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Humour: Name for a new Canadian Tank IF we got one

If Canada were to purchase a variant of the Leopard 2, what should it be called?

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Look at the look in that Marmot's eye...

What's he thinkin'?

"See that Toyota over there?  I could chew a tire right off it!"
Walrus perhaps?

A big floppy thing with tusks that makes lots of noise and leaks oil when holes are put in it.

Why not?

I think it should be called Mr. Snufalupagus.  Only one person will ever see it and no one else will believe it exists.  ;D
The Dream Machine because that would be about the only time you ever get to see it.
Perhaps we should give it a name that addresses the tradition of armour in this country, something like "My Grandfather drove this tank" or the "1/2 century tank".  We could also cut costs by getting antique license plates for them now.
LfD - Late for Dinner is coming along in 2nd place. This would be a suitable name if they were always breaking down.
If they were always breaking down, they'd be called Centurians.
lol, .... drip pan...

Anyway, ninerdomestic voted for Regulator's Love Machine (but I think Steve would work much better).

Just think of the acronyms people will make of RLM? We can say that S.T.E.V.E. already is an acronym, and watch the wheels turn.  :P
Name em after politicians.........

- Jack (aka the Goat) = perfect for someone who tends to shoot his mouth off

.... which leads to calling em after animals
- Weasel
- Gopher
- Marmot
George Wallace said:
Hey!.......Who changed the Poll?..........That is not what I voted for!
I dunno but fluffy steve the boat is up to 3  :).
Add that with the normal steve vote's and we're up to some kind of rediculous number i can't even count! ^-^