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Int Op trade tell me more and more reg force please

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Just make sure you do ALL the steps that are required at CFRC ASAP.  The Int trade will get briefly reopened in April after they do their annual assessment to decide how many Ops and Officers they need for the trade, and then make some offers.  So you want to have all your stuff in by then so you can be considered.  Otherwise were both in the same boat, just a waiting game now.

As for the infantry option, I would wait to see what you find out from Int in April first.  Also, if your heart is not in a trade, then its probably best if you identify a different second choice.  You dont want to be miserable in your trade, that is the worst feeling ever.
"Just make sure you do ALL the steps that are required at CFRC ASAP"

I am pretty sure it's all done,

Application, CFAT, ERC, References,  Medical, Interview,

am I missing anything.  The recruiter said to call back in April,  perhaps I should call earlier to make sure all the paper work is in order?

I think thats everything unless you have to do a PT test, I keep forgetting if they still require that or not.
ltmaverick25 said:
I think thats everything unless you have to do a PT test, I keep forgetting if they still require that or not.

Yeah, did that too, thanks.

Actually, my file manager has been pretty good about making sure my application is in good order, unlike some peoples nightmares I've been hearing about.

Very interesting thread, some good info.

I very recently spoke with a few Int Op's who were at an annual "education and job" fair here at CFB Edmonton. They were mentioning how the trade is so incredibly short staffed at the moment that it's a great time to join due to the somewhat relaxed recruiting restrictions. I'm previously Infantry and currently Signal Operator (I know...) and they said that's a good mix to come from for Int even though I'm not 5's qualified at the moment. I'm looking to be advance promoted in October so my chain of command tells me, should I apply now or then for Int Op?

The Sgt. I spoke with told me to talk to an Int Op upstairs in the building I normally work in, to ask some questions and learn a little more about the trade, so I've been digging and getting my hands on everything I can. They seemed to think I don't need to wait at all to push the paperwork through. I'm assuming that's because it takes so long for the OT that I might still get my Cpl's before hand anyway?

So really, apply now? Or later? Based on previous MOC's, not off civvy street and qualified in 2 seperate trades with some trade specific training in the Sig Op world. Good enough to get my ass into Int?
Yep, apply now.  Never wait, the military will do enough waiting for everyone, there is no need for you to add to it.

Based on what you posted I see no reason to wait, and in my opinion your chances are very good.

Also remember that the new maning requirements come out on 1 Apr.  Its best to have your application submitted long before then so you can be slated for one of those spots.  Otherwise the trade will close again and you will have to wait for it to re open.
Joe, you can only apply for next year's competition, so the deadline would be around the end of October and the boards sitting in Feb 10. It's a long wait until then.

About your post,  when did the competition close?
I am currently waiting to be merit listed, but have been recommended for the position, do you suppose that I'll be waiting that long as well? 


Bravo that's for COTP, basically for people who are in the forces and want to change trades.
To add to my last for Joe, the outcap is 8 people out so it`s a big competition to get out of the trade.
I was at one of the recruiting seminars as well. Ask your friendly neighbourhood int ops if you can get your hands on some material (TIOC lessons etc) to give you a basic intro to the trade. They are usually willing to do whatever they can to help you out if you show a serious interest. I think if there is any time to get into the Int branch, it is now. Do whatever you can, and it will be worth it if it's what you truly want.
There is some truth to this.  From what I have heard, Int is looking to expand aggresively so now is the time to push through the process.
When one finishes up at CFMI do they get posted to a unit or to one of the six or so INT Coy's across the country?
The 6 Int Coy's are reserve units so it is unlikely you would be posted to one of them.

Its my understanding that 60% of Int positions are in Ottawa.  The rest would be spread out across various bases in support of regular formations.  For example, navy guys can be found at Trinity and Athena out in Halifax and Victoria.  Army guys can be found in Pet, Edmonton, valcartier, kingston ect...

Im hoping to be speaking to someone about this today actually, so I may have more information to post later. 
Thanks for all the information men,  my offer came through!!!

Any advice for the FNG?

A couple of questions arise from this, which are

Does any one have access to the start date for the Int OP occupational training?

How long can I expect to be at CFSMI for?

Should my wife and daughter  move to Kingston? Will they be assisted by the military?

After BMQ is there any break before PRETC?

Thanks in advance



Not much advice I can give you that I havent already given you.  Other then to advise you to ensure you are physically fit for BMQ.  Nothing worse then waiting all this time only to discover the body cant handle what awaits.  Otherwise, just make whatever preperations you need to so that your wife and kid can get by while you are away.

As far as the Int Op course goes.  I know that its longer.  The Int O course went from 3 months to 6-7 months, the Int Op course was also extended in time but I dont know exactly how long it is. 

When is your BMQ course?  13 Apr im guessing?

What is PRETC?  I havent heard that term before.

Also, I need the 3rd combat school if you have it!  ;D
ltmaverick25 said:
What is PRETC?  I havent heard that term before.
PRETC is a Reg Force thing, it is where people awaiting their courses stay.  For example there is a PRETC PL in Borden, all the people awaiting their courses stay there, they are taught refresher lessons, do general-duty tasks, et al.

Reserve QL5A courses are run during the summer at reserve Int Coys over two summers.  Reg Force Int courses are run twice a year usually starting either in May or October.  The courses are over 110 training days. So we are talking here close to five months. So depending on when you complete your BMQ and SQ (if you are going army), you can expect a few months of waiting depending on demand for course positions.  Take for Int O (BIOC), they have a serious backlog right now.

If you are on the PRETC, I strongly suggest that you work with your career manager to get an OJT with the int organisation you are going to be posted to or elsewhere as mush as possible.  It is much better than cleaning the parade square and gives good preparation for the course.

As for your family, it is preferable for your family settle down in the area where you are going to be posted to.  Not worth bringing your family to Kingston for a few months, although it is a great city.

As for first postings, it depends if your army, navy or air force of course.  If your army as I understand it, I would recommend asking to go first with a 1,2 or 5 CMBG posting first or a combat arms unit int cell.  It will give you the right skillset to deal with most future postings you could get in the future, plus you get to do field stuff and an almost guaranteed tour of duty in the near future.

If you have more questions, I am able to answer most of them, within opsec and need to know of course.

Good luck.