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Iran Super Thread- Merged

Rep. Hunter: US Should Use Tactical Nukes on Iran if Strikes Become Necessary

Hell, why put your troops at risk, use strategic nukes instead. No one needs to be deployed closer than the Dakotas.

And the missileers will finally have a sense of accomplishment for all those long hours staring at the red phone waiting for it to ring.

One of the Iranian Kilo class subs is included in this foreign port visit below:

Defense News

Iranian Warships Visit Mumbai Harbor

NEW DELHI — Two Iranian warships and a submarine docked in Mumbai harbor Dec. 5 for a three-day goodwill visit, an Indian Navy official said.

The warships, including a destroyer, a helicopter-carrying tanker and a Kilo-class submarine, docked in the civil area of the Mumbai harbor and not in the area designated for the Indian Navy. The two Iranian warships and the Russian-built submarine are scheduled to proceed to Sri Lanka Dec. 7.

The last time Iranian Navy warships were in India was in 2009, and joint maneuvers were conducted in 2006.

Indo-Iran defense ties had been halted by the US-led sanctions against Iran for pursuing a nuclear weapon program.

The Iranian flotilla arrived in India at a time when there is an easing of tension between Iran and world powers.

To think that Iran has another air force, parallel to the IRIAF, which is part of the Revolutionary Guards and thus called the ICGAF. This is much like the way Hitler's Germany had both the Wehrmacht and the Waffen SS as two parallel armies, but with the latter more ideologically subservient to the national leader.

Defense News

US Military Official: Iran Moves Fighters Off Disputed Island

DUBAI — Iran has redeployed a squadron of jet fighters off the strategic disputed island of Abu Musa in the Gulf, a senior US military official said.

The official only described the redeployment of 10 SU-25 Frogfoot close air support and ground attack aircraft — including seven flown from Iraq to Iran during the 1991 Gulf War — as “recent,” but did not say if it was due to the interim nuclear deal signed in Geneva on Nov. 24.

According to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, the SU-25s present the backbone of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force (IRGCAF), which controls military operations on the disputed islands.

Iran originally claimed the strategically located islands of Abu Musa, as well as the Greater and Lesser Tunbs in November 1971, hours ahead of the formation of the United Arab Emirates.

Iran's seizure of the islands came after Mohammed Reza Pehlavi, the Shah of Iran relinquished claim to Bahrain, in what he had hoped would be a quid pro quo deal. "The islands provide a strategic position for the Iranian forces as they are close to their bases in Bandar Abbas," the US official said.

S.M.A. said:
To think that Iran has another air force, parallel to the IRIAF, which is part of the Revolutionary Guards and thus called the ICGAF. This is much like the way Hitler's Germany had both the Wehrmacht and the Waffen SS as two parallel armies, but with the latter more ideologically subservient to the national leader.
Not entirely true for all of the Waffen SS.

To serve in the Wehrmacht, one had to be German (with some exceptions: see Blue Division, for example).

For the most part, foreigners wishing to fight Bolshevism/get a job/etc had to join the Waffen SS.
Great. Someone wanted to help Iran improve their chances of getting a real 5th Generation fighter since they showed that fake fighter prototype recently.  ::)

Imprisonment for 10 years only? Isn't this crime tantamount to treason in the US?

Man Arrested for Attempted Transfer of F-35 Data to Iran
Jan. 13, 2014 (defensenews.com)


Mozaffar Khazaee was arrested Jan. 9 at Newark International Airport in New Jersey after the first leg of a trip to Tehran. Khazaee, who became a naturalized US citizen in 1991, was charged with “transporting, transmitting and transferring in interstate or foreign commerce goods obtained by theft, conversion, or fraud,” a crime that carries a maximum of 10 years imprisonment.

According to a US government affidavit, federal agents began investigating Khazaee in November, when he attempted to send a shipment from Connecticut to the Iranian city of Hamadan. When agents inspected the shipment, they found “numerous boxes of documents consisting of sensitive technical manuals, specification sheets, and other proprietary material for the F-35. Those documents came from a company that Khazaee had last worked at in August of 2013.

Overall, the shipment included thousands of pages of documents, including diagrams and blueprints of the high-tech fighter jet’s engine. Some of the information was marked as being ITAR- and export-controlled information.
"Smart Diplomacy"tm update:


Iran’s Nuclear Enablers

By Rachel Ehrenfeld
Tuesday, January 14th, 2014 @ 3:24AM

The speed at which the United States, Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia are advancing Iran’s nuclear ambitions is mind-boggling. Even before the ink dried on the P5+1′s six-month Geneva accord with Iran — aptly described as  ”just an appetizer” by former chief UN nuclear inspector Herman Nackaerts – we hear that talks on the final agreementwill start shortly after the interim agreement begins on January 20.

This is especially alarming since the Geneva agreement did not demand that Iran stops all of its uranium enrichment programs and nuclear weapons research, in return for the West’s lifting some sanctions. Iran has never allowed U.N. inspection of all its nuclear sites and repeatedly stated it will not allow this now.

The current agreement doesn’t request, for example, inspection of Parchin military base, which has not been inspected since 2005, “despite calls by Yukiyo Amano, head of IAEA.”

Moreover, satellite imagery from August, 2013, showing “ongoing construction and testing … [and] major alterations at the site which the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) says were meant to hide possible tests of conventional triggers for a nuclear explosion.” These images followed satellite images from August 2012 “showing cleanup activities [and] … suspicious activities at a building suspected of housing nuclear blast experiments.”

Back in December, we learned that the IAEA was by no means ready to inspect Iranian sites.  This appeared to be a problem that would take some considerable time to remedy.  But the Obama administration has not dealt either with this potentially deal-breaking fact or with other conditions Iran refuses to implement. It’s been busy congratulating itself on its diplomatic efforts while pressuring Congress to prevent the passage of new additional sanctions that would take effect if Iran fails to comply with any of the accord’s requirements during the next six months.

Meanwhile Rouhani et al., have announced that the Arak reactor would surely be built in due course (along with myriad new reactors around the country), and that the country would be upgrading the efficiency of its centrifuges no matter what. The Majlis (parliament) has a bill under consideration to enrich uranium to 60 percent purity whenever the negotiations don’t go Teheran’s way. That, as we have witnessed in the past, allows Iran to blackmail the U.S. and other Western nations to more concessions that harm their own national interests.

Rightly anticipating the end of all sanctions, the Iranians have been meeting steadily with potential European investors over the past two months.  The climate of this is fully expressed in a recent Der Spiegel article on just how busy the head of the German-Iranian Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Tehran has been. It’s not entitled “Chance of a Century” for nothing. Other Europeans agree. They, as did the Iranians, understood last November that the U.S. and UN sanctions regimes ended with the Geneva accord. The U.S. has tried to pretend that it is still seriously enforcing them, but our feckless allies clearly got the assurances that this is just window dressing to help Obama keep Congress in line.

The Western media mostly downplays the above, most likely because the Obama administration and other Western leaders have so little (if anything at all) to say about them. Story after story, however, regards whether the West is treating Iran with proper respect and well enough for the Geneva Agreement to work out. This began almost immediately after the agreement was inked. Opinion pieces were dominated by accusations against Congress for daring to prepare new sanctions if the agreement failed to work out after six months.  On December 7, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif warned, “If Congress adopts sanctions … The entire deal is dead. We do not like to negotiate under duress.” Pundits wondered if the Obama administration would be able to talk Congress out of such irresponsible actions while such “sensitive” negotiations were ongoing.  Some media outlets even compared the U.S. Congress to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard as irresponsible “conservative” opponents to the deal.

Iran is clearly in the driver’s seat not only regarding the lifting of sanctions, but seems to be effectively calling the policy shots for the U.S. and the rest of the P5+1.  It’s no accident at all, then, that it was Tehran that first announced the January 20 commencement date for the agreement.

Accommodating Iran to the fullest extent possible is now the mantra of Western governments.  If you are not convinced of this, take a look at the January 8 issue of the New York Times for the article “U.S. and Iran Face Common Enemies in Mideast Strife.”  Although ostensibly on the simple fact that both the U.S. and Iran are supporting the Maliki government’s struggle against al Qaeda in Iraq’s Anbar Province, the Obama-worshipping NYT carefully explains-just as Khamenei and Rouhani would-that the real danger in the Middle East is Sunni jihadis and their supporters (and, by implication, not poor innocent Iran itself). Is the Times trying out a new explanation for the administration on why Iran should be accommodated? Stay tuned.

None of this would have happened has Obama insisted to end to uranium enrichment as a condition to lift any of the sanctions.  The question remains whether this was simply a witless act of appeasement that is an integral part of the president’s “multipolar world” and “we should negotiate with our enemies and discipline our friends” fantasies, or a deliberate betrayal of longstanding U.S. policies and our Middle East allies, especially Israel, which Iran says would be the first target of their nuclear weapons. It certainly serves to advance Obama’s quest of U.S. withdrawal from the world.

To date, the U.S. has given Iran the rope with which to hang the West and its allies. Finalizing any sanction relief agreement with Iran in February, without even an apparent demand to curb the regime’s nuclear weaponization programs, would amount to the U.S. springing the gallows trap on itself and its purported allies.

- See more at: http://acdemocracy.org/irans-nuclear-enablers/#sthash.umJcXaHc.vooLF8pq.dpuf
An update regarding the disputed islands described in this earlier post.

Defense News

Source: UAE, Iran Reach Accord on Disputed Hormuz Islands
Jan. 15, 2014 - 05:30PM  |  By AWAD MUSTAFA 

ABU DHABI — The United Arab Emirates and Iran have reached an agreement on the three disputed islands near the Strait of Hormuz, according to a high level UAE source.

According to the source, UAE and Iranian officials have engaged in secretive talks with the help of the Omani government over the past six months.

“A deal has been reached and finalized on the Greater and Lesser Tunbs,” the source said. “For now, two of the three islands are to return to the UAE while the final agreement for Abu Musa is being ironed out.”

“Iran will retain the sea bed rights around the three islands while the UAE will hold sovereignty over the land,” he said. “Oman will grant Iran a strategic location on Ras Musandam mountain, which is a very strategic point overlooking the whole gulf region.

I didn't realize their Shah-era P3s were still active...

Iranian P-3F maritime patrol plane “buzzes” U.S. carrier’s control tower
Feb 01 2014



We have recently published some images showing an F/A-18E Super Hornet escorting an IRIAF (Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force) P-3F flying quite close to USS Abraham Lincoln in the Persian Gulf.

It’s unclear whether the “flyby” was conducted on the same day the Iranian plane was escorted by the Hornet; still, the new images not only prove close encounters in the region occur but they also clearly show the indiscreet Orion in the “exotic” IRIAF color scheme.

The Iranian Navy in the news yet again:

From Reuters via Yahoo News

Iran says warships sailing towards U.S.: agency

DUBAI (Reuters) - An Iranian naval officer said a number of warships had been ordered to approach U.S. maritime borders as a response to the stationing of U.S. vessels in the Gulf, the semi-official Fars news agency reported on Saturday.

"Iran's military fleet is approaching the United States' maritime borders, and this move has a message," the agency quoted Admiral Afshin Rezayee Haddad as saying.

Haddad, described as commander of the Iranian navy's northern fleet, said the vessels had started their voyage towards the Atlantic Ocean via "waters near South Africa", Fars reported.

Fars said the plan was part of "Iran's response to Washington's beefed up naval presence in the Persian Gulf."

The Fars report, which carried no details of the vessels, could not be confirmed independently.

In Washington, a U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, cast doubt on any claims that the Iranian ships were approaching U.S. maritime borders. But the official added that "ships are free to operate in international waters."

The Iranians will need to refuel their ships and I don't know if they have even practiced replenishment at sea. ;D
tomahawk6 said:
The Iranians will need to refuel their ships and I don't know if they have even practiced replenishment at sea. ;D

Good luck to them then........ ;)
More Iranian missile-testing: so much for Iran taking a softer approach with their new "moderate" leader Rouhani.


Iran Successfully Test-fires 2 Missiles

Associated Press | Feb 11, 2014

TEHRAN, Iran - Iran has successfully test-fired two missiles, including a long-range ballistic weapon, the official IRNA news agency reported on Monday.

The report by IRNA quoted President Hassan Rouhani as congratulating the military.

The "children of Iran successfully test-fired a new generation" of weapons, he said.

The test came a day after a group of lawmakers accused Rouhani of halting a scheduled missile exercise. It was not clear if this was the same test.

Rouhani's policy of outreach to the West and its centerpiece, a deal on Iran's disputed nuclear program, is opposed by hard-liners who accuse him of giving away too much for too little.

Iran has pursued military self-sufficiency since 1992. It produces tanks, jet fighters, submarines and warships, as well as weapons for these systems.

From time to time it announces technological breakthroughs, most of which cannot be independently verified.

The report did not say if the missiles were new designs, but the term "new generation" suggests that they were upgrades of existing ones.

It said the ballistic missile had radar-evading capabilities, but did not give a name. It said the second missile was called Bina, or "Insightful," and was laser-guided. It said it could be fired from the ground or from aircraft.

Well, isn't this comforting...


Expert: Iran ships a dry run for later nuclear/EMP attack; humiliate Obama

Photo - Iran warships are planning a maneuver off the Atlantic Coast. AP Photo
Iran warships are planning a maneuver off the Atlantic Coast. AP Photo

Iran's surprising decision to move warships off the Atlantic coast poses a potential catastrophic threat to America from a nuclear or electromagnetic pulse attack, according to an expert who foresaw Iran's move.

Peter Pry, an expert on EMP attacks, said the ships are likely a dry run for a future attack, a maneuver meant to lull Washington into complacency while also embarrassing President Obama and his effort to convince Tehran to give up production of a nuclear bomb in return for a lifting of some economic sanctions.

“Yes, patrols by the Iranian Navy off our coasts could pose threat of a surprise EMP attack,” said Pry, who with others such as former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, has convinced several state legislatures to take moves to harden their electric and energy grids from EMP attack because Washington won't.

Pry said the ships are probably conducting a test for a future visit from an Iranian freighter that would launch the attack.

“I think the Iranian Navy patrols off our coasts may be intended to lull us into complacency, to get the U.S. Navy accustomed to an Iranian naval presence in our hemisphere, so eventually they could contribute to 'Zero Hour' and the great day when the Mullahs decide to drop the nuclear hammer on America,” said Pry, who staffed a former congressional EMP commission.

“I think the Iranian Navy patrols are also intended to humiliate Obama and the United States for the Geneva [nuclear] interim agreement that Tehran interprets, correctly I think, as U.S. surrendering to the inevitability of a nuclear-armed Iran,” he added.

Pry, president of EMPACT America, one of the nation's leading authorities on EMP, revealed that Iran recently purchased Russia's Club-K missile launcher, which can be hidden in tractor-trailer-sized cargo boxes.

“I and my colleagues, including Reza Kahlili, who warned six months ago that these Iranian patrols were coming, think it more likely Iran would make an EMP attack by launching a missile off a freighter, so they could do the deed anonymously, and escape retaliation,” Pry explained.

“Iran has demonstrated the capability to launch a missile off a freighter. Iran has also purchased Russia's Club-K missile system. The Club-K is a complete missile launch system, disguised to look like a shipping container, that could convert any freighter into a missile launch platform. The Club-K, if armed with a nuclear warhead, could be used to execute an EMP attack.”

Woolsey recently told Secrets that Iran was just months away from finishing production of their first nuclear bomb.

He also has joined with Pry and others, including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, in warning about a nuclear blast in the atmosphere that would knock out electric transformers and facilities in the mid-Atlantic.

The maker of the Club-K has posted a promotional video, above, showing how a nation could use it.

Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at pbedard@washingtonexaminer.com.
The two former adversaries from the Iran-Iraq War rebuilding unofficial ties?

Defense News

US Presses Iraq on Reports of Arms Deal with Iran
Feb. 24, 2014 - 10:05PM  |  By AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE

WASHINGTON — The United States pressed Iraq Monday to explain media reports that it had signed a contract to buy arms from Iran, a move forbidden under a United Nations embargo.

“We’ve certainly seen those reports. If true, this would raise serious concerns,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

A deal signed in November in which Iraq would buy $195 million in arms from Iran was reported by Reuters in Baghdad Monday.

Psaki said that “any transfer of arms from Iran to a third country is in direct violation” of the UN embargo.

(...)- EDITED

In spite of the recent diplomatic initiatives with Iran, Tehran's current regime continues to supply weapons to its proxies in Gaza:

Defense News

Israel Intercepts 'Iranian Weapons Shipment' to Gaza
Mar. 5, 2014 - 04:30PM  |  By AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE

JERUSALEM — Israel said it intercepted a ship Wednesday carrying an Iranian shipment of advanced rockets bound for Palestinian militants, claiming it proved Tehran could not be trusted in international nuclear talks.

The announcement came hours after Israel said it struck two Hezbollah fighters as they tried to plant a bomb near the Syrian-Israeli frontier and just over a week after Israel reportedly bombed the Iran-backed group inside Lebanon for the first time since 2006.

Israel has long accused Iran and Syria of providing military aid to Hezbollah and to Palestinian militant groups, and the military spokesman’s office tweeted that the ship was carrying weapons “capable of striking anywhere in Israel.”

Reminds me of a similar life-size replica of a US carrier in a Chinese amusement park...  ;D

Yahoo Business Insider

Iran Is Building A Shoddy Replica Of A US Navy Aircraft Carrier For Some Reason

By Paul Szoldra | Business Insider – 13 hours ago

Iran is building a non-functioning replica of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier that analysts believe may be for propaganda purposes, The New York Times reports.

"Based on our observations, this is not a functioning aircraft carrier; it’s a large barge built to look like an aircraft carrier," Cmdr. Jason Salata, a spokesman for the Navy’s Fifth Fleet in Bahrain, told the Times. "We’re not sure what Iran hopes to gain by building this. If it is a big propaganda piece, to what end?"

Unlike a typical U.S. carrier, which usually measure about 1,100 feet long, the Iranian version is about two-thirds that size, The Times reports.

More on the model carrier. My own guess is it is a training aid and mockup to plan attacks on carriers in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea, but a scale model for a propaganda film of sinking a US carrier also has some appeal as well:


Why is Iran building a fake US carrier?
By Jeremy Herb

Iran is building a fake U.S. aircraft carrier, which some U.S. officials believe could be blown up for propaganda.

The New York Times reports that the Iranian’s fake carrier was first noticed in a shipyard on the Persian Gulf last summer.

The ship has the same shape as the Navy’s Nimitz-class carriers. The Nimitz’s No. 68 is painted near the bow and the carrier has mock-up aircraft on the flight deck.
U.S. officials told the Times that the ship is more like a barge than a warship, as it lacks a nuclear propulsion system and is two-thirds the length of the Navy’s 1,100-foot long carriers.

“We’re not sure what Iran hopes to gain by building this. If it is a big propaganda piece, to what end?” said Cmdr. Jason Salata, a spokesman for the Navy’s Fifth Fleet, which operates out of Bahrain.

One potential reason that Tehran might want to blow up an American carrier would be if the nuclear talks fall apart between Iran and the P5+1 group: the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Russia and China.

The two sides are trying to hammer out a permanent deal over Iran’s nuclear program, but a successful negotiation is far from certain.

Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/defcon-hill/operations/201365-why-is-iran-building-a-fake-us-carrier#ixzz2wek4nmPn
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