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Individual Meal Pack (IMP) [Merged]

I like the salmon, and I add up the lipton soup in it, plus a bit more water, wait 2 minutes...great!

The one I can't stand: rotini primavera
I know that each course is in those silver package things, but why is it in a cardboard box instead of a plastic bag? MRE heater not included? I find it hard to believe that the CF cannot slip a MRE heater before they seal up the cardboard box. I don't understand why they haven't done that by now.
If you want MRE heaters, talk to your QM, they might have some. Or goto a surplus store.

Armymedic said:
You're a sadist...I bet you drink the Tabasco sauce.  ;) There is no way MRE's are better then IMPs. Different, yes, better, no way.

You get more in the MREs, plus theres a bigger selection of them, haven't had a bad one yet, but I'm sure I'll get the MRE Version of Ham Steak Raison/pineapple/whatever they have next month someday. Only downside is when you get a tabasco bottle that is almost empty..
CF-22 Raptor said:
I know that each course is in those silver package things, but why is it in a cardboard box instead of a plastic bag? MRE heater not included? I find it hard to believe that the CF cannot slip a MRE heater before they seal up the cardboard box. I don't understand why they haven't done that by now.

It's not required.  If they did that, half the heaters would end up being wasted.

Ofcourse, they probably haven't done it because they have to do a 12 year feasability study first.
CF-22 Raptor said:
I know that each course is in those silver package things, but why is it in a cardboard box instead of a plastic bag? ...

The cardboard is just another layer of protection, such that the main meal/dessert foil pouch doesn't get punctured, and it keeps the shape of the IMP so that it can be packed in a crate easier.

CF-22 Raptor said:
... MRE heater not included? I find it hard to believe that the CF cannot slip a MRE heater before they seal up the cardboard box. I don't understand why they haven't done that by now.

The active chemical in the MRE heater is toxic?

Re: the salmon rations....can't get any more Canadian than that, eh? ;)

Agreed that IMP's are food and fuel for a soldier in the field. Whatever IMP I'm issued, I'll eat it. Even the ranger coffee.
I've heard time and time again that the vegetarian IMPs are really great but never knew anyone with the nerve to claim to be a vegetarian to get them. I heard they have lots of pasta-based meals. Anyone ever tried them?
The only good thing about them is the "extras" - the packets of bagle-bits especialy :)  The actual meal though is atrocious.
I honestly love all IMP's...but for the love of god, when you see that cherry desert....burn it. It's like eating clay.
ill give away pretty much my whole meal for that baked chocolate desert ... oh man  ;D
Mmmmm Salmon-2000 issue. I find the newer ones taste like garbage, I had a 2003 and it was made by a different company and well frankly it tasted worse than ham steak and mustard sauce...thats's saying something.
It is my sworn mission to get the peas put back into the breakfast Mac & Cheese with Peas.

No matter what else Queen and Country might throw my way, I WILL see this mission through.

No need to thank me; it's part of my job.

Favourite: Sausage and Hashbrowns covered in salt and pepper.

Most vile: Lung in a Bag (aka Ham Omlette)
There are heater (bags)  packs  for IMP's, they are not given out 99% of the time because we cook  our IMP's  in the pressure cooker(don't drink the water :P)
  My fav IMP is chicken  catcatori with rice  just drop the rice in and boom,    no poopy for 24 hours.
I have yet to have found a thread where so much truth was spoken by so many. 

....with the exception of some outliers...ham steak and mustard sauce?  :skull:
Brekky: Sausage and Hashbrowns or Wieners and Beans

Lupper: Spaghetti and Meatballs or Chicken and Rice or Lasagna.

Best desserts: Peaches and fruit cocktail. Anything with syrup makes me want to yak.

The chocolate bars and cookies are gold... pure gold. With those and a few boxes worth of yogurt covered granola bars (Nature Valley for the win), I'm good.

The juice crystals are great too - I usually mildly flavour my 1L canteen's water with them so it tastes like a very very weak Kool-Aid. One juice crystal packet usually makes 2/3L of sufficiently seasoned water for me and since it doesn't seem like alot of people bother with them, I usually stockpile them like crazy. The cappuccino, on those rare occasions that I've had time to boil water for it, is pretty good too.

The biggest drawback of the IMP's, aside from the taste, is the after-ex-return-to-garrison-crap that's about the size of my arm and takes every reserve of strength to get out. Last time, though, it came way too early (and VERY suddenly and forcefully) and I had to take it in the woods in broad daylight, pausing from hurrying to a task site after my Wng O. I was interrupted halfway through by a half-ton full of course staff coming down the road, which forced me to fall over on my side so as not to be seen. It was only by sheer luck that I didn't fall into my own crap. I'm convinced it was the civi granola bars (and nerves) that brought on the premature dump.  :warstory:
I hear that there's some army wear house facility of some sort in Toronto, I don't suppose i could buy some IMPs or uniforms and such from them if i happen to be in the neighborhood? And out of curiosity, what kind of fire arms can you buy in Ontario? Are you limited to hunting rifles or can you get some G36ks or M4s legally from the venders?

CF-22 Raptor said:
I hear that there's some army wear house facility of some sort in Toronto, I don't suppose i could buy some IMPs or uniforms and such from them if i happen to be in the neighborhood? And out of curiosity, what kind of fire arms can you buy in Ontario? Are you limited to hunting rifles or can you get some G36ks or M4s legally from the venders?
I'd answer all you questions with a simple "No".   You can not buy IMPs from DND.   You can not buy Uniforms from DND.   It is highly unlikely you can buy G36ks or M4s with the current political climate.
they all suck, except for the pasta's, but seriously they all do suck
You can buy IMP's and other international rats from e-Bay if you do some searching. Give it a try.