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Humour: Name for a new Canadian Tank IF we got one

If Canada were to purchase a variant of the Leopard 2, what should it be called?

  • Total voters
George Wallace said:
Hey!.......Who changed the Poll?..........That is not what I voted for!


I'm going to guess that the culprit is the 48th Regulator....

None of these poll results matter anyway as the Vernliminator is the the best thing on the market and is truly the way ahead.
Armyvern said:

I'm going to guess that the culprit is the 48th Regulator....

None of these poll results matter anyway as the Vernliminator is the the best thing on the market and is truly the way ahead.
No way go STEVE!!! ;D
Armyvern said:
Don't worry!! The Vernliminator is not a poll option...but if it was I'd be kickin' hiney!!
I'd definatley vote for it thats for sure.  8)
If we're going to have a name like STEVE why not something like FRED or BOB?
'Cause Bob is to plain. And Fred makes me think of Fred Flinstone. Big and lazy. Hmm on second thought maybe Fred would be a good name =).
youravatar said:
'Cause Bob is to plain. And Fred makes me think of Fred Flinstone. Big and lazy. Hmm on second thought maybe Fred would be a good name =).

Hey! I ressent that! I may be big.. and I may be lazy... But... er... I'm not big and lazy, dammit!
youravatar said:
'Cause Bob is to plain. And Fred makes me think of Fred Flinstone. Big and lazy. Hmm on second thought maybe Fred would be a good name =).

Therefore Fred is the perfect name. Like honestly how long did it take to send some tanks over to A-stan. From what I here they really weren't used for much before.
What would your wives think if you told them you were exhausted from riding Steve all day?  ;D

I voted for Lancenator.
CanEhdian said:
What would your wives think if you told them you were exhausted from riding Steve all day?  ;D

I voted for Lancenator.

I'm single so I don't think I'll have much of a problem 8)
CanEhdian said:
What would your wives think if you told them you were exhausted from riding Steve all day?  ;D

I voted for Lancenator.

Don't ask don't tell. ;)
We could name it something scary!  Like....MECHAGODZILLA!.  big, green, metal, whats not to love?  Oh, its taken.  Damn.

George Wallace said:
Just out of curiosity, what ever happened to "Timmy the Tank" that we used to have as a Tank Trainer, way back when?

Well if you have been to Connaught Ranges (Ottawa) lately you will see Timmy the Tank ( Sherman) guarding the east entrance to the camp.
Not sure if this is the same one your looking for George?
George Wallace said:
Nope.  They were the four Leopards with the Driver Cabs that were in D&M Sqn.
I had forgotten all about those.  Have no idea where they went, maybe converted to RV's.