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Hillier says Forces in 'war for talent' to boost ranks - CP

Kiwi99 said:
As for rotating returning soldiers through the schools as inst to pass on knowledge, it is a good idea.  But you also have to rotate the leadership of those schools or the inst will be screwed. Ask any soldier that has been sent to a school after a tour.

Sort of what i was saying in another thread:

CDN Aviator said:
Thats exactly why combat experience has to permeate throughout the entire system. One simply cannot send vets to the schools only. Other positions such as Staff colleges, Doctrine-writting/developing organizations, DLR, CTS.......etc,etc,etc..... have to be manned with people with the relevant experience. Those positions are not always considered as "desireable" but in the end if recent army experience is to benefit the entire organization, some people are going to have to put their money where their mouth is and take those jobs.
Harris, I'll buy just about everything you're selling in your last post.  However, right now (from my Navy/tech background) we're paying the price for recruitment policies of years past.  It takes years to get someone to the higher levels of certification in the Mar Eng trade, and since FRP we've essentially been screwed.

Now that the 20 year window is opening for a lot of people, attrition is really hurting as trained people leave for a wide open civilian job market and it will get worse before it gets better.  We're pretty close to critical manning all the time in some trades, and sometimes ships are always on the razor's edge of not being able to sail because of manning.

I think it must have always have been this way, civy wages up, recruitment/retention down.

Kiwi99 - you're probably right about people caring more about the paycheque than the service...at least at the beginning of the career.  It takes a strong organization and strong examples from your leaders to build pride and loyalty.  After a certain point though I think most people have a strong sense of loyalty, otherwise they would have left after their BE.
Most do leave after the first BE.  Even more leave after their first tour.
I am surprised more people aren't joining, I mean, I already have gone to college (EET), and I am going to apply (LCIS) to join at the end of this month (hopefully) when my physical standards meet my own requirements.

There are a few things that enticed me to the military, one of the big ones was job security, I highly doubt the military will be cutting back any time soon. The next was working in a team/camaraderie, I love working in teams, the 3rd was probably the pay + benefits, and finally the traveling and field work.

One of the big things I find that holds people back, from all the naysayers telling me not to join up, is stereotypes and preconceptions from tv/movies. My mom was surprised to learn that we don't all live inside one long hanger like building, sleeping in bunk-beds a la Full Metal Jacket during basic training. Another friend of mine knows someone in the military already who is a medic of some sort. This military guy thinks I am crazy for joining up AFTER I have already gone to college. He, the military guy, keeps telling me things like he never has any free time, he's always being sent all over the place, he never gets any internet access to talk to friends and family. I figure that this could just be either A: grandiose statements or B: Just part of his job, and maybe his occupation is understaffed.

Either way, I think it's going to be a fun adventure, a good chapter in the book of my life.
All folks wanting to join the CF,

Please heed my warning.  I left the CF to make more money and guess what.  I want back in - paycheque aside, you'll work in a job with a purpose.  The civilian world works to make money but it is a soul sucking venture in every job at every level.  You'll slowly (or quickly) find that civvies don't lead by example, are looking out after #1, will cut your job to save a buck and will stab you in the back (unwittingly sometimes) to save their jobs.  I work with most of the major companies in Canada in staffing up their open positions and can honestly tell you most of them are crap.

Join the CF not for the pay, but the experience, the bonding and the ability to live a life less ordinary.  If I were to do it again, I'd join and remain there till retirement taking advantage of travel, cool assignments and educational opportunities.  I wouldn't leave either - not for a million bucks.  You'll make more than that throughout the lifetime in the CF and be able to care for your family with the stellar benefits and pension packages.

My two cents...no wait three cents (inflation)!
Kiwi99 said:
After discussing this with my peers there appears to be only one answer, and many won't like it because it is not why we joined the forces - and that is money!  Soldiers live for the moment.  If you tella guy that you will give him $5000 if he satys in for another 5 years then he will take the five grand and sign the line.  He won 't even consider the five years, he will just see cash.  As for all the old fellas who still think people join for the pride of service an all that carry on, well, hate to break it to ya, but new troops don't give a crap about that.  they want a paycheck and nothing else. Ask them why they joined and that is the answer.

I just wanted to pipe up here, as someone looking to join the Forces that I am, in fact, joining for 'the pride of service an all that carry on'.  If I wanted to make money, I have faith enough in my resourcefulness that I could find a good way to may a buck without donning camouflage.  I personally believe that I would be a better person for joining, that all Canadians would be better off knowing more about their military, and when it comes down to it, I want to serve my country for patriotic reasons.

I realize you were making a general statement but there are some people left who may indeed see the military as something to aspire to. :) thanks
Kiwi99 said:
Most do leave after the first BE.  Even more leave after their first tour.

I'm not sure my knees etc will last me to your age in the infantry, but rest assured some of us could be making more money elsewhere. The CF pays my bills enough to allow me a decent life, and unless I'm going to be a millionaire, I might as well do what I love...

We all join and leave/stay for our own reasons, as long as we do our jobs professionally, it shouldn't matter what our inner motivations are.
popnfresh said:
I'm not sure my knees etc will last me to your age in the infantry, but rest assured some of us could be making more money elsewhere. The CF pays my bills enough to allow me a decent life, and unless I'm going to be a millionaire, I might as well do what I love...

We all join and leave/stay for our own reasons, as long as we do our jobs professionally, it shouldn't matter what our inner motivations are.

As long as I get paid on the 15th and 30th and my PER/PDR's are good,and I have my boats to pay off, truck, etc...I'll be retained here.
After tour with all my bill's paid..

It isnt my dream job,but I got a wife and kid to support so I man up every morning grin and bear it.

To pretend the army cares if a young mcpl leaves is unrealistic.They'll just make another one.

"To pretend the army cares if a young mcpl leaves is unrealistic.They'll just make another one."

I have to disagree.  MCpls are the backbone of the forces.  Conveniant Cpls and conveniant Sgts as reqd.  The army as a whole may not care, but their home units sure do.  Good jacks are out there, but are definitlety not the majority.
Kiwi99 said:
"To pretend the army cares if a young mcpl leaves is unrealistic.They'll just make another one."

I have to disagree.  MCpls are the backbone of the forces.  Conveniant Cpls and conveniant Sgts as reqd.  The army as a whole may not care, but their home units sure do.  Good jacks are out there, but are definitlety not the majority.

I see what your saying, but we lose them all the time and they just pick the next 23 yr old and send him on his courses.
(By far the worst rank ever.I either gotta get promoted again or hit someone) ;D
X-mo-1979 said:
I see what your saying, but we lose them all the time and they just pick the next 23 yr old and send him on his courses.
(By far the worst rank ever.I either gotta get promoted again or hit someone) ;D

If you get promoted all you become is the "private" of the WO and Sgts mess. ;D