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thx for the insight on the situation

I have no other option than just keeping in the best shape and waiting it out :P these choices rule hhahhaa

its been a while since my interview so i guess i have to keep a lid on it till sept 25th rolls around.

thx again
Don't worry about it, I believe they will do an update of your interview if it has been more than 6 months.  Be prepared to dazzle them then.
I'm having my interview Wednesday. Assuming everything goes well, what can I expect.  What I mean is after the one on one converse is complete, what is the interviewer going to tell me.  ie. we'll call you, no we don't want you, your "merit listed"...........
Like I said if everthing goes well what should I leave the office knowing?!?  (This question sounded so much better in my head.)
He or she will say something like "we find you to be acceptable for the Canadian Forces", probably shake your hand.
Yes i'm hoping they will say that but what position will I be leaving?  Will they say "Yeah fine your in" or "we have to go over your file again".
What did they tell you guy when you left.  I know it's a stupid question. I'm just trying to plan my next move. Please bare with me. ;D
After my interview, I got the "I believe you'd make an excellent DEO candidate in the CF" handshake, and then we discussed what I had to do do complete my file.  (Medical paper, as I had eye surgery, ANAV exams, bloodwork, etc.)  After that, we discussed what I can do to make myself more attractive to the spring selection board.  (Job that reflects organisation & leadership abilities, volunteer stuff, fitness, etc.)  I think a lot of it depends on what MOC you're applying for, but that was my experience.  Hope it helps, and good luck!  Remember that the interviewer is on your side, so feel free to ask questions, and try not to be nervous!  They are there to help you.

thats what they told me too, and 8 months later i got the call telling me that I'm leaving for basic training Jan 24 th, so be patient
With regard to the CF interview(Reserves) I have some questions.
Is the interview always done at the Recruiting Centre and not the Reserve unit where
you are applying?

Also, is the decision to hire an applicant(after the interview)decided at the Recruiting
Centre or by the Reserve unit where you are applying?

Thank You! :)
J0HN said:
Im just curious

what kind of questions do they ask ? ???

In the application package that every applicant, Regular or Reserve, receives, there is a form called preparing for your interview.  Every applicant is required to produce that form to the recruiting office before they are interviewed.  That form contains the types of questions that you will be asked.
Hi! Well, after 2 years of waiting I finally got a call from the RC telling me that I no longer need to wait for the background check because there was some kind of a policy change.. I am going for infantry soldier in the reserves (QOR). So the recruiter booked an appointment for my medical and the interview. I am not really worried about the medical or the PT(I passed the aptitude test), but I do, however, have some questions regarding the interview. I am trying to fill out the "Preparing for your interview" paper, and I'm stuck where it says "Where and how long is the training?" "1. Recruit training" "2. Occupational training". I have searched these forums, and some sites, but I seem to be getting different answers, so this is confusing me. Here are some of my questions: Would locations vary depending on when I am training (Fall or summer)? How long and where the bmq and the sq would be for me? Do I tell the interviewer how long and where the training will take place over the fall or summer? I also have a bonus question, where it tells me to state the bad points about the army, I really cant think of any. Is that okay? or would it be better if I stated something?

As you can tell from my questions, I am very confused about this.. Sorry if the answer is already somewhere in the forum, I did my best to search. Please help - thanks in advance.
StormTrooper said:
I am trying to fill out the "Preparing for your interview" paper, and I'm stuck where it says "Where and how long is the training?" "1. Recruit training" "2. Occupational training". I have searched these forums, and some sites, but I seem to be getting different answers, so this is confusing me. Here are some of my questions: Would locations vary depending on when I am training (Fall or summer)? How long and where the bmq and the sq would be for me? Do I tell the interviewer how long and where the training will take place over the fall or summer? I also have a bonus question, where it tells me to state the bad points about the army, I really cant think of any. Is that okay? or would it be better if I stated something?

For the interview purpose, I think the more relevant point is to demonstrate that you have done some research on joining the Forces. It doesn't really matter if you know the exact answer, all it matters is that you have research into your job and your organization. Go to the QOR website and learn a bit about the unit history.

In regards to bad points about the army, if you have no previous experience with the military, it's okay to say "you don't know".   However to answer that question I suggest that you think about how it would impact on your life, i.e. does your commitment in conflict with school, work, friends, etc?

Anway, that's my 2 cents. Hope that helps.
There is nothing to worry about with the interview - this seems to be where everyone gets all nervous and tensed up, but really it's no big deal. They simply ask you a few questions about yourself, why you are deciding to join, and maybe the odd question about the military in the big picture or what not. It's nothing more than a job interview, nothing to get too worked up about. Present yourself accordingly, be professional, have a good sense of humor (although don't overdo it), and relax. Just know the job you are getting into and have basic knowledge of the military. Do not worry about specific details like the length of your BMQ and SQ, where it's held, etc. That's not for YOU to worry about, your unit will designate that for you. Relax, be courteous and professional.

Lima_Oscar said:
For the interview purpose, I think the more relevant point is to demonstrate that you have done some research on joining the Forces.

Be prepared to be asked about your previous experience(s) with narcotics a few times at least during the interview, the interviewing officer usually gets a kick out of that one. I was asked three times in very subliminal manners but nevertheless it soothes a tense atmosphere if there is any on your part. Good luck! :cdn:
All the answers mostly on the "Perparing for your Interview" Sheet can be found on the Canadian Recruiting Website.
If you have questions about your interview, call the recruiter and ask them advice. A PO from my local CFRC gave me some very good tips.