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Individual Meal Pack (IMP) [Merged]

When you are hungry they are all good with one exception. I am convinced that ALL the baked deserts are mearly the army's way of recycling used M-113 track pads.
Little cans of bacon and of course the little cans of corn beef hash...

Oh and the white malted milk and caravan chocky bars... they didn't start out that white...

On winter ex Jan '77 Trooper P Numpty, who was new to the Regt was dead keen to do a good job as the tent's cook and cheerfully fired up the stove early at 0530 to warm up the tent and get breakie fixed for the boys. Trooper P Numpty put the tent's tins of breakie into pressure cooker and heated up a lovely meal of nummys.  At -35C anything warm tastes great..right?

Too bad Trooper P Numpty didn't open the cans before he popped them into the pressure cooker and fired it onto the stove.

Needless to say, it was a long cold morning breaking camp with the boys thinking of cool ways to bury Trooper P Numpty in the snow so no one would notice.

I hear he went Officer later in life.

Boil in a bag? Luxury!

IMPs have a self life like a cockroach.  The old ones are chemical swamps.  The life of the old ones and even the new ones in good storage is 5 - 10 years.  The Government says that they turn them around 2-3 years but these are the same guys who put expire dates on bottles of water.
Ranger Ray, I'd say they're past they're best due date by now. Should be a date printed on them, there used to be. Was doing some spring cleaning earlier in the year and unearthed a box of assorted junk in the back of the closet and came across a couple of IMPS and MRE packs over 10 years old. The wife wanted me to toss, but I have a better idea. Friends of ours are gourmets and he's ex military too. Next time they come over for dinner, I'm tossing the pack onto his plate unopened with a heat tab just to see the expression on his face.

Turret monster. I vaguely remember some guys would kill and or swap their first born for those little cans of bacon, they were a rarity in the IRPS. For some perverse reason I actually liked the Puritan corn beef hash, hey what can I say there's one in every unit, I liked the ham omlets too.

I still buy cans of it now and then. Great if the wife's not coming home for dinner and don't feel like cooking. I remember to open the can before cooking though.
When you have just barely turned 17 and you are on your first winter exercise and someone ( read in the troop Sgt ) doesn't tell you anything except to light the stove outside the tent, put the cans in the pressure cooker, add water and boil it, but doesn't mentioning the open the cans first fact, sometimes you learn by experiance. It was an amazing soup....once u got rid of the shards of metal.
I still have some of those authentic corned beef hash cans from the 70's in my parents pantry. I can ship them to you if you want  ;D
Pencil Tech said:
I've heard time and time again that the vegetarian IMPs are really great but never knew anyone with the nerve to claim to be a vegetarian to get them. I heard they have lots of pasta-based meals. Anyone ever tried them?

They're not bad, especially with a little tabasco sauce, and the "accessory" packs come with some great stuff, especially bagel chips.  I once was listed on a course loading message as a vegetaria, so rather than complicate everything after they had already indented for veg rations I just went with it.  They were not bad at all.
Your friend might love it, but might want to have your helmet for all the bad war stories about IMPs.  The can stories brought back some discussions here and I had to put my helmet on for them.  Fun now but at the time some IMP stories especially the infamous Ham Omelet ( bows to Dan, anyone who can love that needs some sort of recognition) can get rough, especially when you screw your friends with it.
Hey, the Rubber Lung was the best practical joke raw material the CF ever invented.

A ham omlette and an explosive was fun just waiting to happen.

Select brand canned bacon in the IRPs was the best, but  chicken in curry sauce, from a Brit 4 man pack was a close second.
The Salmon Fillet isn't too bad, except a bad experience I had in Kingston with it was having it come out of my pores (I had this 3 times in a row) and after 2 days in the sweaty heat, I smelled like fish  :P
I got some American Imps once. (We traded ours for theirs). The Mexican meals are great, and the jalapeno cheese spread on crackers is sweet. The thick plastic packaging seems more trustworthy than ours (might even float!). It's nice to trade some Imps when you're having the same stuff for a while. I don't like the french rations though. 24 hrs rations out of   that pack? No! Plus they aren't really good to eat when cold...

My 0.02 Cents
I was actually reading this thread specifically to find out if there are vegetarian ones.

;D Very happy to know there are some (3 years veg now, meat makes me VERY sick).

Had an opportunity to try an American MRE once several years ago. It was beef pot roast - pretty good, actually.


Does anyone recall Ham Omelet? It was very good for reinforcing OHP on trenches. Canadian Imp's evolved well from 80's, and even the worst one better than any MRE the Yanks put out.

I once worked with the British army ate ate fried everything in garrison, and  tinned surprises (circa 1950) in the field.
This may be hard for many to believe, but I actually liked the Ham Lungette. It was probably my favorite breakfast. In fact, I usually ate them cold- which disgusted my driver to no end...

It was a sad day for me when they were removed from the menu...sigh :'(

SeaKingTacco said:
This may be hard for many to believe, but I actually liked the Ham Lungette. It was probably my favorite breakfast. In fact, I usually ate them cold- which disgusted my driver to no end...

It was a sad day for me when they were removed from the menu...sigh :'(


You're sick, dude.
SeaKingTacco said:
This may be hard for many to believe, but I actually liked the Ham Lungette. It was probably my favorite breakfast. In fact,

not bad with the proper ratio of ketchup and sugar

Once on a course one of the guys in my section put foot poweder into IMP bags and used them as slippers in the Biv site durring some downtime.  Poor readyness yes, dumb idea mabey not?

As for my favorite spag and meatballs, or salmon.  The lunches are all good cuz theres a chocolat bar.  But the best IMPs by far are the Recce rats in the green bag!  Beef jerky!  Pepperoni! mmmmm ;D
Most of the lunch and dinner IMPs are all right, but the breakfast ones...Urgh!  :blotto:  The Omelette with salsa...terrible!  Who the hell eats omelette with salsa anyways? 