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Honours & Awards (merged)

AFAIK, MSM / MSC do not have any rank prerequisites, only that whatever it is the person being nominated did was done in a highly professional manner or of a very high standard that brings benefit or honour to the Canadian Forces in some way. As a side note, I was told by DH&R in 2010 they were trying to ensure MSM / MSC went to more junior ranks and they wanted it to look less and less like something awarded only at the MWO / CWO / Officer level. I was quite impressed by the candid remarks, as up until then, it seemed that only MWO+ were being presented those decorations.

The reason you see less MSM / MSC is that only a certain percentage of the CF population per year is permitted to be presented one. I am 100% unsure if the same ratios apply to OMM / MMM  :2c:
There is no annual limit or allocation for these decorations which are intended to be the workhorse of the merit recognition system and recognize one specific act or meritorious service performed over a specific period of time, be it a few minutes, days, a project, an operational rotation or a whole posting. The awards are not reserved for operational or overseas service and the level of award (Cross or Medal) is not linked to the rank or level of responsibility of the nominee, the degree of merit being the only factor. The criteria for each decoration are simple and flexible allowing the recognition of a wide array of achievements by military personnel at all levels and in all fields. Nominations, which must me submitted through the chain of command within five years of the date of the incident or the end of the service cited, should especially be made for individuals who demonstrate either:

- outstanding performance out of trade, rank and experience;
- outstanding performance in trade, rank and experience but performed under exceptional or
difficult conditions; or
- performance which has an international flavour or effect
Thanks again! You are a person of a few words but extremely effective  ;D
There isn't any rank limitations of MSM I have ever seen.
I was a Sergeant when I was awarded my MSM in 1993, for actions that occurred when I was a MCpl 4 years earlier.

After reading some citations, you will find that is common for junior ranked persons (Pte-Sgt, Lt-Capt), MSMs are for singular acts, that were considered for a higher award than a CDS Commendation, but not quite an MB, for example.  For more senior ranks (MWO+, Maj+) they seem to be more for a period of time, ie Company Commander in a BG overseas, taking some new ship out for sea trials, or service with a UN/NATO HQ Op overseas. 

This link will take you to the MSM awards page of the RCR. 
From there you can also find the MSCs, MMM, etc.

I'm sure most Regimental websites have an Honours and Awards page that shows the citations of their soldiers who have received the medals.

GPComd said:
For more senior ranks (MWO+, Maj+) they seem to be more for a period of time, ie Company Commander in a BG overseas, taking some new ship out for sea trials, or service with a UN/NATO HQ Op overseas. 

Or for literally every Coy/Sqn/Unit commander and their SSM or RSM....
ATCO said:
Good day,

I was wondering if there was any more specifics for nominations for a MSM?


The description is, IMHO, fairly vague and might explain why it is seldom seen around compared to a MMM. Based on the DH&R site numbers, MSM are awarded an average of 28/year versus 63/year for MMM.

I realise that the GG site has more guidelines, including "Any CF member" and "7.1 The Medal may be awarded in the military division to any person referred to in subsection 5(1) for the performance, on or after June 11, 1984, of a military deed or a military activity in a highly professional manner or of a very high standard that brings benefit or honour to the Canadian Forces."

One of the reason I'm asking: I was told by DH&R staff that OMM/MMM nominations HAD to have non-work related involment i.e. volunteer/community work/etc... which is fine but not found in the online eligibility description. Does an MSM nomination need the same? Or any other pre-requisite that can only be found through corporate knowledge or by asking DH&R?


The difference between decorations and orders is that decorations are for specific things, whilst orders recognize long-term achievement.  So, whereas a variety of things are needed to be inducted into the Order of Military Merit (note the terminology:  Orders are not awards.  They are societies of merit to which people belong), one can be decorated (e.g. with the MSM, MSC, etc) for a single act.  Thus, in answer to your question, no, you don't need to include outside activities in a nomination for a Meritorious Service decoration.  In fact, you may end up clouding and confusing the issue.  I suggest you go on the GG's website and call up some of the recent citations for the MSC or MSM to get an idea.

There is no limit to the number of decorations in any category that can be awarded.  If enough people merit them, they will get them.  The most important part of this is that folks (i.e. the Chain of Command) have to nominate them.

Inductions into the Order ARE limited.  Thus only the top nominees each year get in.  Total annual induction to the order is limited to 0.1% of the total strength of the CF.
Good day to all!

Is there a reference for a time limit for a CDS or Command Commendation? Five years rings a bell but I need a knowledgeable person (and a ref) to confirm.




What is the process for recommending awards to Canadian Forces' individuals or units, such as Bravery Awards (BA), Meritorious Service Decorations (MSD), Mentions-in-Dispatch (MID), Chief of the Defence Staff Commendations or Canadian Forces Unit Commendations?


The Canadian Forces Decorations and Commendations Advisory Committee (CFDCAC ) meets quarterly to consider nominations for these awards. Recommendations that are not received in time for the current meeting are placed on the agenda of the next available meeting. Recommendations for awards stemming from operations, either outside Canada or domestic (such as the Winnipeg floods, Ice Storm 98, etc) are forwarded, through the chain of command, to the Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff for approval. Other recommendations are forwarded through the chain of command. Once approved by the Committee, recommendations for BAs, MSDs, MIDs are sent to the Governor General for approval. It should be noted that military recommendations for bravery awards should be initiated not more than 30 days after the incident has occurred and include witness statements. The Government will not adjudicate bravery awards received more than two years after the event.

From announcement by the Governor General (excerpt):

OTTAWA—His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, announces the creation of the EXPEDITION bar to the Special Service Medal (SSM). The SSM and the new bar will be awarded to Canadian Armed Forces members for honourable service performed outside Canada, while participating in or providing direct support on a full-time basis to approved operations.

“Canadian Armed Forces members who proudly serve our country merit our recognition and gratitude,” said His Excellency. “I am pleased that the new EXPEDITION bar will provide formal recognition of the valued contributions of the women and men who offer critical support while deployed overseas, and who participate in the success of a number of missions.”

The SSM was created in 1984, and has always been issued with a bar that specifies the service being recognized; each bar has its own eligibility criteria. The EXPEDITION bar is being introduced to ensure an inclusive and consistent recognition for a broader spectrum of overseas service and was especially designed to fill a gap where certain missions were not eligible for recognition.

Kink to full announcement:  http://www.gg.ca/document.aspx?id=15634&lan=eng
Image:  http://www.gg.ca/images/SSM_barretteEXPbar.jpg

And from DH&R, the list of eligible missions for the new bar:
- Service of CAF personnel in Comalapa, El Salvador, Curacao, and the Liaison Officer in Key West, Florida, in direct support (ground support to RCAF Auroras) to the US-led Joint Task Force – South mission since 1 Jul 07 (Op Caribbe). Aircrew flying into the defined theatre of operations for Op Caribbe credit those days for the OSM-EXP and shall not count those days for the SSM-EXP.

- Service of CAF personnel as a staff member at the Third Location Decompression Site, Cyprus, since 1 Aug 07.

- Service of CAF personnel with the Integrated Under Sea - Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System (IUSS-SURTASS) while deployed on USN ships performing surveillance in the South China, East China and Yellow Seas as well as part of the Sea of Japan (from the Parcel Islands to Vladivostok) since 1 Dec 07.

- Service of CAF personnel with the Casualty Support Team, Landstuhl Regional Medical Centre, Germany, from 11 Feb 08 to 29 Mar 14.

- Service of CAF personnel with the US Navy Central (NAVCENT), Naval Support Activity (NSA), Manamah, Bahrain, including but not limited to:
        - Combined Maritime Force (CMF) HQ, since 21 Apr 10.
        - 5th Fleet HQ, since 31 Jul 12.
        - Coalition Intelligence Fusion Centre, since 21 May 14. Personnel who were in position on 20 May 14 remain eligible for award of the GSM-SWA for the
          remainder of that deployment only. Personnel arriving in position after this date shall count their time towards the SSM-EXP.
        - NAVCENT Liaison Officer (previously listed as Naval Liaison Officer), since 21 May 14. Personnel who were in position on 20 May 14 remain eligible for
          award of the GSM-SWA for the remainder of that deployment only. Personnel arriving in position after this date shall count their time towards the SSM-EXP.

- Service of CAF personnel at the Strategic Lines of Communications (SLOC) Detachments in Germany since 1 Oct 10, in Cyprus since 21 Oct 10, and in Kuwait since 2 Jun 11.

- Service of CAF personnel with the US Forces in Kuwait in direct support of the Iraq transition (US Op New Dawn) to provide advice, to assist with transition from Department of Defence to State Department and to assist with the retrograde of US Forces out of Iraq, from 1 Feb to 31 Dec 11.

- Service of CAF personnel with Task Force Jamaica within the political boundaries, territorial waters and airspace of Jamaica, in support to the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) to provide SAR and Medevac capabilities and to stand by for possible hurricanes, from 12 Aug to 15 Nov 11 (Op Jaguar).

- Service of CAF personnel with Air Task Force (ATF) Mali in support of the French-led Op Serval from the Istres-Le Tube Air Base in France from 15 Jan to 3 Apr 13. ATF aircrew counts each day flown into Bamako, Mali, for the OSM-EXP and shall not count those days towards the SSM-EXP.

- Service of CAF personnel with USCENTCOM Forward – Jordan (CF-J), King Abdullah Special Operations Training Centre (KASOTC), Amman, Jordan, since 23 May 13.
Link:  http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhr-ddhr/chc-tdh/eli-adm/ssmexp-expmss-eng.asp
Staff at TLD Cyprus get a medal? Granted putting up with that many drunks for 2 months isn't a vacation, but wow.
Nice to see our military embassy staff in such far off vacation spots as Kiev, Bangkok, Tripoli and other such locations will finely be recogni....no, wait.  Never mind.

Oh well, at least the CAF liaison officer to Disney World will get something.
Schindler's Lift said:
Nice to see our military embassy staff in such far off vacation spots as Kiev, Bangkok, Tripoli and other such locations will finely be recogni....no, wait.  Never mind.

Oh well, at least the CAF liaison officer to Disney World will get something.

Disneyland on the Rideau may have felt compelled to reward a fellow compatriot...... >:D
Hello all,

Currently in the process of writing up an Honours and Awards application for one of my soldiers. Now I know that awards are often down graded by higher headquarters. i.e. If the TF nominates someone for a CDS commendation but CJOC H&A committee feels it only merits a CJOC commendation. But has anyone seen the reverse happen? i.e Someone is nominated for a CDS commendation but a higher HQ feels it merits a MB or an MSM?

The reason I ask, is because I'm wondering if it is better to shoot high (nominate for a higher award) since there is a chance that the higher H&A committees will try to downgrade the award.

Write it up exactly as you think it should written. I have seen nominations go both ways in the past, both downgraded and upgraded by the Chain of Command.

Provide as much evidence as you can (ie hard, measurable outcomes/results). The flowery language can get tweaked.
SeaKingTacco said:
Write it up exactly as you think it should written. I have seen nominations go both ways in the past, both downgraded and upgraded by the Chain of Command.

Provide as much evidence as you can (ie hard, measurable outcomes/results). The flowery language can get tweaked.

Both good suggestions. I should add that if you go to the GG's website ands search "Honours" it will give you many examples of the tone and format for the draft citation you need to submit.  Also, each L1/formation usually has an H&A guru, often found in the L1 or formation CWO's office.  Seek him/her out for advice on how to wordsmith your nomination so it'll fly.  That makes it less work for him/her as they don't have to bounce it back for editing or, worse, spelling and grammar.
Had one case go to bde for the Comd Commendation that was upgraded and resulted in a nice presentation of MSM to the member from Ottawa instead.