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I guess democracy doesn't work...protests on Afghan mission.

From Jack Layton, March 14:

Conservatives and Liberals extend Afghanistan mission: NDP stands up for peace
This mission is not working. We need to change direction. We need to take leadership in order to regain the respect Canada once had in peacemaking and peacekeeping.

The NDP’s plan for peace includes pursuing a political solution delivered by the UN. The UN’s mandate to preserve and promote international peace and security and its longstanding experience in peace negotiations make it the appropriate international body to be in charge in Afghanistan – not NATO.

Despite the result of this vote, the NDP will continue to represent the millions of Canadians who believe that this is the wrong mission for Canada, and we’ll continue to call for a path to peace, not a path to more war.

How does Mr Layton think Canada can succeed in causing the UN to take direct charge? Why does no-one in our media ever ask him? The process would involve the UN Security Council--which has repeatedly authorized the ISAF mission, a fact Mr Layton does not mention--allowing ISAF's mandate to lapse and then voting to create a new UN "peacekeeping" mission of some undefined sort. That would require the agreement of the US, UK and France. Likelihood? Zero.

I guess Jack is simply ignorant about how these UN matters work--odd given the NDP's UN-centric approach. But all too typical.

Besides which NATO is only in charge of (most) international military activity in Afstan, plus some development work (PRTs).  The vast amount of aid, development, reconstruction, capacity-building, etc. work in under various government's own agencies, international agencies and NGOs.  And there is a very large UN mission (UNAMA) that is very active over a wide range of fields--including the political.

And I suppose Jack thinks this UN development is of no significance:

New UN "super envoy" for Afstan

What a simplistic, mindless rhetoric-spouting, jerk Jack is.

I'm sure the people in Afghanistan never use to have the right to protest until we came. We must finish the mission.
Maybe the people in Ottawa should read today's Citizen.

Article Link

Afghan general praises Canada for Kandahar violence reduction
Claims city is now 'second most volatile place' in Afghanistan
Matthew Fisher, The Ottawa Citizen
Published: Saturday, March 15, 2008

KABUL - Kandahar, where Canadian forces are responsible for security, is no longer the most hazardous place in Afghanistan, according to a senior Afghan general.

"It is now Helmand that is the most dangerous, not Kandahar," said Gen. Zahir Azimi in an interview over lunch this week in the Afghan capital.

"This is because Canadian troops have done a great job in their area. They have changed Kandahar from being the most volatile place to the second most volatile place."

More on link

Guess we're doing some good, huh?
The fact protests are allowed here shows democracy does work. And the fact there are protests on the subject shows the education system does not.
fraserdw said:
Relax, folks.  This is a great example of what we have and are serving for.  Let em go misinformed or no, let do their thing and bask yourself in their free speech.  You gave to em!

I think we all know what freedom of speech is and why we have it but I'm all for expressing another form of freedom of speech, the freedom to correct and the freedom ridicule people that open their cake-holes without having a single rational thought about the situation they intend to protest about.
Francisco Juarez (former Canadian Army Lieutenant who refused deployment to Afghanistan),

Ahh great, this complete fraud still kicking around? Last I looked into it, he was an OCdt when he was removed from the Forces, and being a reservist, he was never in any danger at all of going to Afghanistan unless he wanted to.

The man is a liar and a douche.
I just saw a news clip about the Halifax protest. Apparently, they were protesting the "war in Afghanistan" and the "war in Iraq". Shouldn't they protest the Iraq War on the other side of the U.S.-Canada border? How dumb are some of these people?

Shaking my head here.  ???
Mike Baker said:
Hmm, when is this? I want to go in, an voice my opinion to them.

Fellow Newfs (and anyone else that can get there)! Gather 'round! We shall have our own protest to protest their protest! All you Veterans, Soldiers, Sailors, Air Force personall, an those of us joining or just want the Afghan people to have a better life, get ready. Let's show them that what we are doing really does make a difference. Let's show them the truth.

Anyone in?

Come pick me up in Corner Brook... I'll supply the Tim's for the trip haha.

In all seriousness, I wish I could drive right through them like that crazy old man did in the states, with a big "Anti-War is Pro-Taliban" sign on top of the car.
Catalyst said:
Darn, I missed the prostest march in Montreal - usually demonstrations go right by me on st catherine's street, gotta love working in a store with big windows.

A few military friends and myself walked passed one of these last year in Montreal. We didn't know beforehand that the demonstration would be taking place. It was quite the scene...couldn't help but laugh at some of the deeply misinformed youths with their banners of idiocy. Mostly anti-american garbage etc. etc.
Teeps74 said:
Ahh great, this complete fraud still kicking around? Last I looked into it, he was an OCdt when he was removed from the Forces, and being a reservist, he was never in any danger at all of going to Afghanistan unless he wanted to.

The man is a liar and a douche.

I think you are being unfair to douches, which actually have some value and use.  ;)

He has lied about most everything so far, why wouldn't he lie about holding a commission from our Queen and having rank he never earned.  He's a hippie.  Why would he let truth get in the way of a protest? 
>:( Some (ignorant) quotes from the comments section of the CTV article (link below):

Mr Chillz
If the troops don't care that they are being used to steal oil & opium and are being soaked in DEPLETED URANIUM,....why should we care than?

I don't wanna hear one soldier complain when he/she gets back and is sick or gravely wounded.

There's too many uninformed, brain-washed Armchair Generals leaving stupid comments on this farse of a mission.

It's all about oil and opium,..period. And theyre using the lives of our troops to steal it all. What a shame our country has become.

R MacQueen
I'm going to apply the logic of a totalitarian mind, (like Bush and Harper's) here...

Ahem... (Placing hand on warmongers' faces here, and simply pushing their stupid heads out of the way)

This is how it is, numbskulls... the war is ILLEGAL, savvy? No, you don't have to understand, because you're not smart enough to understand, just listen! Bush lied his way over there, disregarding the UN's wishes, and now we're propping up those lies, GET IT??? We do not call the shots in this universe. It's their country to run as they please... they are NO threat to us!

No, we get out... COMPLETELY!

No arguments from the pinheads... we get OUT!

End of story!

This mission is only to construct the trans-afghan pipeline (which passes near Kandahar) and get the opium export moving again (which it did).
And we're spending billions which we don't have.

"The UN approved the mission". Who cares? The UN is actually US-France-Russia-China and the UK. All imperialist countries. What's so good about this UN??


and 9/11 was a conspiracy by halliburton, JFK was a conspiracy....these guys NEVER give up do they?
OldSolduer said:
and 9/11 was a conspiracy by halliburton, JFK was a conspiracy....these guys NEVER give up do they?

Did you read comments made last year by this year Oscar winner actress, Marion Cottillard ?

Her theorie then was there  is a conpiracy for 9/11, and "they" (U.S.) made it happens because it cost less
to explode the building with planes and dynamites then to renovate it !!!
I didn't see those remarks, but I stopped paying attention to celebrity opinions when John Lennon (god of the left wing peaceniks) voiced his opinions. If you really get down to it, a lot of these celebrities are stupid
I find it amusing with the fact that most of these protests are going by and protesting in front of recruiting centres. It's not like we have any say over the decisions of elected MPs other than our individual rights to vote. Also, last I checked, most of our recruiting centres aren't even open on the weekend so they won't really be disrupting anything.
Well here's a boot in the crotch for all those anti-military protesters.  Today's poll on CTV.ca
I know it's just a poll, but it's still better than seeing the opposite.

There are protests this weekend demanding an end to the military mission in Afghanistan. What do you think should happen next?
Stay the course 61%
End combat role in Kandahar 18%
Withdraw completely 21%

They haven't based their arguments on truth or fact yet, why would you expect them to now?

Well, I made the cut.......for a few seconds.