms with those who prep your food, so I did my best to keep up with and help out the chef that day. Sunday I got to spend time on the range and see more of how the actual exercise was run. Again, great experience, and I'm hoping some of what I saw has taken root and will help me with BMQ coming up in January.
My BMQ spot is confirmed. Starting 22 Jan, I'll be spending my weekends at CFB Esquimalt, Work Point Barracks. I'm definitely excited about the opportunity, but am a little leary of balancing my work with my training and home life. I'm told one of the hardest things to do is turn on the swear filter at 1700 on Sundays.
Finished weekend two. What a riot this is! Good challenge throughout the weekends, but the hardest part so far is balancing schedules between work and training and a pregnant wife. I'm going down to 4 days a week starting next week to hopefully prevent burnout. I wish I could have given up the time to go for the full time BMQ serial. By Sunday we're all getting into the swing of things, and then it's time to pack up and GTFO.

We've got a good bunch of instructors from the C Scotts, 5 Field Arty and 11 Field Amb, and the Work Point Barracks are a great place to be. The chow there is fantastic. I'm sure we're pretty spoiled compared to how things were back in the day, and I've got nothing to complain about.

C7s next week!
Antoine said:
Do you know if is there any weekend BMOQ ?

I don't think there is a separate BMOQ for reserve officers. We have two 2nd Lts and an OCdt on our course. From there I don't know where the officer specific training goes.