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It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

R0B said:
Terrorists won't attack Canada.

So what are you going to say if they do?

And as far as I'm concerned, the fact that a member of my immediate family missed getting incinerated in the WTC due to a chance cancellation means that they pretty much attacked a part of Canada that matters to me....
Rob, I agree with you on many of your points; such as how money should be spent on the police and immigration not on the military to effectively combat terrorism. And that if Canada was attacked it would be like Spain --- the general public would want Canada to pull out. But lets not be so naive to think everybody loves Canada. Not everyone is warm and fuzzy in this world.

Also, I think people would be a little less frothing at the mouth if you filled in your pers profile. You don't have to be in the military to post your opinions here but I'm sure a lot of these guys think you're some naive University student involved with the Student Federation trying to bad mouth their carreer choice. I'm a student too but I recognize that many of the members on Army.ca are veterans of the military for many years and have seen crap that no professor of mine has ever seen and would know how to explain. They bring to the argument something that scholars rarely do... first hand experience.

Ahhh heck, can't resist being a ham. Thanks guys for serving my country and doing what you do  :salute:
R0B said:
References have been embedded.

and Bali is a Hindu island in a Muslim nation

What have terrorists attacks on Australia accomplished? Roughly the same amount of Australians now consider US foreign policy to be as great a threat to peace and security as Islamic fundamentalism And I'm not here to "stir the pot."

Sure, terrorism is a problem, but its actual threat has been blown completely out of proportions. Many, many more people are killed every year by a number of things the government could try to invest more money in to stop, but isn't really concerned about because it does not represent a threat to its existence. Terrorists won't attack Canada.

The qoutes you posted are nothing but leftist tree hugging crap, and represents the thoughts of the left.

The Bali bombings of 2002 were before the US and it's Allies entered Iraq. Bali is Australias's holiday playground, and yes its Hindu, but it was infiltrated by muslim extremists, and still is. Thats obvious. The tourist industry is again dead, and the Hindu majority are crying out for the execution of the bombers now.

Sleepers and radical islam have been in ths country long before 11 Sep 01. Do a search for 'muslim gang rape Sydney 2000'. Its much deeper than Iraq and A-Stan invasions and the hate is a lot older than the OBL years.

Indonesia has a pop of about 280,000,000 people who live on 13,000 out of 16,000 islands. Ya there is radials there JI for one, but its not just the JI and other extreme muslims in Indonesia, its the extreme muslims from everywhere else too, many of which are here, plus teh clean-skins. The ones arrested here on terr charges are from a host of ME countries, and west Africa, plus soem clean-skins. In many ways Indonesia is the weakest of our problems, and they too have their own problems within.

Do you honestly really actually believe that terrorism today is blown out of proportion? I if you do, thats okay, I can't change what you think, but you don't really have a bloody clue! To go on and treat the terr threat as pisss weak is pure foolishness, and even comparing it to people being killed by a number of other things is nothing but a disgusting and gutless INSULT to those who have been murdered, and to their families who live daily with the loss of their loved ones. Maybe you would have a different view if some you knew was at the WTC or Paddy's Bar at Kuta Beach, or if you survived something this traumatic yourself.

Meanwhile I suggest you stay in school, and listen more to your leftie profs spout the crap they want you to believe. In time you'll grow up, and one day, get some REAL life experience behind you, and maybe then you'll realise 'gee how I ever could have thought that'.

Have a squizz at the thread Australia Thwarts Huge Terrorist Plot and disect that! Try www.islamicsydney.com go to forums and see whats on the minds of Sydney's islamic youth these days.

If I appear hostile, I am a tad, because I have read many threads by FNGs who have empty profiles, and play the political card like you are. Being new, maybe you show sniff around a bit before posting such 'in depth' thoughts and political views on some real serious topics which require more debate than a few articals from the leftist INet and topics talked over a warm beer in a smokey uni pub. At the end of the day, we can agree on one thing, and that is our views.


The end result of the often repeated mantra "We are a Nation of Peacekeepers", now we have generations thinking no one hates us.

And we have had terrs attack us, though it was prior 9/11. Air India, and then there was that Rassim(sp) fella who wanted to blow up LAX, the kid from BC killed in Chechnya, the lovely Khadr family....the list goes on, where there's 1 rat there are always others.

Todays news. An Alberta man

I thank God every day that none of our home grown have the balls to go to Allah.
I've filled in my profile a bit more. Thanks for the advice.

Infanteer said:
So what are you going to say if they do?

And as far as I'm concerned, the fact that a member of my immediate family missed getting incinerated in the WTC due to a chance cancellation means that they pretty much attacked a part of Canada that matters to me....

If they do, I'll admit I was wrong, but it's almost certainly not going to happen.
Sorry to hear about your loss.

Wesley H. Allen said:
And we have had terrs attack us, though it was prior 9/11. Air India, and then there was that Rassim(sp) fella who wanted to blow up LAX, the kid from BC killed in Chechnya, the lovely Khadr family....the list goes on, where there's 1 rat there are always others.

Todays news. An Alberta man

I thank God every day that none of our home grown have the balls to go to Allah.

Those were attacks by Canadians, rather than attacks on Canada.
R0B said:
I've filled in my profile a bit more. Thanks for the advice.

Wow - you added a "0".  

If they do, I'll admit I was wrong, but it's almost certainly not going to happen.

On September 10, 2001 most Americans would have laughed you off the stage if you would have talked about guys taking planes over and using them as cruise missiles to bring down two of the largest buildings in the United States (and cave in the side of the world's largest office building).   By nature of our role in Afghanistan and our close relationship to the U.S. and Britain, we are targets for global Salafists driving the Islamic Insurgency; they've said it loud and clear, and these people usually say what they mean.

In a more general sense, give Samual Huntington's The Soldier and the State a read.   Soldiers, and by extent the entire National Security Establishment, cannot afford to say "it's almost certainly not going to happen" because the day it does happen, all eyes and fingers will be upon us as to why we let it happen.   You can't eliminate possibilities when the responsibility of "Standing on Guard for Thee" rests on your shoulders.

Never say never.
R0B said:
If they do, I'll admit I was wrong, but it's almost certainly not going to happen.
OBL specifically mentioned Canada as a target in at least one of his post-Afghanistan invasion videos.
I thought good ol' Osama clearly stated Canada as one of the countries he will attack. I don't think that's a statement to be just quietly brushed under the rug.

If you didn't see the news this morning than I suggest you check this out from CTV.CA

Madrid terror suspect had Montreal Metro info
CTV.ca News Staff

A Spanish newspaper is reporting that information about Montreal's subway system was found on the computer of a man questioned in relation to the Madrid terror bombings.

"It's the kind of information that people who are preparing an attack will need," terrorism expert Michel Juneau-Katsuya told CTV News. "It's far from information a simple tourist who wanted to use the metro would be using."

The El Pais newspaper reports police found detailed plans and photos of the Montreal Metro on the hard drive of Abdelhak Chergui's computer. It also included information on things like seat layouts, passenger capacities, and the timings of when doors open and close.

Chergui is a 32-year-old telecommunications student from Morocco. He was arrested in May along with his brother Abdelkhalak, and questioned by investigators.

At the time, police said the pair was suspected of helping finance the Madrid attacks and providing weapons to those who carried them out. Abdelhak Chergui was also suspected of jamming the phone lines in Spain during those attacks.

The brothers were released on a lack of evidence, but they were ordered to surrender their passports.

"It is a little bit alarming to see that the judge in this particular case released the individuals," said Juneau-Katsuya. "It does not mean that the information was not extremely pertinent for the case."

Transit and security officials in Montreal say they are aware of the report, but are refusing to comment further.

"They're likely to have received the information much earlier than the journalists," said Juneau-Katsuya.

Also found was an ad for a Bruce Willis movie that was shot in the Montreal transit system.

In addition, the report says the computer had detailed information on Spanish trains and a map of the London underground.

On March 11, 2004 bombs blew through trains in Madrid, killing 191 people and wounding more than 1,500.

Militants claimed responsibility for the blasts, and said they were acting on behalf of al Qaeda. They said the attacks were in retaliation for the presence of Spanish troops in Iraq who were sent by then Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, a conservative.

Socialists, led by Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, won an election three days after the bombings. Shortly after Zapatero took power, Spanish troops were pulled out of Iraq.

In total, 26 people are in jail in connection with the Madrid bombings, but 80 more have been questioned and released.

Federal Minister of Transportation Jean LaPierre says there's no imminent risk to the Canadian transportation network, but he knows Canada is on the list of some terrorists.

On Wednesday, LaPierre announced a $110 million investment in big city transit security.

"This contribution program is going to cover 75 per cent of the cost that the transit authorities are going to incur in their security measures," LaPierre told reporters in Ottawa.

"When I travel the country I realize that most transit authorities don't have the money, and so if we want them to make it a priority we have to have a substantial contribution."

Canada, among other countries, has been listed by Osama bin Laden as a terrorist target, but RCMP officials say there is no evidence of any imminent or concrete threat.

"Now, some of those countries have already been targeted, and we're getting close to being next on the roll," said Juneau-Katsuya.

So what does this mean? So he had images and info about Montreal's Metro system, he didn't act on them and he wasn't even prooven guilty of helping the bombings, right? If this article proves anything it's that Canada is not immune to attack and that targets within our borders are under the watchful eyes of foreign terrorists.  Even if the guy wasn't convicted, I'd be suspicious of anyone who is even associated with a terrorist group.

On a positive note I think thanks are in order to Rob for taking the time to engage in this topic and discussing in detail each point and counter-point. Whatever your political views may be (left or right) I think we can all agree that it is refreshing to see someone from outside the military and in university who takes the time to consult a different source of information not available on campus.(hint hint say your university name on your profile, no secret police in Canada and there are about a 100 000 students in Toronto so you won't give away your true identity). It shows initiative and is much more creditable than the usual crap we hear from the CSA or other student groups who's only arguments are "Canada out of Afghanistan, Canada off our Campus," and then accuse the CF of torturing prisoners in Abu Ghraib (when we aren't in Iraq) and say that we are occupying Haiti (when there are 3 CF personnel there on a UN sanctioned mission).

Edit: forgot to put my source in for this article http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20051123/montreal_metro_051123/20051123?hub=TopStories
Correct me if im wrong, but when OBL named off all the western countries he planned on having attacked, including Canada, arent we the last ones yet to be attacked now that Spain and Britain have been bombed?

If terrorists wouldnt bother bombing anything in Canada, why are they bothering to shadow the public transit systems in Toronto and Montreal? ( I cant find a link to the news article, it was during the summer)

I guess theyre just doing it for fun  ::)
Attacks take alot of planning and preparation, and its just a matter of time.Im not going to bother saying things like "i hope it never happens" because im absolutely convinced that its just a matter of time.

As other posters have said, the extremists do not differentiate between us and the United States, they dont think about borders.They are out to bomb and attack the western nations.... they wouldnt attack Canada?

We share a border, are one of the US's biggest trading partners, we helped them invade Afghanistan, we're both part of NATO, our cultures have all kinds of similiarities, "we both drink coke and eat big macs" ...

To the terrorists, Canada represents all the same things the United States does.
"They have nothing to gain from attacking Canada."

They arent looking to gain anything, theyre looking to kill as many westerners as possible, and unfortunately, that includes us.

Also, in regards to the Spain attack, I dont think Canadians would act like the spaniards and want out military out of the middle east, although I could be wrong, I beleive the public reaction would be quite the opposite, and many many people would want to see action immediately.

ROB - Adding a ZERO to your profile does nothing but show how much contempt you have for the members who asked you to do so in good faith. Doing such as just reinforced my thoughts of your actual intentions on this site, a sub-profesional shyte disturber!

Thanks for singlehandedly solving the terr problem here in Australia, I am finally happy I have FINALLY met an expert in the field.

I'm surprised no one has brought up the Groupe Roubaix (spelling?) yet - a terror cell with connections in Montreal and Roubaix, France, and associated with Al-Qaeda. They were a definate terrorist threat - one member, Ahmed Ressam, was one of the plotters of the Los Angeles millenium bombing. But they were captured years ago. Unfortunately, one of it's leaders, Fateh Kamel, was released from a French Prison after four years for "good behaviour", and now walks again the streets of Montreal. On the other hand, the Americans still have Ressam, and he could be facing 130 years in prison.
That's Australia, not Canada. I wouldn't be surprised if Australia had more trouble with terrorists for reasons I've already mentioned.

Don't comment on things that you have absolutely no idea about. The muslim population in this country is treated with the same rights and dignity of every other group.

Australia is hated by many Indonesians, simply because of who we are, a free, rich, democratic and proud nation. Our lead in East Timor only made things worse, the Indo media is so extremist and corrupt, they showed photos of dead Timorese civilians and said that they were killed by aussie troops, when in actual fact it was Indonesian army trained militia who killed them. 

We became a target because of Timor, and there is absolutely no doubt in anybodies mind that what we did there was justified, and needed for the protection of innocent timorese people.

Peacekeeping creates enemies too, just as many as war can, Canada says it is a nation of peacekeepers, so you can be sure that there are evil extremists out there wanting to grind their axe and use it on Canada. Simply denying that will only make things worse.
Infanteer said:
Wow - you added a "0".

There isn't anything else I can add (other than making my email account public, which I'd prefer not to do) given that I'm not yet in the military.

Infanteer said:
On September 10, 2001 most Americans would have laughed you off the stage if you would have talked about guys taking planes over and using them as cruise missiles to bring down two of the largest buildings in the United States (and cave in the side of the world's largest office building).   By nature of our role in Afghanistan and our close relationship to the U.S. and Britain, we are targets for global Salafists driving the Islamic Insurgency; they've said it loud and clear, and these people usually say what they mean.

In a more general sense, give Samual Huntington's The Soldier and the State a read.   Soldiers, and by extent the entire National Security Establishment, cannot afford to say "it's almost certainly not going to happen" because the day it does happen, all eyes and fingers will be upon us as to why we let it happen.   You can't eliminate possibilities when the responsibility of "Standing on Guard for Thee" rests on your shoulders.

Never say never.

I only speak which such definite terms as a civilian, on conditions of anonymity. I would never do so in any professional context.

I'm sure Americans would disbelieve you if you were to foretell the September 11th attacks, but if you were merely to say that a terrorist attack would happen, and speak with no certain details, it would not be difficult to imagine, given the history of terrorist attacks against the United States from all manners of terrorists.

Kev T said:
I thought good ol' Osama clearly stated Canada as one of the countries he will attack. I don't think that's a statement to be just quietly brushed under the rug.

Osama bin Laden says a lot of things, most of his threats never pan out. As I noted, Canada is not a strategic target for terrorists, and would likely harm their cause more than it would do to benefit it.

career_radio-checker said:
So what does this mean? So he had images and info about Montreal's Metro system, he didn't act on them and he wasn't even prooven guilty of helping the bombings, right? If this article proves anything it's that Canada is not immune to attack and that targets within our borders are under the watchful eyes of foreign terrorists.   Even if the guy wasn't convicted, I'd be suspicious of anyone who is even associated with a terrorist group.

I don't know why he would have had that information. If I were planning a terrorist attack, I'd try to accumulate as much information as possible, which would include schematics of similar targets for comparison purposes. Maybe he had it for htat purpose, maybe he had it as an alibi to say he was researching transit systems. I don't know. It's certainly cause for concern, but it's far from proof of a terrorist attack or an intended terrorist attack.

I've added more information to my profile, thanks for the advice.

Mack674 said:
Correct me if im wrong, but when OBL named off all the western countries he planned on having attacked, including Canada, arent we the last ones yet to be attacked now that Spain and Britain have been bombed?

Canada and Italy are yet to be attacked.

Mack674 said:
If terrorists wouldnt bother bombing anything in Canada, why are they bothering to shadow the public transit systems in Toronto and Montreal? ( I cant find a link to the news article, it was during the summer)

I guess theyre just doing it for fun   ::)
Attacks take alot of planning and preparation, and its just a matter of time.Im not going to bother saying things like "i hope it never happens" because im absolutely convinced that its just a matter of time.

What proof of this exists?

Mack674 said:
As other posters have said, the extremists do not differentiate between us and the United States, they dont think about borders.They are out to bomb and attack the western nations.... they wouldnt attack Canada?

We share a border, are one of the US's biggest trading partners, we helped them invade Afghanistan, we're both part of NATO, our cultures have all kinds of similiarities, "we both drink coke and eat big macs" ...

To the terrorists, Canada represents all the same things the United States does.
"They have nothing to gain from attacking Canada."

They arent looking to gain anything, theyre looking to kill as many westerners as possible, and unfortunately, that includes us.

If they're looking to just kill as many westerners as possible, it's interesting that the vast majority of that they consistently attack American and British targets, while forsaking other western countries. The lowest level fundamentalist might just be out to kill any "infidel," but terrorist cells aren't. They're out to accomplish political objectives, and attacking Canada would only be a setback to them.

Mack674 said:
Also, in regards to the Spain attack, I dont think Canadians would act like the spaniards and want out military out of the middle east, although I could be wrong, I beleive the public reaction would be quite the opposite, and many many people would want to see action immediately.

Many people would want Canada to strengthen its military and take a more active role in fighting terrorism, but don't forget that the vast majority of Canadians vote Liberal or NDP. A lot of them are going to call for Canadian troops to be withdrawn from Afghanistan and many other overseas locations.

Wesley H. Allen said:
ROB - Adding a ZERO to your profile does nothing but show how much contempt you have for the members who asked you to do so in good faith. Doing such as just reinforced my thoughts of your actual intentions on this site, a sub-profesional shyte disturber!

That's the ticket; I added the "0" to my military experience section to insult the members who asked me to fill in my profile.

cobbler said:
Don't comment on things that you have absolutely no idea about. The muslim population in this country is treated with the same rights and dignity of every other group.

I almost certainly know more about this than you do. Australia is considered by many to be among the most racist countries in the developed world. It's probably the only developed country to keep illegal immigrants in concentration camps, which have been repeatedly criticized by NGOs and foreign governments. There's a lot of discontent for Australia among Muslims, aboriginals, Asian and Polynesians. In many instances, racism is considered by minorities to be a greater issue than it is by minorities in the United States.
Don't comment on things you have absolutely no idea about.

cobbler said:
Australia is hated by many Indonesians, simply because of who we are, a free, rich, democratic and proud nation. Our lead in East Timor only made things worse, the Indo media is so extremist and corrupt, they showed photos of dead Timorese civilians and said that they were killed by aussie troops, when in actual fact it was Indonesian army trained militia who killed them.

That's right, they hate you because you have democracy (they have democracy, too!)
That's just rhetoric.
If "many" Indonesians hate Australia just because you're rich, free, democratic and proud, how do you explain how nowhere near as many Mexicans hate America, and nowhere near as many Cubans hate Canada?

cobbler said:
We became a target because of Timor, and there is absolutely no doubt in anybodies mind that what we did there was justified, and needed for the protection of innocent timorese people.

Peacekeeping creates enemies too, just as many as war can, Canada says it is a nation of peacekeepers, so you can be sure that there are evil extremists out there wanting to grind their axe and use it on Canada. Simply denying that will only make things worse.

The US and Australia looked the other way when Indonesia invaded Timor. What did Australia do when 1/5 of the island's population was massacred? Nothing.
The US didn't even stop selling arms to Indonesia until after the end of the Cold War, and even then, it did so against the wishes of the President.

EDIT: Quote format problems corrected.
Now you're professing to know more about Australia and it's workings than our Australian members? Must be hard to keep on top of all that while expanding upon your knowledge as the World Terrorism SME. You are one arrogant young man.
LOL what? ::)

so because canadians vote liberal and NDP, that makes them pacifists? Sure, makes perfect sense. And secondly, many more canadians vote Conservative, or even the Alliance before the NDP.... whatever.

0 mil exp - So then you admit you have no idea what youre talking about in terms to the military?

What political objectives are you talking about? Is the Al-Qaeda party trying to win power in england and america then?
The only consistent pattern in their attacks, is that theyre killing westerners, and attempting to further the "jihad".

You want proof of the transit system being shadowed? Well I happened to be in the city of Toronto during the summer when the arrests were made, so im certain finding an article on it can't be that difficult, so ill look. And since you cant take someones word for something and would rather send them on a proof mission, i think you should prove every single statement you make, from this point forward.

I thought it was fairly common knowledge around here that terror cells were active all over Canada, and that the transit systems were being analyzed...

Ive voted Liberal before, I guess i want the troops out of afghanistan?

EDIT: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/1100357975032_95767175/?hub=TopStories

^ heres an example of what I was talking about, for the SME to look at. OUUU SHOCKING   :o

"We have never said that we are not at threat because in fact, we're one of five nations that were named by al Qaeda and therefore that is why we take these kinds of events very, very seriously." - Public Safety Minister, Anne McLellan

R0B said:
1. I almost certainly know more about this than you do. Australia is considered by many to be among the most racist countries in the developed world. It's probably the only developed country to keep illegal immigrants in concentration camps, which have been repeatedly criticized by NGOs and foreign governments. There's a lot of discontent for Australia among Muslims, aboriginals, Asian and Polynesians. In many instances, racism is considered by minorities to be a greater issue than it is by minorities in the United States.
Don't comment on things you have absolutely no idea about.

2. The US and Australia looked the other way when Indonesia invaded Timor. What did Australia do when 1/5 of the island's population was massacred? Nothing.

About profiles, its no big deal not to be military, but there is more to profiles to add, like other experiences, even its being a student, and what one is majoring in, or his hobbies or ambitions.

Reply to para 1: Cobbler happens to be Australian, and so am I! As citizens here, I am ******* sure we know more about this country and the regions politics than you do, considering you gather rather extreme leftist views and only seem to mollycoddle those thoughts.

Reply to para 2. WTF do you know about East Timor and Australia, and what happened back in 1975? Do you know of the Australian journalists who were murdered by DIRECT tank fire? Their deaths were actually recorded on film. We have deeper connections to that region which go back to the Sparrow Force days and beyond.

In 1999, Australia lead the invasion, and one just can't do someting that big on a moments notice. After what had gone in in the months previous we acted as fast as one could. So, I suggest you shut your pie-hole in regards to things which you have only read about on the INet, and never participated in.

I have been working closely with Timor L'Este Forces on 4 occasions since 2003, and infact even tonight, we have shared a few beers and even exchanged gifts. I have talked to the FDTL vets, some who first fought in 1975 in the J against the Indonesian troops. Strangely enough, I have also worked alongside with Indonesian generic TNI and the Kopasus (thats their Special Forces BTW), but being the SME, I am sure you knew that) troops too.

With the ongoing shyte spewing from ROB's mouth, I suggest we simply ignore him, as it's obvious he wants an audience (just read every post he has made and decide for yourself). Simply put, you can't win an argument with an idiot because he has the experience, and will win everytime, and we don't get anywhere except lowering ourselves to his standard.

I have had enough of this idiot and I predict a meltdown is forthcoming, so lets sit back and watch the fireworks.

Anyways, I am going back to the Mess for another Cougar Whisky, then crash in my insect infested hell hole of a room (yes I have a bug-bar)here in the SMA.

:warstory: Wes :warstory:
R0B said:
If "many" Indonesians hate Australia just because you're rich, free, democratic and proud, how do you explain how nowhere near as many Mexicans hate America, and nowhere near as many Cubans hate Canada?

Rob, like most of us here I try to stay within my arcs. I wouldn't claim to know more about Australia then members living and serving there, anymore than I'd claim to be an SME on weapons and ballistics over one of our real SMEs in that area.

Based on frequent travel and business in both Cuba and Mexico ( as well as elsewhere in Latin America) in the past 12 odd years I can assure you that the opinion of the average peon and/or companero in regards to their northern neighbours may surprise you.

Perhaps you may actually want to visit these places to get your facts rather than from your tattered copy of "Young Socialists Happy Happy Joy Joy Warm Fuzzy Hugs View of the World".

If I'm mistaken and you've actually traveled to either of these places may I suggest that next time you move farther a field than the swim up bar at your walled all-inclusive resort to gather your information.

However it is nice to see you've maintained a consistency in all your posts here so far.
2332Piper said:
Key word is yet. But you should be safe up there in your ivory tower, so why worry?

Exactly. On Sept 10, 2001, do you think Americans were thinking that a terrorist attack was imminent? It's not like Al-Queda will call the PM and say, "ok, we're going to attack this target on this day, at this time...be ready!" ::)
I think the threat is low because we are so close to the US. It's like a beachhead to the US. why would they wreck that.

Hitting Canada is like a beating up the smallest kid in school. People feel bad for him but it doesn't make the bully seem any more powerful.

As for the Ivory tower, I think some people are still living in Fall-out shelters from the Cold war.