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Iran Super Thread- Merged

Something from Small Wars Journal, "The Costs of War with Iran: An Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield".....
This paper describes the possible Iranian responses to American or Israeli air strikes. Using the U.S. Army’s analytical tool, “Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield,” it will define the operational environment of a war with Iran, and describe Iran’s terrain broadly. The paper describes how Iran’s military has adopted asymmetric tactics to defeat conventionally superior enemies, like America. Using this background, I will lay out the “courses of action” available to Iran at sea, air, ground, in other countries and by conducting terrorism around the globe ....
Also attached if link doesn't work for you.
From link above.
"Iranian naval forces will likely try to attack U.S. vessels with a combination of different attacks. It will also try to swarm U.S. vessels with multiple small craft at the same time, overwhelming U.S. defense."

With these;

Iran's SUPER-FAST GUNSHIPS! ( which isshared with provisions of The Copyright Act)
According to a breaking news report in the Globe and Mail, "Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird says he’s cutting ties with Iran amid worries about the safety of Canadian diplomats in the country. Mr. Baird says the Canadian embassy in Tehran will close immediately and Iranian diplomats in Canada have been given five days to leave."

From cbc.ca/news 07 Sept 12

Canada closes embassy in Iran

Canada has suspended diplomatic relations with Iran and is expelling Iranian diplomats from Canada, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird announced in a statement today.

Speaking to reporters in Russia, where he's attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-Operation summit, Baird said the government is formally listing Iran today as a state sponsor of terrorism under the Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act. That will theoretically allow Canadians affected by terrorism supported by the Iranian regime to sue.

"Iran is among the world's worst violators of human rights. It shelters and materially supports terrorist groups," Baird said.

"Unequivocally, we have no information about a military strike on Iran," he added

More on link
E.R. Campbell said:
According to a breaking news report in the Globe and Mail, "Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird says he’s cutting ties with Iran amid worries about the safety of Canadian diplomats in the country. Mr. Baird says the Canadian embassy in Tehran will close immediately and Iranian diplomats in Canada have been given five days to leave."

My only question is: Why now?  :dunno:
cupper, it should be obvious to you and Redeye.

PM Harper's Canada is a trusted friend of Israel, and President Obama's USA is not. We were told, and the Dems were not (even after the Dems flip flop on 1 of 4 middle Eastern issues).
I have to say this surprised me when I heard that Canada is cutting ties with Iran. We aren't usually this blunt.
Rifleman62 said:
cupper, it should be obvious to you and Redeye.

PM Harper's Canada is a trusted friend of Israel, and President Obama's USA is not. We were told, and the Dems were not (even after the Dems flip flop on 1 of 4 middle Eastern issues).

Put your  :Tin-Foil-Hat: back in the closet, this isn't the US Election thread.

Harper needed to wait this long to pull the plug? Really?

I can think of many MANY opportunities that were ripe for cutting ties.

But we waited until a slow news day to pull this?

I have to agree with Jim, this is out of character, and the timing makes little sense.
Here is a link lads.


By Sympatico News powered by CTV News

The tension seems to be building up again once more.

USS John Stennis is currently relieving-in-place USS Enterprise. While it's there, the combined force will be conducting a week or so long exercise. That puts three carrier strike groups - fully half of America's operational carrier force, and 60% of what's at sea - in the gulf at once, until Big E sails for home. I'd be twitchy if I were Iran.

Clearly this is because Argo is coming out soon.  Actually, maybe it isn't sarcastic.
I hope Argo is good.  Back on topic; it is impossible to guess because there is too much information missing.  Most of it probably behind the scenes and you wont hear about it.
cupper said:
Put your  :Tin-Foil-Hat: back in the closet...
I have to agree with Jim, this is out of character, and the timing makes little sense.

Where do we get those tin foil hats again?

Could these be a prelude to something a bit more severe?
well, if ever there was a right time to hit Iran......

existing Pres wanting a poll lift
3 carrier groups in place
the rest of the world pretty quiet
Israel chomping at the bit
Iran not quite dug in so deeply that it couldn't be explosively dug out
probably a whole bunch I didn't twig to.......
E.R. Campbell said:
According to a breaking news report in the Globe and Mail, "Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird says he’s cutting ties with Iran amid worries about the safety of Canadian diplomats in the country. Mr. Baird says the Canadian embassy in Tehran will close immediately and Iranian diplomats in Canada have been given five days to leave."
A bit more from the DFAIT Info-machine:
Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird and the Honourable Vic Toews, Minister of Public Safety, today announced that Canada has listed both Iran and Syria as states that support terrorism.

“Canada is committed to fighting global terrorism and to holding perpetrators of terrorism—and those who provide them support—accountable for their actions,” said Minister Baird.

“Building resilience against terrorism is a priority for our government, and respect for the rule of law prevails in a resilient society,” said Minister Toews. “Canada recognizes victims of terrorism, and we are providing those victims with a means to seek justice.”

The Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act allows victims of terrorism to sue perpetrators of terrorism and those who support them, including listed foreign states, for loss or damage that has occurred as a result of an act of terrorism committed anywhere in the world.

Translation:  if you're a victim of terrorism linked to Syria or Iran, come to Canada and sue your hearts out?
If I was the Israeli PM I would strike Iran when it would hurt President Obama the most. Late October to early November. >:D
tomahawk6 said:
If I was the Israeli PM I would strike Iran when it would hurt President Obama the most. Late October to early November. >:D

With what?

F-15s and F-16s don't have the legs without significant air to air refueling. What would you say a refueler's chances are over Iraq, Jordan, Saudi or Syria?

Natanz is buried under thirty meters of earth and reinforces concrete. What does Israel have that will do the job reliably short of nukes?