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Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

E.R. Campbell said:
I responded to this post before, but this, in the Globe and Mail, offers a better explanation. The author ecplains that

    "The practice of murdering daughters and sisters who defy familial wishes and supposedly muddy the ‘honour’ of the family is practically a social institution in the tribal belts of South Asia and the Middle East. But before the reflexive
      Islam bashers begin clearing their throats, it is useful to remember that such crimes have no basis in Islam, which teaches that marriage is a consensual and equal partnership.

      The tribal practice is grounded instead in an antediluvian, violent hatred of female sexuality. Not a fear of sexuality, mind you, but a deeply entrenched loathing of it; where the clan’s entire sense of esteem is defined by the chastity
      of its women. Thus, the woman’s right to self-determination must be negated. Her genitals must be controlled. Her sexuality must be denied. She is to abide by the dictates of her father and brothers or face violent punishments.
      What we call ‘honour killings’ – a placid and useless term – should actually be called human sacrifice, because such murders-of-shame are relics from our premodern days when humans sacrificed one another based on various superstitions.
      Notice the almost universal correlation today between honour killings and illiteracy or general lack of education.

      The extreme patriarchy of Parveen’s father and brother – of countless fathers and brothers around the world – is rooted in a fundamentally totalitarian understanding of male-female relations. For ultratraditional, ultraconservative men
      like Parveen’s father, only absolute dominion over the daughter’s reproductive choices will suffice. Anything short of this is warrant for murder. The logical conclusion of this grotesque thinking is genital mutilation or murders so horrific
      one wonders how such crippling inhumanity poisoned the patriarch’s mind in the first place."

Can we change those "tribal practices?" Yes, but not with a few thousand soldiers in some dusty, dirty, poor country over, say, a dozen years. It is the work of civilization and it is also the work of centuries.

A less extreme example of this viewpoint  in "Modern" "Christian" societies is the growing prevalence of "Purity Balls" (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2586036/You-married-Lord-daddy-boyfriend-Purity-Balls-girls-gift-virginity-fathers-marriage-sweep-America.html)  while definately not high in violence, pretty high in the WTF/Creepy factor (IMHO) and definately inside the sphere of controlling girls/women's sexuality, since AFAIK no corresponding event for boys. 
ER that is f#%king sick.

It's no wonder I do not subscribe to any organized religion.

Jim Seggie said:
ER that is f#%king sick.

It's no wonder I do not subscribe to any organized religion.

Except that it is NOT a religious issue ... it's not unique to Islam or to Hindus or even to some Christian sects.

It is cultural and, contrary to what Liberals and fellow travelers say, all cultures are not equal; some are strong and flexible enough to change as their understandings of the world in which they live evolve; others are weak and rigid, afraid to change ... large parts of South-Eastern Europe (you served there, I think), the Middle East (many of us served there) and Central Asia (where a lot of your younger friends have served) have weak, rigid cultures - some of them are Islamic, some are Christian, others are something else.

It's not about religion ...
Understood ER.

Still, there are those out there in all religions who subscribe to this nonsense.
Jim Seggie said:
Understood ER.

Still, there are those out there in all religions who subscribe to this nonsense.

I think the religious connection happens for 2 (sometimes) interconnected reasons.

1) It makes it an easier and more convient target to say x religion are misogynistic thugs.  Say it loudly enough and people ignore the misogyny in y and z religions.

2) Some people deliberately invoke religion because it makes it easier to control others.  Telling people they need to comply with you directives, simply because you want them to, kinda goes over like a lead balloon.  Telling people they need to comply, because if they don't God/Allah/Yahweh/Flying Spagehetti Monster will be pissed and you will face eternal damnation, seems to bring about more compliant behaviour in "believers". 
Flying Spaghetti Monster?

Hhhhmmm m

I watched CBC Newsworld this morning and it seems the city of Calgary is a fertile recruiting ground for jihadists.....24 in the past few years have joined......
Jim Seggie said:
Understood ER.
Still, there are those out there in all religions who subscribe to this nonsense.

Oh...like burning witches? 
There really should, ER, be a better name for what those barbarian's and their beliefs are and come from than "culture".  They are anything but, "cultured". 
Jim Seggie said:
Or stoning people to death for various infractions of their "religion".

I seem to recall Christopher Hitchens (R.I.P.) once saying something along the lines of : 'be funny about the serious stuff in life and serious about the funny stuff and you'll be for the most part alright' so with sentiment in mind :


(Sorry, pardon the hijack. It's been a long day and I needed some comic relief.) : )
Interesting update on some of the Calgarians who have left the country to fight as insurgents in jihads in the Middle East and Africa, and some of their backgrounds.  In some cases, Canada has accepted these people as refugees from Islamic states in conflict, and now may be in a position of accepting "Canadian citizens" back into our country who have publicly displayed anti-West statements and barbaric activities as insurgents in foreign nations.

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Farah Mohamed Shirdon of Calgary fighting with Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

Somali-Canadian in his 20s appears in passport burning video uttering threats against West
CBC News Posted: Jun 18, 2014 9:00 PM ET
Last Updated: Jun 19, 2014 8:39 AM ET

Farah Mohamed Shirdon, a Calgarian in his early 20s, is fighting overseas with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, CBC News has learned.

Shirdon, who was enrolled in the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology until at least 2012, appears in an ISIS video released two months ago.

Before burning his Canadian passport, Shirdon, in full view of the camera lens, issues a threat to Canada, the U.S. and "all oppressors."

"We are coming and we will destroy you by the will of God," Shirdon says on the video.

He comes from a prominent and well-educated Somali family. His father’s brother, Abdi Farah Shirdon, was a former prime minister of Somalia who has survived numerous attempts on his life by al-Shabab militants fighting for an Islamic state in Somalia under the banner of al-Qaeda.

Shirdon’s mother and sister live in Calgary and are deeply involved in the religious life of their community. CBC News reached out to them repeatedly, but they would only say they are "confused and pained by Farah’s choice," before asking for privacy.

Though it’s unclear how real his threats are, Shirdon is the latest young man from Calgary to be identified by CBC News as a Canadian fighting overseas.

In January, the CBC’s Adrienne Arsenault first reported on the death of Damian Clairmont, a 22-year-old Canadian-born Muslim who left Calgary for Syria in 2012 and was killed by rebel infighting there.

CBC News also reported on Salman Ashrafi, a Calgary man involved in a November 2013 suicide mission in Iraq under the banner of ISIS.

A ‘regular guy’

Both Clairmont and Ashrafi were members of a small group of at least six men who used an apartment building in downtown Calgary as a hub to discuss radical ideas and chart their path to jihad in Syria and Iraq, CBC News has learned, but it’s not clear if Shirdon was a member of their inner circle as well.

One reliable source declined to say if Shirdon was connected to the group, who prayed at the so-called 8th and 8th Musalla and frequented the same restaurants.

Hamza Ayedi, an outreach co-ordinator for Muslim youth in Calgary who knew Shirdon, said he never saw Shirdon in the company Clairmont and Ashrafi, but that all three individually expressed the same sentiments of "not feeling comfortable living in this country" and "wanting to go live in a Muslim country."

Ayedi said the ISIS passport-burning video became popular a few weeks ago when news began circulating in the community that one of their own can be seen participating.

"I was really shocked because he has evolved big time, I don’t remember him even saying anything like that," said Ayedi, who last saw Shirdon this past September.

“He was just a regular guy.”

130 Canadians have joined terror groups: CSIS

After burning his passport and uttering threats of violence, it is unlikely Shirdon will be allowed back into Canada. But there is a concern now that even more residents of Calgary may follow his lead.

No one knows for sure how many men from Calgary, or Canada as a whole, have left to wage jihad in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere.

Ayedi said that when CSIS visited him a few months ago, they showed him pictures of 10 Muslim men from Calgary and asked him what he knew about them or their whereabouts. 

In February, Canadian Security Intelligence Service director Michel Coulombe testified before the Senate national security and defence committee hearing that an estimated 130 Canadians had gone abroad to join terror groups in Syria, Yemen, Somalia and north Africa.

Coulombe estimated that some 30 alone had left for the Syria-Iraq area.

Coulombe also announced in late March that CSIS was tracking up to 80 Canadians suspected of having participated in terror activities abroad before returning to Canada.

Low profile

Shirdon’s passport-burning video was made to be seen — at one point, he lists the places ISIS wants to attack: "God willing, after Syria, after Iraq, after Jazeera (the Arabian Peninsula), we are going for you Barack Obama" — but he kept a low profile in Calgary.

The source who declined to say if Shirdon belonged to the same group as Ashrafi and Clairmont did say that those two men and at least four others would hold secret meetings to avoid detection.

So far, it’s been enough to keep CSIS and the RCMP’s Integrated National Security Enforcement Team playing catch-up.

Calgary police said they’ve been watching radicalization in the city for eight years, and briefed city politicians on their work after news of Ashrafi’s suicide bombing.

Neither the City of Calgary, local police or the RCMP would speak with CBC News on the extent of the threat to Canada or what is being done to tackle religious extremism at home.

The Islamic Information Society of Calgary issued a news release to CBC saying it’s been warning youth about those who would recruit them for radical causes.

“Our message to the youth has been crystal clear:  if someone is telling you that you will go to Paradise by blowing yourself up in a plane, a train or a public place taking your life and the lives of innocent people, then he is misleading you and committing a crime against the whole society and against the Islamic religion itself,” said Hacene Chebbani, the IISC’s director of religious affairs, in the news release.

The organization also called on all Muslim Canadian organizations to stamp out radical views “within our circles.”

With files from Adrienne Arsenault and Nazim Baksh

More on LINK.

Recent terrorism-related cases with Canadian connections
I do believe the Feds are working on a plan to strip citizenship from those who hold dual status and leave Canada to be terrorists with ISIS etc.  If that's the case here with this POS, then hopefully he won't get his burned passport replaced and can stay the hell away from here when he wants to come back if the Feds get their act together.
jollyjacktar said:
I do believe the Feds are working on a plan to strip citizenship from those who hold dual status and leave Canada to be terrorists with ISIS etc.  If that's the case here with this POS, then hopefully he won't get his burned passport replaced and can stay the hell away from here when he wants to come back if the Feds get their act together.

Too often, however, we have seen our own "Charter of Rights" used, or abused, depending on how you look at it, to protect their "rights". 
Here is an interesting presentation on the debates into the deaths of four Americans at the embassy in Benghazi.  A Muslim woman asks a question to which Brigitte Gabriel replies (on the video linked to article).

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Brigitte Gabriel gives FANTASTIC answer to Muslim woman claiming all Muslims are portrayed badly

The Right Scoop
Posted on Jun 18, 2014 at 9:34 AM in Politics | 330 Comments

This Heritage event on Benghazi has gotten a lot of press over the last day or two, with the left claiming the event turned ‘ugly‘ and that the Muslim woman was ‘pounced on’ and ‘bullied’ by members of the panel.

But after watching it myself, that characterization couldn’t be more wrong. In fact Brigitte Gabriel’s answer to this Muslim woman is perhaps the best answer I’ve ever heard to the ‘peaceful Muslims’ question.

Videos attached to article in
Perhaps Mr. Pitt's character in Inglorious Basterds (sic) said it best, re: those wanting to to pay the ultimate price for their country (Nazi Germany, in the case of that film, here substitute "cause" or "twisted belief system"):  "Oblige him".

Updated: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 05:00:00 GMT | By CBC News, cbc.ca
The life of a jihadi wife: Why one Canadian woman joined ISIS's Islamic state

Eight months ago, Umm Haritha, a 20-year-old woman from Canada, made her way to Turkey against her parents’ wishes with a half-empty suitcase and $1,500.

Within a week she was in Syria, and a few weeks later she was married to Abu Ibrahim al-Suedi, a 26-year-old Palestinian from Sweden fighting for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the Sunni jihadist group battling the Syrian regime.

It is not clear whether Umm Haritha's marriage to Abu Ibrahim was arranged before her travel to Syria. Regardless, it only lasted five months.

On May 5, Abu Ibrahim, whose real name is Taha Shade, was in a car en route to a meeting in Deir ez-Zor with members of rival faction Jabhat al-Nusra. What was meant to be a gathering to finalize a peace treaty between ISIS and al-Nusra turned deadly when an al-Nusra fighter on a motorbike sped up to Shade’s car and detonated his explosive belt.

At the time, Shade was wearing his own explosive belt, which also went off and blew him to pieces.

Two days later, Umm Haritha tweeted about her husband’s death, calling on “Allah” to “destroy those who backstabbed the brothers and resurrect Abu Ibrahim with noor [light] from every piece of his body.”

Umm Haritha’s journey to Syria highlights an underreported part of the western Jihadist experience in Syria.

While the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) has estimated that up to 2,800 Western men have gone to Syria to fight, much less is known about the Western women who have gone over to marry jihadists since the Syrian civil war began three years ago.

The ICSR has located 28 such women who are currently active on social media.

Not sure on the accuracy of this, nor the credibility rating of this website, but this is disturbing if true:

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Media Silent as Muslims Ethnically Cleanse 60,000 Christians in Philippines

September 15, 2013 by Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century.

When thousands of Muslims become refugees, then you can’t get the media to shut up about it for weeks. Thousands of Muslim migrants invading Burma became “refugees” and the media has spent the better part of a year ranting about how evil the Buddhists are.

But when Muslim terrorists attack a Christian city creating tens of thousands of refugees, you couldn’t pay the media to cover the story, whether it’s in Syria, Egypt or closer to home in the Philippines.

Philippine troops have started to battle their way into coastal villages in the south where Muslim rebels have held scores of residents hostage in a six-day standoff, sparking fierce clashes that have killed 56 people and displaced more than 60,000, officials said Saturday.

President Benigno Aquino III said more firefights were expected but assured more than 62,000 displaced villagers being sheltered at a sports complex in Zamboanga city that the rebels’ capability to sow trouble has been degraded and the government was working to end the crisis soon.

Zamboanga is the 6th largest city in the country and 3/4 Christian and an obvious target for the MNLF Muslim terrorists (who are of course denying responsibility and blaming a rogue leader). It’s an obvious target because of its central influence in Mindanao. It’s the city that Muslims want. And it’s likely that the MNLF is finding shelter in the Muslim parts of the city.

More on LINK.

Reposted on SHARIA UNVEILED with youtube video.