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Issued Tac Vest

Should we go with Tac Vest or Old Style Webbing or MOLLE/PAL or nothing

  • Tac Vest

    Votes: 58 40.6%
  • Webbing

    Votes: 10 7.0%
  • Molle, Pal, Custom

    Votes: 68 47.6%
  • nothing

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • webbing?

    Votes: 4 2.8%

  • Total voters
www.tigertactical.com    thats the web site Kevin means when he says "tiger" on the above topic. S.

I've got a Tiger Tactical Vest for sale here.
What do you know...my issued crapvest has already started to fall apart due to poor sitching.   ::)   :rage:

The Tiger tactical vest looks pretty good.
Grunt said:
my issued crapvest has already started to fall apart
heh...CrapVest...I saw one of my buddies pull the zipper right off his (without even trying) the first night he had it.
heh...CrapVest...I saw one of my buddies pull the zipper right off his (without even trying) the first night he had it.

really?  I pulled off the zipper loop without trying the first time I pulled it up, but the whole zipper?  :o
Kirkpatrick said:
the whole zipper?  Shocked
Yep, he did (even I couldn't believe it.) I even saw people that had the fastex buckles on their field dressing pouches rip themselves out (after a few weeks) because the pockets were stuffed with kit (ouch.) Yep, it's not just lack of modularity and carrying capacity that make CTS's creation suck...
Zippers coming off, I've yet to see that!!
I've seen the cheapostitching on the pals webbing fror the bayo frog rip out, also the drag handle on the rear yoke, female buckle portion pulling out from the material, mesh starting to seperate from the main body, the daisy chains on the rear yoke coming un-stitched!
Keep this quiet, but the best thing to do is to take the TV to a backpack/shoe repair place, and have them reinforce all the existing stitching ie. double stitch/bartcak everything! Replace the weak buckles with more higher profile/durable fastex captive buckles, and add a more durable ykk zipper :salute:
LOL don't get to rough on your TV's or else DND will figure out a way to blame you for the TV's failings, LOL :dontpanic:
BillP said:
LOL don't get to rough on your TV's or else DND will figure out a way to blame you for the TV's failings, LOL Dont Panic
Yeah, anything but that, don't give them a reason to blame us for the vest's fragility (even though it's supposed to be mil-spec) and thus design something better (or, with our luck, something worse.)
Actually the materials on the vest are mostly mil-spec, however they definitely cheaped out on the buckles, single stitching only and zipper though! The problem is it was assembled somewhat poorly, by a Co that had zero experience, prior to receiving the DND contract, in producing mil spec gear! ::)
Awhile back ago, I got to use the M-35 tac vest. made by PSP, basically identical to the TV, however this was made by a Co that knows what it's doing! The quality of the M-35, with the CTS issue item was night and day ie.. much better stitching, resulting in a more solid 'feel' to the vest overall!
BTW it's the same Co(Fellfab) thats also producing the small pack system, and the eventual rucksack!!
Always Remember:

Your Kit is made by the Cheapest Bidder!

Double stitching costs more.  Stronger buckles and snaps cost more.  ETC.
George Wallace said:
Always Remember:

Your Kit is made by the Cheapest Bidder!

Double stitching costs more.   Stronger buckles and snaps cost more.   ETC.

Dead soldiers due to faulty equipment cost way too much
George Wallace said:
Double stitching costs more.   Stronger buckles and snaps cost more.   ETC.
So very true but some times they lose sight of the fact if they had just made it properly in the first place they wouldn't have to replace so many shoddy ones.  CTS might have made their budget, but all the replacement vests and parts gotta cost someone somewhere else down the line.
It is what I call the "Mcdonald's Generation" - "Get in and Get out with your money as fast as you can!"

Ever notice how many Government Contracts are let to companies who go bankrupt soon after they fill the contract, and sometimes even before they finish a contract?
George Wallace said:
Your Kit is made by the Cheapest Bidder!
BillP said:
they definitely cheaped out on the buckles, single stitching only and zipper
BillP said:
it was assembled somewhat poorly, by a Co that had zero experience, prior to receiving the DND contract, in producing mil spec gear!
...and this is why so many "Tac Vest Sux" threads and horrible stories of the Vest's failure are abundant. With all the other shortcomings (could fill a page,) the Tac Vest needs a revision (at least improved manufacture.)
George Wallace said:
Stronger buckles and snaps cost more
It not just the cheap buckles; it's mainly how they are attached to the fabric, because of...
NATO Boy said:
people that had the fastex buckles on their field dressing pouches rip themselves out (after a few weeks)
MJP said:
So very true but some times they lose sight of the fact if they had just made it properly in the first place they wouldn't have to replace so many shoddy ones.   CTS might have made their budget, but all the replacement vests and parts gotta cost someone somewhere else down the line.
You pretty much hit the procurment nail on the head!  :-\  As long as it's going to cost 'someone else' down the line, then really all that needs to be done is to get the kit into the sytem posthaste, thus making them look good in the eyes of their superiors! Too much pork-barreling from Gov't, giving the nudge to career minded desk jocks at DNDHQ, to see to it that a firm, in a gov't friendly constituency, gets the nod! By the time the kit is in the system, those that were responsible for it are either out of politics, transferred to another dept, or have gone to the private sector! Either way, not their problem anymore, it has now become that of the user/soldier in the field!
The mesh on it really sucks too...got a large rip forming in it above one of the mag pouches, funny thing is...ive never carried anything in there but empty mags so far    ???

crapvest designer nerd

*nerd voice* "PALS, whats that? nnnnnrrrrraahh this velcro should hold these pouches on"   ::)
"nnnnnnrrrrrah lets add a minimag flashlight pouch" :rage:
I know I tried this with an early thread, but I will mention it here.  A company called Rogue Modular in Toronto makes what they call a "mesh vest" (http://www.roguemodular.com/products/_mesh/mesh.html) It's panels are similar in design to the issue Tac Vest (more similar than CP Gear stuff), and when I emailed them, they said they can make items in CADPAT by request.  So I was wondering if anyone has had any dealings with them, and if their products are worth purchasing.
Haven't had dealings with RM in T.O., however if you're looking for a modular mesh vest, nearly identical to the issue TV then check out www.dropzonetactical.com. The owner Brian produces all sorts of high quality milspec kit in cadpat(TW,AR), including modular LBV's.  Many Co's in Canada make cadpat kit, but there's only a few that make it very well!
BTW I don't work for the co mentioned ;D just a very satisfied user of their kit!!