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Improved Combat Uniform

MCG said:
I think the message has been sent.  It is time to leave that little rant behind in this discussion, and to get back on topic.

The Staff.

If I in any way have offended anyone, or gone off tangent, I apolgize.
[on topic]

Based on the ppt slideshow, it mentions the built-in kneepads. A ponder about this: you use the foam-insert pads and go really hard on your knee. Now you tear the knee of your pants and the CSM will tell you to go fix it at clothing. This should put a huge demand for pants, no? What was so wrong about the external CADPAT kneepads?
I think some forgot what the word "uniform" means and why we have one in the military.

As times change, as well as equipment, so do uniforms.  From what I have been hearing, this will take a long time to implement and we will see most wearing CADPAT, even if they are issued one of the new uniforms.  We will, as in the past, have a 'work' uniform for work in Garrison and a 'field' uniform for deploying into the Field/on OPs.
GhostofJacK said:
[on topic]

Based on the ppt slideshow, it mentions the built-in kneepads. A ponder about this: you use the foam-insert pads and go really hard on your knee. Now you tear the knee of your pants and the CSM will tell you to go fix it at clothing. This should put a huge demand for pants, no? What was so wrong about the external CADPAT kneepads?

If they are anything like the built in(insertable) kneepads in my work pants, they are garbage. I have in fact tore a knee out of a pair of pants($160) using them. Not only that, but they rarely stay in the correct position to prevent knee from abruptly landing into gravel.
GhostofJacK said:
..... Therefore, let us bring in the 1st Canadian Foreign Legion (1CFL). Since we treat our own like garbage....

Naah I don't think our angry young troopie would like the way the Légion étrangère enforces their particular dress code. Their NCO's prefer pick axe handles to drill canes for obvious reasons.  At least from what I remember back when I was securing the Fulda Gap in my bloused pants.  8)
Danjanou said:
Naah I don't think our angry young troopie would like the way the Légion étrangère enforces their particular dress code. Their NCO's prefer pick axe handles to drill canes for obvious reasons.  At least from what I remember back when I was securing the Fulda Gap in my bloused pants.  8)

I once worked with a guy who did 5 years in Dijbouti with 2 REP in the 60's-70's.  A few examples of discipline metted out made my eyes bug out... :o 
jollyjacktar said:
I once worked with a guy who did 5 years in Dijbouti with 2 REP in the 60's-70's.  A few examples of discipline metted out made my eyes bug out... :o

Yup and it apears they blouse their pants too.  8)

GhostofJacK said:
[on topic]

Based on the ppt slideshow, it mentions the built-in kneepads. A ponder about this: you use the foam-insert pads and go really hard on your knee. Now you tear the knee of your pants and the CSM will tell you to go fix it at clothing. This should put a huge demand for pants, no? What was so wrong about the external CADPAT kneepads?

I can't see the knee inserts being used too much by pers in the field, more likely in garrison by vehicle techs or anybody that takes a knee to get their job done.
Lerch said:
I can't see the knee inserts being used too much by pers in the field, more likely in garrison by vehicle techs or anybody that takes a knee to get their job done.

Maybe because its 3 am here, but I definitely had to try really hard to stay in context at that last part ;D . Standard issue promotion pads seem to come to mind :rofl:
rmc_wannabe said:
Maybe because its 3 am here, but I definitely had to try really hard to stay in context at that last part ;D . Standard issue promotion pads seem to come to mind :rofl:

Don't worry, I spent 10 minutes trying to type that up so you wouldn't take it out of context...there's no way!
Jim Seggie said:
Thank you very much. I guess that maybe you know better about how The Canadian Army should work than I or any of my esteemed colleagues. I will tell you this - I treat my troops like adults and I expect them to act like adults in return - and that includes dress and deportment, which in case YOU forgot is one of the Sergeant Major's duties to attend to. If you don't like it - tough.
As for the 21st Century crack - I am there and was there in the 20th century.
You didn't read my post - I expect as the DSM of the Winnipeg Infantry Tactical Group - troops to be properly dressed. In GARRISON - in case you missed it - that means BLOUSING your combat pants.

The crack about education  - hmmmm - Grade 12 with some college courses taken. Not called for. You have NO idea who I am.

Two tours Cyprus, Croatia 93 (Medak) and Bosnia 97 are the only tours I have.

I am glad that you are proud of your service in Afghanistan. Good for you - standing up to bad people is what we do. I am not one of them.

Taking my drill cane and....well you know....I carry a pace stick now.

Now take a look at my icon and google the name "Mike Seggie".

Have a nice day.


    Before I rant (its may be extensive as I write, apologies for this as well) I am saying now this is a profound apology. What you do with this email is your choice, I am typing this so I sleep better tonight. The fact that you suggested to me to research your son has nothing to do with this message. It is very much a terrible thing for one to lose a family member absolutely and for this I offer my condolences. On my tour I knew 3 people who died as well as a suicide when we got back to Canada. My conduct on itself is the reason why I am writing this message to you with a newly created account. My conduct on itself is why I am ashamed how I am.....I am proud of everyone who I had the honour of working with over there, especially the ones who came back under the power of 6 others.

**(details omitted to protect my identity as well as the identity of my unit....yes I am still in)**

1. Yes I am sure you have determined that I am mad at the institution. I was infact deployed outside of the wire, I am not a robot "controller" as it was suggested about me. I am not a gamer, I think MW2 is junk as a matter of fact and that the only good video game if I were to play one would be a car racing game. I am the namesake Grandson of a WW2 veteran (which is why I am even more ashamed of my action) who was at a certain place I am sure you can figure out on 6June1944, his actions during his tenure resulted in issuance of 7 medals, and to be a local public figure with the Canadian Corps Association and the RC Legion where I am from. I am eternally greatful to this era that I do not speak German.

2. As much as I hate the Regieme, (believe me I want out) I chose to leave my units name out. It is not my right to tarnish history, or the name of an organization which may in fact be a perfect fit for a particular person. Reference your comment about treating your subs like adults and so on.....I wish you were my boss, that does not happen where I work. We get micromanaged like f***, an educated Corporal or a Private may very well pass something useful up the chain to only get belittled.... "Who the f*** are you to tell me my job?" (Says the un-educated _______ with 92 deployments and 17 divorces).....I also want to make note that I know and realize that there are guys out there who do not require college to be smart so to speak.....but where I work supervisors use their years in, number of medals to justify stupidity.....I am victim of such stupidity because I am on a TCAT for a stupid decision that someone else made, and I require surgery now. My life is on hold for probably 9 months.....I wanted out to become a police officer where I am from. After my surgery I may not be able to do the police testing....all because of one persons poor choice in issuance of an instruction that I had to carry out because technically it was not unlawful command...... and his 6 deployments, 19 years in, and 2 trades during his career trumped my outburst of common sense. In all honesty I even had a higher ranking NCO type of a person (omitted for my opsec) tell me he did not care that my Father was sick and I was trying to get a compassionate posting closer to home so I could help him with household chores....for me, that is the straw that broke the camels back. I even resigned myself to get a deployment to AFgh with the hopes that my mood would settle.....for my first year of my current posting I was a marked man based on vexatious lies and I hoped that my performance overseas would negate this, it didn't.

3. I know for a fact I am not a super soldier or a symbol of perfection. I had my little outburst directed at you because from what I gathered about you, you are a person of the very authority who has screwed me over so much.....and there you go. You did not cause my TCAT, you did not display sheer ignorance toward my family issues years ago, and you are not the one who wears your ass for a hat like how people do in my world.

4. Its pretty bad when instead of approaching my own CoC I rant on here, and put myself to a situation where I can potentially get into a huge bit of trouble regardless because of my outburst; but this is in fact the state of my unit. There are guys like me, and guys who get in trouble for being politely honest. I try my hardest to shelve my feelings when I go to work...because for now this is how I pay my bills. Sometimes it is so god damn hard going to a place where people at my level are smart enough to figure out (its not hard) that our bosses don't care, blatently come up with b.s. taskings to fill time without any effort at all to make said tasking useful.....or better yet, not even putting in the effort to come up with a b.s. tasking and having soldiers sitting around wondering why they joined and the mistake that they made. There was another user on the thread who replied to my comments who said something to the effect that...it is a sad state, but there are many Cpls and PTe's across the country who feel this way and who have fallen victim to idiot supervisors. That particular forum user is not far from the truth. People are afraid to speak up more for fear of retribution or career implications.

I joined as a short term solution. My hometown is hugely lacking jobs at the moment with a majority of mfg sectors going for a dive when things went stale in 2005, and I was fed up with my 2 College diplomas earning me maybe $12/hr if I was lucky. Perhaps I should have picked a different trade, I don't know anymore. All I know is I need to start being honest with myself.

I would like to apologize for my rant on the forum. You did not cause me my hardship, and I am confident you would forget about the rank on your chest and go at it as if it is a Jim and *(opsec)* conversation if I were to approach you in person. I do not feel I can accomplish this with my CoC. I also want to say sorry for the lack of details and so on. At the end of the day I want to protect my own identity, my unit's identity, and the future soldiers who may pick my trade. That is not my right, and I do not want to deface the history of my unit. No further offence to you, I approached someone who I thought I could trust concerning the issue of my Father, and I was in turn branded as a s****ump....so I do not really trust too many people aside from my immediate family and my Wife. So for this, you will never find out who I am, or where I work....it does have to be this way. The CF is small in the sense that everybody knows somebody somewhere else. What is left of my career I would like to be intact, for when it comes time to try to tell them I want out, I want time off for police testing, and I want references.

I am sorry for offending you how I did, I had to write this message to you out of the interest of my own mental health, and to save what little face I have left.

~ Cpl Anonomous the Pawn

As for the uniforms, I hope the mfg remembers to sew the pockets properly so that they open. I remember when I was in the reserves and we first got cadpat, I had to take a knife to cut some stitching so my pockets would open....I believe we do this on civvy suits.

I can not believe that I have been in long enough to see three iterations of combat uniforms... Crap, next I will be reading birth dates of my recruits from the same year I was sworn in.

Built in knee pads? I will be a believer when I try them and they work... In an OBUA setting, I always preferred hardened knee pads, as I am a clumsy sod who always smashes his knees against corners, benches, chairs, cars and the occasional house... It hurts like hell, and they now get stiff when a cold rain is coming.

As for the rest of it, the uniform is looking entirely too American for my likes. I love my cousins to the south dearly, but I value my identity as a Canadian. I like that our uniforms are different, it gives us something different to gripe about when we get together.
I was just thinking today about it at work....are we changing our boots as how the USMC has theirs?
Angry56789 said:
I was just thinking today about it at work....are we changing our boots as how the USMC has theirs?

Yes, we are moving away from black combat boots and going to brown.

Also, it isn't just the USMC who have moved away from black leather boots in the US.
-Skeletor- said:
Yes, we are moving away from black combat boots and going to brown.

Also, it isn't just the USMC who have moved away from black leather boots in the US.

The Army's used the desert style boot for quite some time. They do have a lined/gore-tex version for cooler climates. We had a bunch of National Guard from WA on ex with us in Shilo in the spring and they weren't too happy with their non-insulated ones.

Interesting to note that the standard boot for the new Navy uniform (the dark-blue/grey BDU-style) is a black leather boot....even in KAF.
CanadianTire said:
Interesting to note that the standard boot for the new Navy uniform (the dark-blue/grey BDU-style) is a black leather boot....even in KAF.

Interesting.  When I was there last year, all USN personnel wore the older desert combats and tan boots.  Talk about sticking out like a sore thumb now.
The CadPat boot project was canned. It was tested in Petawawa for a few months, apparently, no one liked them.