Tanks don’t HAVE to be out West.
Tanks and artillery simply require larger training areas. Western Canada has actual mountains unlike the eastern and central parts.
The fact the CAF doesn’t have any bases suited to Armored/Mech warfare training is telling enough.
We did have. In it's day Borden and Meaford were into tanks, but the tanks outgrew the facilities.
Gagetown played a role after that and even Shilo served the Germans well for many years.
It's really only Petawawa and Valcartier that are a bit anemic and that's mostly because so much of the ranges are unsuitable for wide ranging open manoeuvre.
Before anyone says Wainwright, it’s still very limited for any real live fire maneuver with 25mm. Wx was great for the Grizzly - with the .50 not the LAV with the 25mm. Suffield is pretty good, if you didn’t effectively give control to the Brits and DRES.
The CAF needs to do a realistic assessment of their basing options and create some actual true training centers for modern warfare.
I sometimes think that we're not doing enough with simulated munitions for our large calibre weapons or in using civilian terrain like we did in Germany. There's shooting and then there's realistic battalion level tactical manoeuvre. The two do not need to be combined in the same exercise. 4 CMBG shot on very restrictive ranges but manoeuvred in the most realistic terrain possible.
Don't get me wrong. I see the benefits of a facility like NTC that can run a BCT at a time ... and even CMTC ... but quite frankly restrained in both equipment and money and ranges as we are, I think that the biggest bang for the buck we get is at the battalion/battle group level for integrated live fire and manoeuvre while brigade level is best kept to simulated exercises. If we turn out good battle groups (heavy, medium and light) capable of working within a sim-trained brigade framework then we've done well.
I think first step is acknowledging there will be NO new equipment purchased (thats not already on the books) and no new personnel added or new units. Not going to happen. Nope. Nada. Nopers.
You're probably right.
So with our current equipment and troops, would it be better to keep 3 brigades in the regular army with reduced infantry battalions or 2 brigades with more units? Curious on your thoughts?
My thoughts, as expected, run more in the nature of more deployable brigade and battalion headquarters than we have but with (please don't yell at me) fewer RegF troops. Do that through more ResF integration in things like 30/70 brigades and battalions.
We are constantly deploying contingents with the equivalents of a battle group headquarters overseen by rump TF/NCE headquarters which are akin to a small brigade headquarters. We need to continue to have enough of those so that we can do the rotations to suit the deployment requirements set out in the SSE. In addition we need trained and knowledgeable headquarters if we are ever going to expand in an emergency.
My gut math tells me we can reduce the 5 div HQs to 2 and the 3+1+10 brigades to probably 6 manoeuvre and 4 support using existing manning levels. We convert the around 30 major RegF units and the 130+ ResF units into around 50 hybrid units plus a half dozen training units. All done without any equipment changes other than what's already on the books.
I've put this diagram up before and I'm in the process of revising it but it's shows one way to do that. (Note that the Readiness FL 4 category is for a prepositioned armoured brigade's equipment in Latvia with minimal full time manning, and in large measure concurrently replacing the functions of CMTC as a training and certification venue.