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Iran Super Thread- Merged

Frederik G said:
Besides, as you pointed out, it was a dispute between two companies, so why did Iran need to involve their military?
two most likely reasons:
1. Sending a message. They're just itchin' to show they're the big dogs. Usual tactics for them, really. Negotiation through intimidation. Thugs cloaking themselves in religion.

2. Rogue element using a private army to gain a better footing for mo' money. Less likely, though. Odds of pulling it off without superiours finding out are minimal, and independent action in Iran gets you real dead, real fast.
Mabey we should tell the UN and get them to write a letter to Iran saying there being bad and if it happens again the UN will be very angry ;D.
nowhere_man said:
Mabey we should tell the UN and get them to write a letter to Iran saying there being bad and if it happens again the UN will be very angry ;D.

The UN, angry? Oh please! They only get angry when the US shows how useless the UN has become.
This is not reassuring.

Iran's hard-line president on Saturday inaugurated a heavy-water production plant, a facility the West fears will be used to develop a nuclear bomb, as Tehran remained defiant ahead of a U.N. deadline that could lead to sanctions.

The U.N. has called on Tehran to stop the separate process of uranium enrichment — which also can be used to create nuclear weapons — by Thursday or face economic and political sanctions...

Though the West's main worry has been enrichment of uranium that could be used in a bomb, it also has called on Iran to stop the construction of a heavy-water reactor near the production plant that Ahmadinejad inaugurated...

The spent fuel from a heavy-water reactor can be reprocessed to extract plutonium for use in a bomb...

And three years ago Iran was talking about a CANDU connection.

In a letter dated May 5 [2003], Mr. Aghazadeh informed the IAEA of Iran's intention to build a heavy water power reactor using Canadian CANDU reactor technology. The announcement complemented Iran's numerous statements of its intention to build additional reactors in order to generate about 6,000 megawatts of electricity. Immediately following this announcement, Canadian officials vigorously denied any intention of selling CANDU technology to Iran.

More here.

One wonders how many Iranian-origin scientists have been working at AECL or Ontario Power Generation.

Very interesting to say the least... I really hope we can recruit as fast as the Conservatives hope we can because it looks like we might need every single body we can muster in about 2-3 years time.... If that long, if things keep going the way they are. They're just not letting up it seems.

I ask this question to those of you who have far better situational awareness than I. Is it inevatible that we will soon be going to war on a large scale with Iran and/or other Middle Eastern nations in say, perhaps the next 5 years or so? I know this has partially been discussed in other threads on here, but does it not seem inevatible really? When they keep pushing every button they can?

Practice marksmanship principles anyone?
My spider senses are tingling!!!!! A feel a surgical airstrike is coming?


I think its comin shortly myself because if not i think Isreal will be a 9 hours long by 6 hours wide parkin lot if Iran developes there bomb.
MarkOttawa said:
Iran opens heavy water plant: CANDU connection?
Maybe, but even the Nazi experiments with nuclear technology were dependant on heavy water.  Over the years, most countries have gone to other moderators because of the challenges of producing heavy water.  However, the idea is not uniquely Canadian.
The Iranians will not be stopped by diplomacy.We need to hurt Iran in the pocket book. Force her to spend valuable resources on rebuilding their oil facilities rather than nuclear weapons.
Causes of spidey sense for a coming strike?

Israel Prepares for War with Iran
Jim Kouri, NewsLog, 26 Aug 06

The Israeli military estabishment reports that they’ve created a new command to deal exclusively with Iran.  Basically, according to Israeli officials, Israel has expanded its military command structure to include an “Iran Command” as prospects of war with the radical Islamic country appear inevitable.  According to Ha’aretz, Israeli Air Force commander Major General Elyezer Shkedy was appointed as “GOC Iran Command” (commanding officer) and will be tasked with coordinating all military and intelligence efforts in the event of a war with Iran . . . .

Israel May Have To 'Go It Alone' Against Iran
Ryan Jones, All Headline News, 24 Aug 06

Iran's ongoing defiance of international demands regarding its nuclear program and the world's failure to do anything about it but talk may compel Israel to take matters into its own hands, senior government sources in Jerusalem warned Wednesday .  . . . Speaking to The Jerusalem Post on condition of anonymity, one official said Tehran's written response Tuesday to international incentives to stop its uranium enrichment efforts was a clear rejection that Iran knew perfectly well would carry no consequences . . . . The source added, "This is similar to the world's attempts to appease Hitler in the 1930s - they are trying to feed the beast."  He said that if things continued like this very much longer, Israel would have to be prepared to use the means at its disposal to "slow down" Iran's nuclear program . . . .

Israel beefs up its fleet of subs:  The purchase of two more nuclear submarines sends a message to Iran
Associated Press, 25 Aug 06

With the purchase of two more German-made Dolphin submarines capable of carrying nuclear warheads, military experts say Israel is sending a clear message to Iran that it can strike back if attacked by nuclear weapons.  The purchases come at a time when Iran is refusing to bow to growing Western demands to halt its nuclear program, and after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for Israel to be "wiped off the map" . . . .


A deal under which Germany will sell Israel two submarines foresees the vessels being delivered starting in 2010, and they are not being equipped to fire nuclear weapons, an official said Friday.   The sale of the submarines was first reported by The Jerusalem Post on August 22.  The German government said earlier this week that the HDW shipyard signed a contract with Israeli authorities July 6 to build the two Dolphin-class submarines. Israel already has three of that type submarine.  "The delivery of these two Dolphin class submarines is foreseen for 2010, not earlier, according to current planning," and therefore the vessels have "no relevance" to the current conflict in the Middle East, government spokesman Thomas Steg told reporters . . . .
(Jerusalem Post, 25 Aug 06 at
http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1154525945057&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull )

Something bad is bound to happen. Airstricks, Iran retaliation in Iraq and Afghanistan and a strike against Israel. It's not good.
India and Pakistan went at it like cats and dogs for years.  Once they both got nukes they really did settle down, (for the most part).  Will finally having the nuke get the chip off their shoulder and let them calm the **** down?

Perhaps having a nuke might get people to hear out their grievances, (all their issues/beefs can't be BS).  It's hard not to take anyone seriously if they got atomic weapons.

DSB said:
India and Pakistan went at it like cats and dogs for years.  Once they both got nukes they really did settle down, (for the most part).   Will finally having the nuke get the chip off their shoulder and let them calm the **** down?


Sorry DSB, if you think that, pigs can fly. We must remember, the whole country is radicalised, and helll bent on destroying Israel and the Great Satan, and anyone else who stands in their way. Iran is the new 'Nazi Germany of 1939' in the region, and they are dangerous beyond a joke. They are nuts enough nuke us (the west) too.

Sadly, any sort of nuclear tinkering must be stopped NOW, not later, and how its stopped is only going to be in the form of HE. No $$$ or anything else will do it. As time is wasted they get stronger by our weakness, as far as I am concerned, dimplomacy is over.

Giving a tin pot radical islamic backward-arse country living with 21 century technology, and the mentality of the 13th century authorisation for nuclear technology spells 100's of thousands of casualties and worse for us.

Wait for it.

And despite the political fallout, an air strike can't happen soon enough, yesterday would have been good.
Perhaps this is naive of me, but why do they not simply create the reactors elsewhere, and offer the Iranian's energy for cheap? It gives them the energy they claim to want, and forces them to either admit that they are not only interested in the energy, or to stop doing what they are doing because that is what they want. The international community is already willing to make deals and spend money to get them to stop...

I'll admit, it's probably naive..
This for all those people who keep trying to justify attacking Iran because he threatened to "Wipe Israel off the map".

Does Iran's President wants Israel wiped off the map?

To raze Israel to the ground, to batter down, to destroy, to annihilate, to liquidate, to erase Israel, to wipe it off the map - this is what Iran's President demanded - at least this is what we read about or heard of at the end of October 2005. Spreading the news was very effective. This is a declaration of war they said. Obviously government and media were at one with their indignation. It goes around the world.

But let's take a closer look at what Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said. It is a merit of the 'New York Times' that they placed the complete speech at our disposal. Here's an excerpt from the publication dated 2005-10-30:

"They say it is not possible to have a world without the United States and Zionism. But you know that this is a possible goal and slogan. Let's take a step back. [[[We had a hostile regime in this country which was undemocratic, armed to the teeth and, with SAVAK, its security apparatus of SAVAK [the intelligence bureau of the Shah of Iran's government] watched everyone. An environment of terror existed.]]] When our dear Imam [Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Iranian revolution] said that the regime must be removed, many of those who claimed to be politically well-informed said it was not possible. All the corrupt governments were in support of the regime when Imam Khomeini started his movement. [[[All the Western and Eastern countries supported the regime even after the massacre of September 7 [1978] ]]] and said the removal of the regime was not possible. But our people resisted and it is 27 years now that we have survived without a regime dependent on the United States. The tyranny of the East and the West over the world should have to end, but weak people who can see only what lies in front of them cannot believe this. Who would believe that one day we could witness the collapse of the Eastern Empire? But we could watch its fall in our lifetime. And it collapsed in a way that we have to refer to libraries because no trace of it is left. Imam [Khomeini] said Saddam must go and he said he would grow weaker than anyone could imagine. Now you see the man who spoke with such arrogance ten years ago that one would have thought he was immortal, is being tried in his own country in handcuffs and shackles [[[by those who he believed supported him and with whose backing he committed his crimes]]]. Our dear Imam said that the occupying regime must be wiped off the map and this was a very wise statement. We cannot compromise over the issue of Palestine. Is it possible to create a new front in the heart of an old front. This would be a defeat and whoever accepts the legitimacy of this regime [Israel] has in fact, signed the defeat of the Islamic world. Our dear Imam targeted the heart of the world oppressor in his struggle, meaning the occupying regime. I have no doubt that the new wave that has started in Palestine, and we witness it in the Islamic world too, will eliminate this disgraceful stain from the Islamic world."
(source: www.nytimes.com, based on a publication of 'Iranian Students News Agency' (ISNA) -- insertions by the New York Times in squared brackets -- passages in triple squared brackets will be left blank in the MEMRI version printed below)

It's becoming clear. The statements of the Iranian President have been reflected by the media in a manipulated way.

Ahmadinejad has said on a number of occaisions that Irael must be destroyed or moved.

Nice try, Bo.  I don't know who you are, but Ahmadinejad has said time and again he wants the "destruction and downfall" of Israel.  So have other prominent Iranian speakers.

It took me five minutes of Internet searching and a few minutes of reading to find no less than three examples.  Misinformation only works where people aren't intelligent enough to check the sources.  Few people at Army.ca fall into the category of willing believers of such tripe, whether dispensed by the western media or by a useful idiot.
