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HK High Reliability Magazine

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The protective finnish on the mags should not be disturbed, as this weakens the structure (makes the alloy actually softer as its hard shell protection has been disturbed), and promotes corrosion. The generic 30rd mags are fine, but they loose their colour (yet the adonised finish remains), and do not absorb shock very well, other words they dent and don't bounce back into shape. At least they are inexpensive, but I can only imagine in the CF system going to the anal extreme (with the firearms legislation on over-capicity mags etc), they would be 'very' accountable (at least at home anyway), and therefore one could be in some sort of strife if lost or damaged. Here it does'nt matter, its not that serious as they are 'just' mags, and they are expendable.  

Cold beers,

2332Piper said:
A question, would 'roughing up' the sides of the magazines (not having it so smooth) be a practical addition to the current mag? Because I have noticed (especially when wearing gloves) that the mags are rather slippery when being handled. I know, not a huge problem, but something I have noticed nonetheless.

Maybe for some, but why not try these...


Not only will reloads be easier, you're almost guaranteed to never fumble with crap again.  ;D
;D I think its just retarded to go   all 'anal' when some poor lad looses a magazine. However loss of kit should never be taken for granted nor lightly, and I am in favour of cracking the whip when needed, or when pure neglegence has been found. Bad attitudes by disgruntled soldiers don't help their cause either.

Here as I said loosing a mag is not a problem (again it depends on the circumstances on the loss - i.e. deep in the bowels of a typical jungley Aussie training area, say falling from a mag pouch in the heat of a section attack, or theft off your bunk for example - two different circumstances), and your biggest worry is having to pay for it, as I am sure some units do, but at every unit I have been with (4), there is always surplus mags somewhere to make up for a loss.

I have had young inexperienced Diggers fresh in from their IET, trembling and all worried because they loose a mag, and they are as happy as hell, when I produce a spare one for them. Again it depends on attitude and circumstances, but at the end of the day, I look after my Diggers quite well, but there is ALWAYS no 'free rides'. Respect is a two-way street, both for weapons and kit (the responsibility and security of such), and between soldiers and their SNCOs.


Here is some of the mag pictures I just took a few minutes ago, Sam the Siamese cat just would not leave me alone. Seems anything weapons related, facinates him, maybe the smell of the CLP or something.

Anyways, the longer one is the HK mag, which has the HK logo on the bottom, and a red colour coded magazine spring.

The French 30rd magazine is unmarked, but is steel, and is pretty much identical to the US 30rd mag. Both weigh about ther same, and the FAMAS mag is quite robust also.


The HK mag's follower and spring.  

Pic No. 1: The follower is of a pollished steel consturction, and is very HK'ish when compaired to other HK mags.

No. 2: One can see some of the red paint which covers the one side of the spring, as not to confuse this spring with the former style of magazine.

No. 3: The base plate for the mag is HK marked, and it disassembles in a very effective 'ergonomic' way, and its quite easy to take apart, without any strain or swearing.

Hats off to HK for engineering such a supurb magazine! As for the French G2 one, well it too is good, but as I said, just a steel knock-off of the generic US alloy type. The French Marines I was with were sold on the mags, and their FAMAS, which was the first 'bull-pup' rifle to be adopted and mass produced in Europe, even before the Steyr-AUG. The mag is also used in the French Para-Minimi, which is an FN made weapon with a few French differences than the generic Para versions. Remember, France does not use the SS109 cartridge, but a steel cased version of their own, similar to the US M193 type of ammo, all based 1/12" bbl's.

Like that AUSCAM poncho liner   8) ? Well as I have said in other threads, its available for trade for a CADPAT one.

Anyways, enough shop-talk, for I'll be dreaming about it. We had another long day, with a 0530 start, and I live 70km out of town, so I am having another early night.

Cheers to all.


I also concur with what Kevin said. 

Most problems that occur with the alloy 'issued' magazines are with the followers becoming unlevelled and jamming against the interior of the magazine as they're moving up at an angle.

Magpul self-leveling followers are an excellent way to alleviate this, as some preventetive maintenance done on the mags.  Once every couple weeks or so you should disassemble your magazine, clean it out with some soap and water and reassemble it.  You'd be suprised at the amount of dust and dirt that builds up on the follower and the interior of the mag.
They can rust - when they first went out to some USSOC units about two years ago a buddy sent some pics of rusted ones.

Matt -for mags: dishwasher baby -  ;)
  Yeah especially in climates like Afghan (and some what I'm told) Iraq the swirling talcum powder like poo-dust the junk that accumulates in mags is unbeleivable - espeically if you are doing stuff with helo's or lot of driving.
Cpl.Banks(Cdt.) said:
So what happend to those french mags? Ive been doing my C7 training a few weeks ago and we were doing the usual load, unload, prepare for inspection etc... And quite a few times with doing the unload I have heard and seen people dropping the mags on the floor. They dont seem to get banged up, then again this is indoors. But my point is our mags arent bad, in fact i like them, the springs are strong and the outer shell also very strong. The HK mags are nice, a little bit bigger, and alot more expe$ive! Keep ours, wait for the C7 to be phased out(12-16 yr) and get on with your lives! We can leave the bitching to the armchair generals!
UBIQUE!!!!! ;D
Easy there Banks, just because the reply button is there doesn't mean you have to hit right away and shoot off your mouth. Sure you shot a C7 good for you, that doesn't make you an expert. I've been gliding multiple times but you don't see me posting "The Sea Kings are fine, I've seen them crashing and no one died, just keep them and stop bitching until they phase them out in a couple decades"

Issue Labelle teflons - wolff springs - Mapul Enhanced followers and Ranger plates

and of course gorgeous hair  ;D

KevinB said:
...and of course gorgeous hair   ;D

It's all about "The 'Do" isn't it??   I'm taking your upper out tomorrow to get it dirty - then I'm gonna ship it to you   >:D >:D   If I can scrounge a digital camera, I'll even take some pictures...

take care (and make sure nobody messes up that lid)

Blake - cool let me know how it does.

Sadly my hair fell victim to the Sgt Maj -- I quote "Elvis, you starting a rock band or something..."

Which led me to believe - and shortly after the O gp it was confirmed that my hair had somehow offended. 

So I went out and got about 1" off the top and a #4 taper. 
Okay it would not stay off the ears w/o hair care products - but I think I look a lot cooler with good hair  ;D
KevinB said:
[and of course gorgeous hair   ;D

     I thought the little bit of growth on the face was waaaaay sexier..... ;)
The fact you wrote that, AND your profile says male scares me...
