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Ignorant Civies

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I can't ban you all I am is saying is you can have a view but back it up with facts and not attacks on members here or very broad statements you have made about other armies
Yeah you're right I have made one broad statement... And I can't really prove that I have talked to these people now can I?  I mean, what can I do to prove that?  It just seems, in my point of view that Canadians are helping, and American's are just....fighting...  I know that is probably a stupid thing to say...but its just what I have been fed by the media and the things I have read, and the people I've talked to.... I'm new on these forums.... I'm sorry if Im butting heads already but obviosly not everyone has the same point of view in this country as everyone else....you just have to live with that....  And I'm glad to hear that American's are working alongside us overthere trying to help I would rather hear stories about that but obviously those stories are few and far between for me!

Celticgirl said:
President Karzai (President of Afghanistan) has said:
(1) "Please convey to your people [in Canada] the immense gratitude from the people of Afghanistan, for contributing in money and soldiers and choosing Afghanistan to be the biggest recipient of Canadian help."
(2) "If the greatness of life is measured in deeds done for others, then Canada's sons and daughters who have made the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan stand among the greatest of their generation."
(3) "In Afghanistan, you [Canadians] are not only serving the cause of security for the international community, and your country, you are also helping one of the most oppressed societies in the world and the little children that they have. Thank you."

Does that sound like Canadian troops are an unwelcome entity in Afghanistan?

How do you know if they are or are not Taliban? Are they supposed to be wearing a scarlett T so you can identify them?

Canadians are bombing Afghan families? I really hope you can you back that up with evidence because this is a pretty serious and dangerous statement.

"Running around with guns"? That's a huge oversimplification (and distorted view) of the military and their mission overseas, don't you think?   ???

I would assume a Taliban wouldn't let you drive through their village? I dont know...

And it probaby is a distorted view...sorry if im so vulgar to be making such "dangerous" statements...this is the internet...  What do you expect?  Complete and utter control over everyones views everywhere?  Probably...thats probably why I'll get banned for my views......
ryananderson said:
I would assume a Taliban wouldn't let you drive through their village? I dont know...

And it probaby is a distorted view...sorry if im so vulgar to be making such "dangerous" statements...this is the internet...  What do you expect?  Complete and utter control over everyones views everywhere?  Probably...thats probably why I'll get banned for my views......

Not at all, but you will be if you go against the Guidelines of this site that you agreed to when you signed up.

I suggest you get more familiar with them and then re-read the posts you've quoted.

Your choice.

The Army.ca Staff
ryananderson said:
Yeah you're right I have made one broad statement... And I can't really prove that I have talked to these people now can I?  I mean, what can I do to prove that?  It just seems, in my point of view that Canadians are helping, and American's are just....fighting...  I know that is probably a stupid thing to say...but its just what I have been fed by the media and the things I have read, and the people I've talked to.... I'm new on these forums.... I'm sorry if Im butting heads already but obviosly not everyone has the same point of view in this country as everyone else....you just have to live with that....  And I'm glad to hear that American's are working alongside us overthere trying to help I would rather hear stories about that but obviously those stories are few and far between for me!


I believe what you said was Americans are just killing...correct me if I am wrong...we are all entitled to our view but you made unsubstantiated remarks...where did you learn that Americans are just killing
Ok sorry let me get those tapes from the news I watched on T.V.....  ???

I just said those were my views and they still are....its just an accumulation of information that has led me to these conclusions.....
ryananderson said:
Ok sorry let me get those tapes from the news I watched on T.V.....  ???

I just said those were my views and they still are....its just an accumulation of information that has led me to these conclusions.....

Show me somewhere that somebody made a statement that Canadians are helping and Americans are just killing...I watch the news as well and haven't heard that yet
ryananderson said:
...this is the internet...  What do you expect?  Complete and utter control over everyones views everywhere?  Probably...thats probably why I'll get banned for my views......

I expect people to refrain from making inflammatory statements and gross generalizations. I expect people to back up their statements with evidence, not with even more inflammatory statements and gross generalizations. There are many people on this site who have served in Afghanistan, and therefore, they have more knowledge than you or I about the mission and our NATO allies. Think about your audience for a moment before you post.

You're entitled to your opinions, but to make negative blanket statements about the Canadian or U.S. Military on a Canadian military website that has a large portion of military members, retired military members, and civvies who work with, live with, or aspire to become military members, is not the best way to 'make friends and influence people'.

ryananderson said:
Probably...thats probably why I'll get banned for my views......

Might I suggest you find and read the site rules before you continue posting? Then you may recognize precisely why you have a verbal warning and are in danger of being banned. Knowledge is power. ;)

Uhh.. I just made that statement  ;D

And I`m telling you, its from the years of watching the media and getting my own information.... What else can I do
Celticgirl said:
'make friends and influence people'.

I`m not here to make friends.... sorry.

I`m here to learn...and if you can`t help..move along....I`m waiting for the people who HAVE served to tell me why!

If you get offended at my posts....stop reading them.
Back on topic troops.

ryananderson said:
I`m not here to make friends.... sorry.

I`m here to learn...and if you can`t help..move along....I`m waiting for the people who HAVE served to tell me why!

If you get offended at my posts....stop reading them.

ryananderson - check your PMs.

You are now on the ramp with that last post.

The Army.ca Staff
You have not shown a thirst for knowledge..all you are doing is irritating everyone with your comments

I'm a civilian too. I respect this on line community; I respect our soldiers, I respect the CF.

More importantly, I respect my liminal place here as a guest and an outsider.  It is a privilege to be here and I've learned a lot.

Please demonstrate some cultural sensitivity when communicating on these forums or find another on line community that more reflects your values.

As a civilian, I'm here to learn and understand and to empathize. You are wasting bandwidth. You are alienating both civilians and CF personnel equally.  

Your comments have completely validated the title of this thread.

I`m trying but people just insist on telling me I`ll get banned or calling me ignorant...

I have received a few very valid points and I have pm`d those members because I  wanted to thank them for their intelligience instead of just calling me stupid for not knowing.
ryananderson said:
This is obviously not the right place to voice my opinion.

Not true. We've had many with voices of dissension come here and have a good exchange of ideas.

riggermade summed it up nicely.

You've gone down the wrong path with your attitude and personal attacks on the members on this site.

Suggest you suck back and do a bit of reading and also get to know the site.

The Army.ca Staff
leroi said:
As a civilian, I'm here to learn and understand and to empathize. You are wasting bandwidth. You are alienating both civilians and CF personnel equally.  

Your comments have completely validated the title of this thread.

So because I don`t share the same beliefs as you, I am wasting bandwidth.

MM hmm....

You are being told about being banned because of unsubstantiated statements and comments made to members....if you wnat to learn then I suggest you ask questions instead of making statements that you have have taken out of context from media sources that do not aways report as things are...there is alot of experience on this site in both Afghanistan and Iraq and to attack what our allies are doing there when people have fought along side of them is not the way to make friends on this site
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