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Hey just a question to the rest of you guys reference things like Hydroxycut.I have some stubborn fat that just will not go away with rigorous exercise and diet.I was directed from a few like minded people (read built like bricks***houses) that this stuff really kicks you system into burning off excess fat.

If you have used such products what have been your opinion's and results.Also if you used any other things for a fat burner metabolism booster etc.

I have only been on them for two days and really notice the boost in the gym reference cardio.I won't go into detail (pecker measuring contests) but have nearly doubled my usual time doing the cardio exercises,with a total boost of explosive energy.

any tips/products advice would be appreciated.

(I got to cut 10 lbs before bulking over the winter.And have been plateaued for 4 months now even with changes in routines etc.)


Hydroxycut is a thermogenic supplement.  It contains, EPHEDRINE, caffeine, aspirin, among other ingredients.

How it works, is that the combination of these stimulants raise your metabolism, in turn causing your body temperature to raise (much like having a fever).

Yes, it is highly effective, but not forever.  If you have stubborn fat, it is most likely a genetic problem, and will come back after your cycle of 'Cut.

Lets examine side effects (Hydroxycut with Ephedrine): 
-High Blood Pressure
-Heart attacks
-Euphoria (constant "high" (take that as you want it ;D))
-DEATH (not as rare as you might think)

Xenadrine is a ephedrine free supplement that will produce the same results, without the extreme side effects.  I'm not condoning its use however.

The question you should ask, is, is it really worth the risk?  The human body is not designed to look like Shwartzeneger and The Rock.  The results you see on these people are from extreme supplementation involving steroids among other supplements.  This robs years of their lives.  If you need a reference I will provide, however you probably already know all this.

In my opinion, live with the fat, everyone has it, and you won't be as cold this winter :P


Hydroxycut etc. no longer has Ephedra in it.

Quag said:
Lets examine side effects (Hydroxycut with Ephedrine): 
-High Blood Pressure
-Heart attacks
-Euphoria (constant "high" (take that as you want it ;D))
-DEATH (not as rare as you might think)

Hmmm....How about taking the option that DOESN'T give you a heart attack or even worse. No offence to the people on this forum who use hydroxycut but that sh*t is for fat chicks (such as Anna Nicole Smith, who's new body is most definitely not the work of hydroxycut). I'v been there; losing weight takes time.
soon as you stop cycling the supplement, your metabolism will go back to the level your genetic heritage has decreed is normal, and the fat tissue you dropped will come back.

It's not an athletic aid, but it does give a mild burst of energy since the metabolism gets a "kick-start". However, long-term, it works against the body in endurance exercise. That's why marathonners don't use it. Just body-builders who only work out for ego. It's about show, not go.

You want to use it, make sure you don't have any sort of heart murmur, or the like. Canadian products don't contain ephedrine.
current Hydroxycut contents

I've use it while deployed while doing shift work
- I have about 1/3rd of a bottle left

Supplement Size 3 Capsules

Amount per serving        % Daily Value
Calcium 152mg                 15%
Chromium 133mcg            111%
Potasium 225mg                6%

Plus other stuff

Hydroxagen Plus tm 1.71g
Garcinia cambogia (fruit and rind) extract standardized for Hyrdrocitric acid
Gymnema sylvestre leaf extract stabdardized for gymeric acid
Alpha lipoic acid
Willow bark extract (standardized salacin)
L-carnitite (as tartrate)

Hydroxy Tea tm 393mg
Green Leaf tea Extract (standardzied for 95% polyphenols (70% catechins, 45% epigallocatechin gallte 90mg EGCG)
Guarana extract standardized for 200mg Caffeine

yeah, when kids started droppin' dead from over-dosing themselves on it, the companies went to more natural, less effective components. Similar effects, but not as extreme.
Yeah I dont think Ephedra has been in this stuff since 1995-6.

I drink enough coffee and my chew is likely way worse than Ephedra was going to be
Hydroxycut works, I won't say anything against that. My girlfriend gave me a bottle to try out...I wasn't seeing results...but what I realized is...if you eat small amounts, you can burn it off faster. I work construction right now, I usually bring two sandwhiches, a granola bar, a nutrigrain bar and a gatorade...I burn all the calories basically just by working....I'm constantly moving, lifting objects up to 120lbs, and again, constantly moving and keeping a steady go...I've lost 10 pounds in ONE month without even trying. There's no need for any supplements or anything like that...just eat small, if you're starving, drink alot of water...water fills you up and hydrates you without the calories or anything. True story.

So, let's review.

Eat small meals. Example:  a granola bar here, an apple there...don't just go for a bag of chips or a burger or anything like that...that'll screw you over. And if you dont' work a physical job, go to the gym, run atleast 30 minutes then hit up the weights...and don't eat before bed...that's the worst.
I cant say this enough to everyone who asks me this question, Diet Diet Diet,  I can guaranty your diet is flawed and that your workout routine can probably use some work also. Products like Hydroxycut work, but only if they are aided with a bang on diet and good routine.
Seriously so many people think they have great diet,and they actually only have a mediocre diet.  I know a few sight where you can learn absolutly everything you need to know about diet and training, PM and i'll send them to you, I am in Afghanastan and outside the wire 90% of the time so i may not be able to get back to you right away.

Infidel -  I dont think you truly understand the ramifications of Ephedra, otherwise you would know its way worse than all the coffee and chew you could ingest.

As far as Ephedra legal in Canada, it isn't per se, but go to your local drug store, alot of products still contain it and a lot of hydroxycut knockoffs have synthetic or natural equivalents of it.
*CDN*Blackhawk said:
I cant say this enough to everyone who asks me this question, Diet Diet Diet,  I can guaranty your diet is flawed and that your workout routine can probably use some work also. Products like Hydroxycut work, but only if they are aided with a bang on diet and good routine.
Seriously so many people think they have great diet,and they actually only have a mediocre diet.  I know a few sight where you can learn absolutly everything you need to know about diet and training, PM and i'll send them to you, I am in Afghanastan and outside the wire 90% of the time so i may not be able to get back to you right away.

My diet and training are good,I have lost 70 lbs as to date.(Since last October.)So no I don't think I'll take your guarentee on my diet/training to be flawed. ;)I will however send you a PM for those sites,education is key in everything.Im using the product to see if it will help push me over the plateau to shed the 10-15 pounds of fat,(also I want full abs ;D).I understand no pill works wonders etc,but I'm using it as a training aid and not a crutch.

I can easly keep weight off once I got it gone.I have maintained near a year now without too much thought stress into it.Im hoping after the next 10lbs I can just get back on maintance.

Just wondering what you guys are using,and also for bulking.Im pretty new to supplements.What are you guys using to bulk besides creatine(sp?) (put water on muscles I know).

thanks for the comments thus far.
paracowboy said:
soon as you stop cycling the supplement, your metabolism will go back to the level your genetic heritage has decreed is normal, and the fat tissue you dropped will come back.

It's not an athletic aid, but it does give a mild burst of energy since the metabolism gets a "kick-start". However, long-term, it works against the body in endurance exercise. That's why marathonners don't use it. Just body-builders who only work out for ego. It's about show, not go.

You want to use it, make sure you don't have any sort of heart murmur, or the like. Canadian products don't contain ephedrine.

ParaCowboy is right.. I can voche for what he said there. I was in those shoes once apond a time. I was one for those body builder types until I seen the light.

paracowboy said:
soon as you stop cycling the supplement, your metabolism will go back to the level your genetic heritage has decreed is normal, and the fat tissue you dropped will come back.

It's not an athletic aid, but it does give a mild burst of energy since the metabolism gets a "kick-start". However, long-term, it works against the body in endurance exercise. That's why marathonners don't use it. Just body-builders who only work out for ego. It's about show, not go.

You want to use it, make sure you don't have any sort of heart murmur, or the like. Canadian products don't contain ephedrine.

Yep I understand about the endurance part.However for the next 6 months or so I'm moving away from endurance exercise.(I use to run plus 30km everyday except for fridays.)Good point also on the health advice,I'm good to go but some people may want to look into that.

TN2IC said:
ParaCowboy is right.. I can voche for what he said there. I was in those shoes once apond a time. I was one for those body builder types until I seen the light.

Hey D
you cant just drink the shakes and not work out. ;D Just kidding bud's.
I'll save bandwith and slam ya on messenger later.hehe. ;D

099* said:
Yep I understand about the endurance part.However for the next 6 months or so I'm moving away from endurance exercise.(I use to run plus 30km everyday except for fridays.)
if you're shifting focus from endurance to strength and/or power, then you may very well find 'metabolism boosters' helpful. Just like a cup of coffee 'perks' you up (see what I did there?), so do products like Hydroxycut. It's like kicking your CNS into gear, by popping the clutch.

That being said, I DON'T advocate them to anyone, especially anyone under the age of 18. If you insist on using them, I insist you speak with a medical professional first. If you are under 18 and insist on using them, I insist you get someone to kick your ass.

As for weight gaining supplements, dude, the only one I am aware of being truly tested by facilities not paid by the supplement industry, and passing, is Creatine Monohydrate. When purchasing products like this, be damn sure you investigate the company producing it. Many of the products on the shelves are not controlled by any Gov't regulatory agency, and will contain anything from human hair (true story) to flour.

I won't go as far as to state the Company involved, to keep Mike out of the courts, but, make sure you do some investigation on your own. Seriously.

Edited for spelling. Wow. That was more typo than typing. Good Lord, how did any of you read that? - pc
One of the things that's being seen with creatine use is an increase in problems with compartment syndromes because the muscles are getting bigger fast but the compartments they are in aren't (the tissue is rather inelastic).  This can damage nerves and blood vessels and leave really nasty scars as a result of the rather drastic surgery (fasciotomy) that has to be done to relieve it.  Just another one of those things to be aware of (found that out from the sports med doc last week).

Also to reiterate Para - dietary supps are not regulated in Canada.  As such, they don't have to stand up to the kind of testing even over the counter pharmaceuticals have to in order to be sold (or any testing really unless someone decides to sue  ::)).  American and other foreign and domestic companies know this and are quite happy to provide you with a product that could be cut with flour or icing sugar for all they care, so buyer beware.  There is a pamphlet I believe is available through the PSP Health Promotion guys that DND did on supplements.

Creatine...oh the magic powder.

David, you're not wrong, but you are missing alot.

A side effect of creatine is the bloating of the muscles with water (the creatine phosphates travel in the water to the muscle).

OK, put your thinking caps on everybody (this hurts my brain to say).

Your body uses energy in the form of ATP.  When you use the energy it gets broken down to ADP (di-phosphate rather than triphosphate).  Creatine phosphate adds that extra phosphate to make ATP again.  (This is an extremely abbreviated summary).

Your muscles will bloat, giving you the feeling of size, however much can be attributed to the water (hence the necessity to drink tons of water while taking creatine).

When you stop you will notice a minor decrease in strength, however nothing too bad.  You will also notice a "size loss" which is attributable to the water retention.  But the muscle mass you gain, will stay with you for the most part, if you keep up your physical routine.

Too lazy and have to go write midterm right now, more to follow.


I used thermo's (ie product similar to hydroxycut) once a few years ago, and just to add cause it hasn't been mentioned, is the dependecy your body attaches to it, because if you don't cycle off properly you WILL feel the effects and they can be very not pleasant especially products containing high levels of stimulants (thermo's).  I am talking, severe migraine headaches, nausea, dehydrations, painful muscle cramps. It was not fun.
Does anyone even use Creatine anymore??? I thought NO2 is all the hype now.