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Improved Combat Uniform

PMedMoe said:
No offensive but I'm glad I'm not in your unit then.  I like being able to think for myself...    ;)

Remedial training for you then! Quick run, before the white van gets you.  ;D
PMedMoe said:
No offensive but I'm glad I'm not in your unit then.  I like being able to think for myself...    ;)

Ok you got me on that one....however in the middle of winter and people walking around with their sleeves up is daft.
Plus, sleeves down prevents sunburn, and prevents nasty bugs like mosquitoes from biting exposed skin.

Plus, in the field we go sleeves down anyways.
I find the "only wogs wear sleeves up" mantra kinda elitist myself.

In the summer I like wearing my sleeves up because I find walking around in civies after work and on weekends with tanned hands neck and face with noticably  whiter arms looks goofy.
Since when did wearing a uniform become something that was done according to one's own taste?
I'm pretty sure no one here is debating whether to wear a uniform or not.

I'm guessing you mean in the manner in which a uniform is worn- in this case ones sleeves.

Wasn't there a canforgen or something on it a while back about it being the soldiers discretion? (Less parades)

Sorry OZ, you're correct - I meant the method of wearing the uniform, not whether to actually wear it or not.

It's funny that recruits are taught in basic to standardize EVERYTHING, but then get to see members walking around with some sleeves rolled up, some not, some with issue combat boots, some getting away with others, etc.

Lead by example, right?
Jim Seggie said:
The old school thought is retarded......I particulary don't like being told when I can wear a jacket or not, or have my sleeves up or down.

I remember a certain RSM that said if it was cold enough for a jacket it was cold enough for a toque, and said toque was to be worn covering the ears. ;D
As a young soldier we were always told that if you wear the combat coat, you wear the combat gloves. 
RDJP said:
Sorry OZ, you're correct - I meant the method of wearing the uniform, not whether to actually wear it or not.

It's funny that recruits are taught in basic to standardize EVERYTHING, but then get to see members walking around with some sleeves rolled up, some not, some with issue combat boots, some getting away with others, etc.

Lead by example, right?

Yes, but the reason for that is actually to instill teamwork, attention to detail, and discpline, to what otherwise would be a mob of civvies. Is there really any need for such stringent adherence to such things in an operational army?
RDJP said:
Lead by example, right?

If I wear CADPAT and the policy is that I can have my sleeves up or down, my choice, then I am following policy and thus, leading by example.

CDN Aviator said:
If I wear CADPAT and the policy is that I can have my sleeves up or down, my choice, then I am following policy and thus, leading by example.


CDN Aviator said:
If I wear CADPAT and the policy is that I can have my sleeves up or down, my choice, then I am following policy and thus, leading by example.

Hence why you keep one sleeve up and one down - so you're an example to everyone.  >:D
CDN Aviator said:
If I wear CADPAT and the policy is that I can have my sleeves up or down, my choice, then I am following policy and thus, leading by example.

Well, if that is the policy (and I for one don't know, but obviously you are stating there is), then yes, you are following the policy.

My opinion is that it looks a lot more haphazard when it's not uniform (no pun intended :))

Towards_the_gap said:
Yes, but the reason for that is actually to instill teamwork, attention to detail, and discpline, to what otherwise would be a mob of civvies. Is there really any need for such stringent adherence to such things in an operational army?

That depends...do you want to see pant legs with bloused/unbloused an option as well?  Wear the beret with the badge on either side, as you feel like it? Once could go on and on....both ways.
RDJP said:
That depends...do you want to see pant legs with bloused/unbloused an option as well?  Wear the beret with the badge on either side, as you feel like it? Once could go on and on....both ways.


Does it annoy you that much seeing CF pers with both sleeves up and down?  I guess it must also be bad seeing CF pers wearing different capbadges and different beret colours.... should we all have the same haircuts as well?

Just because your only experience with the CF is Basic Training(in the past,  and going again on basic) doesn't mean units have to run like a course with every member looking exactly the same. 

Policy is sleeves up or down is members choice,  with the exception of parades(CoC call).  With the units I've been with,  majority(if not all) of pers have sleeves down year round, so it's like like every second person you will is different.  Dress regs state capbadge is over left eye, etc...  Don't go too extreme/unrealistic here.
-Skeletor- said:
Policy is sleeves up or down is members choice,  with the exception of parades(CoC call).  Dress regs state capbadge is over left eye,  pants bloused in garrison, etc...  Don't go too extreme/unrealistic here.

Doesn't bother me that much, really.  I was responding more to Towards_the_gap's comment:
Is there really any need for such stringent adherence to such things in an operational army?

...basically pointing out that we DO already have guidelines to follow.  To me, I just find it curious that they have left the sleeves to be member's choice.  :)

And you're right, my experience is limited.  However, when I hear of "dress issues" on here every now and then, I do see things like this being a tipping point. 
RDJP said:
To me, I just find it curious that they have left the sleeves to be member's choice. 
Actually, you'll find that there's all kinds of chaos beneath the calm surface of uniformity. It's often left to us whether we wear Boots, Clumsy Combat Overboots, or rain jackets, or which colour lens in our BEW. Last week, some guys were wearing the long-sleeve, zip collar undershirt -- some wearing normal t-shirts.  It's madness.

I'm only amazed we don't hear of more RCR RSMs spontaneously combusting.  :nod:
Journeyman said:
I'm only amazed we don't hear of more RCR RSMs spontaneously combusting.  :nod:


Seems this topic is definitely not about ICU's anymore :)  God bless tangents
-Skeletor- said:
Dress regs state capbadge is over left eye,  pants bloused in garrison, etc...  Don't go too extreme/unrealistic here.

Actually, the pant blousing (aside from MP uniforms) is in no dress reg I have read...

"Trousers, black, with side cargo pockets,
worn straight leg style and not bloused."