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Inmate contests excution on grounds that he is too fat.

My opinion is that society as whole is together in making life better for everyone, but when some people choose not to be a part of the whole, there is no justification in having these people rotting in a cell sucking up resources that could be put to better use.
Food could be given to children who don't have any, beds given to people who don't have one. Instead we treat these scumbags like fkn celebtrities and keep them around for others to write books about or make movies so they can make themselves feel good or shed some light on the background, or just simply rehash the bad events and make people remember things.

Again this is just my perspective on our less than functional justice system and the laws governing them.

Snafu-Bar said:
Again this is just my perspective on our less than functional justice system and the laws governing them.

Beleive me, i agree that our system is deeply flawed but, that does not make it right to break the law in order to punish an offender. That is where your position stops being rational.
Law is flawwed, needs revision to ammend for loophole in system allowing garbage to have rights before the victims. That better?  ;D

CDN Aviator said:
Absolutely true, IMHO

Again, i couldnt agree more.

However, the answer to punishing offenders is not to ourselves break the law to do so. It only serves to make us one of "them".

I don't advocate breaking any laws but I am a firm believer in changing laws that don't work. Life in prison in Canada means maybe 10-12 years for most. It is a rare life sentence that actually means life. The death penalty may not be a deterrent, and some surveys show Canadians would support the return of the death penalty, but anyone actually executed would have a 0% chance of re-offending.
I think that the laws are fine; however, the application of justice for those convicted of crimes may need review, perhaps?  Having said that, we are a civilised society, and uncivilised behaviour (eg: crimes) aren't tolerated and those who commit crimes are punished; however, we attempt to punish them in a humane manner because we are a civilised society.  We don't torture or kill our convicted, we incarcerate them, and, so say the slogans, we attempt to rehabilitate them.  It's in the rehabilitation that I believe that we fail.  Anyway, back to work...
I remember a similar story a few years ago in which the prisoner was to be hanged, but weighed enough that there was speculation that hanging might actually decapitate him and he was fighting it on that ground.  I don't know how that one turned out.
do what happens to the fat A%% when he needs a drug that is to prolong his worthles life that needs to be injected into his blood stream? i know that the doctorss can put in a semi permanent port / injection site into a vein with no problems  so why cant this oxygen thief  have the same thing done ? have them put it in and then in one day have them dump the leathal cocktail into the needle? Also if we can force children in the elementary schools into a excerise program why cant this guy be put on a diet and excersie regiment?
axeman said:
Also if we can force children in the elementary schools into a excerise program why cant this guy be put on a diet and excersie regiment?

This is what I was thinking.  Diet and exercise.  Make him healthy enough to kill. 
I believe that some of the posters here should take heed of this link.....

Rodahn said:
I believe that some of the posters here should take heed of this link.....

It was addressed at the beginning of the thread and no one has been out of line since, but thanks anyway.

beach_bum said:
This is what I was thinking.  Diet and exercise.  Make him healthy enough to kill. 

I was thinking the same. Let me at him, I"ll run him into the ground after a 10km run.  ;D