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what sort of questions do they usually ask at the CFRC? I am not good at interviews at all. :confused:
Just answer them honestly, it‘s not like it‘s a grilling.
They will ask what International Organizations Canada is part of (eg UN, Nato, WTO etc.) They will also ask in what peace keeping missions Canada has taken part in, I think he told me Afganistan and Haiti.

The rest are easy like why do you want to join the forces etc.

I think at this stage in the process the only way you‘ll get turned down is if you are incapable of speaking.
I have my recruiting interview scheduled for July 6. They have asked me to fill out a â Å“Preparing for Your Interviewâ ? form and I have a few questions.

1. â Å“List the occupations you wish to apply for.â ?
It gives me slots for a First Choice, Second Choice, and so on. I am applying to the Reserve INF so do I just put that in for First Choice and leave the others blank?

2. â Å“Write a description of the occupation that you are interested in, including some of the duties and where you may be employed.â ?
I really have no clue what to write here and was hoping that some of you guys/girls could help me out.

3. â Å“Where and how long is the training?â ?
I know I would have to go through the 10 week BMQ but it has slots for â Å“Recruit Trainingâ ? and â Å“Occupational Trainingâ ?. If someone could clarify what those mean to me it would be really helpful. I don't know where the training would take place and was hoping someone might be able to tell me that as well. I live in Kitchener.

Thanks for all your help.

1. â Å“List the occupations you wish to apply for.â ?
It gives me slots for a First Choice, Second Choice, and so on. I am applying to the Reserve INF so do I just put that in for First Choice and leave the others blank?

Sure, your only interest is a reserve infantry unit, so that should be ok.

2. â Å“Write a description of the occupation that you are interested in, including some of the duties and where you may be employed.â ?
I really have no clue what to write here and was hoping that some of you guys/girls could help me out.

You don't have any clue of the job you are applying for?   I wouldn't go into a factory and say, "I want to work".   Better take a closer look at the recruiting page and around these forums.

3.â Å“Where and how long is the training?â ?
I know I would have to go through the 10 week BMQ but it has slots for â Å“Recruit Trainingâ ? and â Å“Occupational Trainingâ ?. If someone could clarify what those mean to me it would be really helpful. I don't know where the training would take place and was hoping someone might be able to tell me that as well. I live in Kitchener.

Look in the infantry forum under training, you should be able to answer some questions there.
most of that information is on the glossy sheets they have at the recruiting centre.   If they didn't give u one, go back and ask for one or you can check out this site


it basically lists the same info as on the sheet, plus has a video to watch.

sry the above one is for officers, this one is for nco

My interview is tomorrow at 13:30. Anyone have any last minute tips that may help?
Be sure you're wearing pants. Always a few plus points there.
If the interviewing officer asks you why you want to be in the military, don't say "Because I want to blow shit up!"  One of my friends who signed up with at around the same time as me said that.  I didn't.  I got an offer of employment.  He did not.
Okay, first of all, in the spot where it says your 3 occupational choices, obviously put down infantry as your first choice, because that's what you want, but you should still fill in the other two. For example, my first choice was engineering, then infantry, then intelligence.

Second, for the description, just say basically, what infantry is. It's the backbone of any army, they are the first guys on the battle field, and the ones on the front lines, etc.

And I don't know about the last one, because I don't know where you would have basic out in Ontario (I'm in Alberta, and going into the reserves). Good luck, and don't worry, the interview is not hard at all.
Thanks guys/girls! The interview went well and I have my med and physical on the 14th. :)
SFontaine said:
Be sure you're wearing pants. Always a few plus points there.

lol so you tell me now, i wore shorts during mine, grant you it was nice out, but i did get an offer so......
OK, I did a search and found this topic, which I'm gonna put my question in instead of starting up another new one.

I have my aptitude test, medical, and interview all on the same day coming up in two weeks, and then they said after that I book my physical if I am successful on the first three parts. I thought you did physical and medical first, but then again I'm not an expert.

Anyways, I want to dress up for my interview, and most of you will say DUH. But I am curious, since I have my medical and aptitude test on the same day, is it still appropriate to go in a suit/dress pants and jacket? I am just curious as I don't want to go in there while everyone else is dressed normally and look like a goof.

Thanks in advance.
I don't think a full suit and tie is necesary, but a dress shirt with dress pants would be appropriate. Better to spend more time in the physical rolling up a sleeve than to tank the interview because like you were just scraped off a sidewalk.
You are going for a job interview.  You want to be well turned out.  The people at the recruiting centre DO make notes on your appearance.  Get a hair cut, shave, shower, deoderant etc (hey!  all kinds of people show up there) and wear clean, neat clothing.  People do show up wearing suits, but you don't need to go quite that far.  You want to be comfortable as well. Dress pants and a PRESSED shirt make just as good of an impression.
My aptitude/physical/interview where on the same day, and I made the mistake of wearing shorts. The physical IS NO where they make you do pushups et al. That is done in the fitness test. A date for that should be assigned during the interview (at least, it was for me)
                          Hope I could help!
The physical/medical is where they check your eyesight, hearing, it's basically like a checkup at the doctors.
another hint other than dressign nice, is don't wear cologne and especially not aftershave.  you never know who might be allergic to it.  It might make a bad forst impression.  that being said make sure you don't have any other "scent" either.