- Reaction score
- 9,520
- Points
- 1,160
What’s being lost here is that we simply do not have the established numbers, even when full, to fill out these units. We rob the Bns to deploy a single company, and used to have to rob every unit in a Bde to deploy a BG. Ending the farce of being able to man these units is, in my mind, a good thing.
Also while I appreciate that we have doctrine, the Inf BN in Operations still talks about four rifle companies and an AT coy, so let’s not pretend it’s this up to date, we’ll thought out plan.
Right but my point is that this should be the norm of operations. The Rocky Mountain Rangers and BCRs are going to get a lot more value out of 2 full days in a weekend massed then 4 week days of being less than a section. I’d add that this would also allow us to recruit multiple trades across smaller centres.
Mark, you're not wrong in your point but the logistics continue to get in the way.
Where is the massing going to occur?
Do the troops use PMVs to get to the training point?
Do you lay on DND transport to pick them up at the armouries?
Time to reach the training ground?
Time to return?
My personal experience is that even a well-executed, planned weekend (Calgary-Waiwright or Calgary-Suffield - moved by military bus, pmv, unit transport (AVGPs) or on one glorious occasion CH-47D) resulted in the following.
Gather at 17:00 - 19:00 of Friday with kit issue.
Depart circa 19:00
Arrive circa 24:00, find quarters and doss down.
Wake up call at 04:00 (Thanks for Armageddon Corporal Rodgers)
Settle down ex reg-sergeant who returned from visiting mates on base at 03:30
Clean up quarters
Report to mess for breakfast
On to the ranges and establish butts
First round down range at 08:00
Alternate Saturday
Start digging section L trenches at Suffield with pick and shovel - after a day of digging generate two shell scrapes and one L trench excavated to the hard pan (3 foot depth) with no further progress possible. Section sleeps under a lean to of two shelter halves held up by the two shovels that were issued to you. Shovels used as tent poles. This being Suffield and no lone pines let alone forests or scrub to rig shelters.
Squeeze in additional activities as possible.
Training from first light to mid day. With breakfast and lunch. Pack up and stow. Leave no later than 14:00. Return to armouries. Clean and turn in kit.
Dismiss 18:00 on Sunday and hope that all your dead beat, sleep deprived kids make it home safe once they leave the armouries.
(Thanks for the trip down memory lane)
The common situation is that Canada is big. Until that fact is faced by all parties then we will continue to apply other nation's solutions in a place where those solutions can not work.
The first consideration about any activity in Canada is that it takes more time, more space, more energy and more money than anywhere else in the Western World. Even the Aussies don't have the same problems because they don't have to keep warm.
If we want to hold onto the entirety of the United States with a population the size of, and with the political proclivities of, California, then it is going to cost each of us a lot of money.