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Iran Super Thread- Merged

At this time, unless you've heard something that I haven't, Romania has not asked for assistance and any action initiated by the US would be premature.
More evidence that Iran wants to be seen as the big shooter in the region.  I'm betting that Iran is quite bent that Israel didn't turn Lebanon into a major war zone, and they had some convoluted battle plan to start a massive regional conflict.  Now that things are settling down (I know, just let it slide for now) they are all ramped up and no war to fight. 
So why not dick around with a minor NATO ally, and see what sort of reaction they can get?  Wars have started over less, have they not? 
Is there any chance that the oil rig is a dual purpose device, and actually is some sort of listening station?  Or is that too Bond-ish? 
Hopefully they can figure out what Iranian Pres. Gearbox is up to and work around it.
zipperhead_cop said:
Is there any chance that the oil rig is a dual purpose device, and actually is some sort of listening station?  Or is that too Bond-ish? 

Too Bond-ish? No way ... maybe the Iranians are shooting a remake of Diamonds are Forever? Any reports of a bald guy with a cat escaping the oil rig on a submarine, and I'm reassessing the whole thing.  ;D
I'm starting to wonder how long it will be before Israel splits from the whole effin' program and just preemptively nukes Tehran, Damascus, and anyone else in dire need of an Old Testament type crap kicking.
Kat Stevens said:
I'm starting to wonder how long it will be before Israel splits from the whole effin' program and just preemptively nukes Tehran, Damascus, and anyone else in dire need of an Old Testament type crap kicking.

I'm in.
Iran Denies Seizing Romanian Oil Rig

August 23, 2006 -- The Iranian Foreign Ministry today denied that Iranian troops have occupied a Romanian rig in the Persian Gulf.

However, it said Iranian police prevented materials belonging to the Orizont rig from being transferred, and will do so as long as a legal dispute between Iranian and Romanian companies remains unsettled.

The Romanian Embassy in Tehran says Iranian military forces on August 22 attacked and occupied the rig, which belongs to the Romanian group Servicii Petroliere.

Who's to believe? Has anyone else found info on this topic? There doesn't seem to be much reported on the matter.

I have a friend with parents in Romania, and according to them the Romanian media isn't saying much at all other than that there has been an 'incident' due to an economic dispute.  According to them the Iranians have withdrawn all the military pers but left 3 police on the rig as observers.  No word on whether the military has rigged the rig (pardon the awkward wording) it to explode if attacked. 
Bo said:
Who's to believe? Has anyone else found info on this topic? There doesn't seem to be much reported on the matter.


I'll believe what Iran says when they stop lying and trying to deceive everyone. Until then, everything they say is lies and propaganda.

Trying to believe Iran is like going into a maximum-security prison, talking to a guy who's in jail for embezzlement and murder, and saying "hmm, maybe I should believe HIM instead of his victims."
If Iran has withdrawn it's troops and both countries admit that this is a COMMERCIAL dispute, imagine the fine mess we'd be in if the SEALS had gone in fightin - without an invite or a howdie-doo..........
geo said:
If Iran has withdrawn it's troops and both countries admit that this is a COMMERCIAL dispute, imagine the fine mess we'd be in if the SEALS had gone in fightin - without an invite or a howdie-doo..........

Yeah but now that Iran knows nobody will react--even by talking--if they start shooting at civilians (even just warning shots), do you think they'll let things go on? No, every time they get involved in a trade/commercial dispute, they're gonna go in guns blazing and strongarm their way into whatever they want.

Let's not wait until they're too bold and powerful to act; make sure Iran knows not to screw up and attack civilians. Now.
If Iran keeps up with this sort of tactic, they'll simply lose out on all their revenue, since few companies will deal with them. They're lunatics with an agenda, but it'll bite them in the ass commercially, just as it did with Uncle Moammar. Iran needs to be jerked up by they short and curlies, but not over COMMERCIAL reasons.

While I am a firm believer that something has to be done to bring the Iranian gov't to heed warnings AND work with international bodies, I don't think it is appropriate, fair or reasonnable to have the US NAVY, SEALS, MARINES & DELTA go storming in to Iran, a sovereign country, without the involvment of someone directly & intimately involved in the incident .... (in this case - the Romanians)

In this case, it appears to have been a commercial dispute between Servicii Petroliere AND the Iranian state petroleum company.....
Unfortunately, China is so hungry for oil that they will gladly accept to take delivery of all of Iran's oil production...... guess you'll have to find another way to bite them on the a**
no worries. They're going down. Just a question of when, and how many innocents they slaughter in the meantime.
geo said:

While I am a firm believer that something has to be done to bring the Iranian gov't to heed warnings AND work with international bodies, I don't think it is appropriate, fair or reasonnable to have the US NAVY, SEALS, MARINES & DELTA go storming in to Iran, a sovereign country, without the involvment of someone directly & intimately involved in the incident .... (in this case - the Romanians)

In this case, it appears to have been a commercial dispute between Servicii Petroliere AND the Iranian state petroleum company.....

I agree the US (and the West in general) shouldn't go storming into sovereign countries, but someone should at least say something. Y'know, tell Iran "hey, that's not right, don't do it again."

Besides, as you pointed out, it was a dispute between two companies, so why did Iran need to involve their military?