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Hillier Arming Canada For War

Buying some new tanks, instead of the MGS, and some Apaches, and maybe a few nuclear subs, with an aircraft carrier wouldn't be seen as a problem around here. And there has been talk by the Liberals and the Conservatives to increase the mapower of the CF by 5,000-15,000.....
That would all be great for the CF, and Hiller should consider this kind of stuff and act on it.
CanadianBoy92 said:
Buying some new tanks, instead of the MGS, and some Apaches, and maybe a few nuclear subs, with an aircraft carrier wouldn't be seen as a problem around here. And there has been talk by the Liberals and the Conservatives to increase the mapower of the CF by 5,000-15,000.....

That would all be great for the CF, and Hiller should consider this kind of stuff and act on it.

Hey big spender...
Its people like you that makes our CF in bad shape.  Big spenders are what make our army equipt well and with latest technology.  People like you dont want to spend a dime on our army.
CanadianBoy92 said:
Its people like you that makes our CF in bad shape.   Big spenders are what make our army equipt well and with latest technology.   People like you dont want to spend a dime on our army.

Clearly you dont know me, therefore im going to let that go...

CanadianBoy92 said:
That would all be great for the CF, and Hiller should consider this kind of stuff and act on it.
You seem to have missed the whole concept that it is the government that arms & funds the military.
Being a bit slow to respond  here. OK I sw this post and thought it was an interesting thread going in here. As I read through evry thing several comparisons come to mind. I watched a movie once called Canadaian Bacon and one scene was how Alan Alda (acting as the US president) made a joke at he Pentagon about how the US should find a new enemy. The conversation moved around different groups and eventualy landed on Terrorism as its final suggestion. The whole table bursts into laughter and agrees how riduculus that sounds. Scene fades to grey..... A movie from 1995 I believe making fun of the idea on how funny that would be to even think of. 10 yrs later we are living that running joke. Interesting.

Next observation. Soviet Union went into Afghanistan in December 1979 and left on April 15 1989. I realise Canada is not fighting a war how it is traditional the no one wins in Afgahanistan. The Brits have long ago tried. The UUSR found little luck there. Granted we are in for a different reason. We have different skills etc etc. What Ia m saying this is poven as an adavnced battle ground. Perhaps one of the most advanced on the planet. With little orno access from but a few well observed areas. Given our track record at proffesionalism at the international level I would say we should be using differnt areas for different levels of accomplishment. Set up a lower intensity areas to prove smaller units in. It may sound like some to mean a lot more money being put out it's not really what I am suggesting. I cant say I agree with Hillier's seeming plan however if accept it we then why not add a constructive suggestion forward.

Not only is buying new equipment a fact of what we are heading into but demanding more complete training should also be done. Spending for new equipment and sending soldiers out proffesioanlly untrained for the levels of expectations is not heLTHY.

OK I'm done.

Am I the only one that couldn't make any sense out of that?
recceguy said:

Am I the only one that couldn't make any sense out of that?
I'm probably a bit slower than you!! You are not alone.  ???
recceguy said:

Am I the only one that couldn't make any sense out of that?

Nope....i cant figure it out...maybe when i start drinking it will all become clear !!
recceguy said:

Am I the only one that couldn't make any sense out of that?

I usually think better after the Captain Morgan and I have had a chat but I am at a lost here.
Chindian said:
Not only is buying new equipment a fact of what we are heading into but demanding more complete training should also be done. Spending for new equipment and sending soldiers out proffesioanlly untrained for the levels of expectations is not heLTHY.
I think your trying to introduce a tangent here.  Try it in its own thread, or do a search for existing threads on the quality of our trg.  Regardless, make your point/message more clear because we don't understand.
I think his point is on the top of his head...
  I disagree wholeheartedly with everything that I pulled out of Chindian's post.
1) We are not occupying Afghanistan - we are supporting the Afghan government - that is a huge difference from the Colonial activities of the British and the actions of the USSR.

2) We are doing things small -- a Battalion Battle Group (TF1-06) is a small deployment in the grand scheme of things.

Chindian said:
In addition to this why would you possibley feel you'd get the right info in a forum such as this. Most of the posts in here have a ring of truth but for the most part are far removed from any sembalnce of truth.
I assume that this would include your insightful and relevant posts?

then you said:
Come on now get a f****ing grip...................................................

The Afghanistan debate has been moved to an existing thread:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/37899/post-315557.html#msg315557

Lets get back on topic.
Letter to the Editor 11 Feb 2006

I got a chuckle out of this. Even us Haligonians are catching on.  :dontpanic:

Taylor Off Target Again

Ho-hum. Scott Taylor is at it again (On Target, Feb. 6). For him to even suggest that Chief of Defence Staff Rick Hillier "quietly took this country to war" in Afghanistan shows how low he has sunk.

As any informed Canadian knows, the CDS in this country only acts on the direction of his political masters, and for Taylor to try to paint the situation differently — suggesting that somehow Gen. Hillier could unilaterally go to war — is the grossest of fabrications.

A couple of weeks ago, Taylor was knocking the Afghanistan mission because the British and Dutch had not signed on. Now that those countries have committed to it, he manages to continue to whine about it by finding something new to criticize.

John Boileau, Glen Margaret

Any kind of new or used equipment is better than nothing. Certainly it is a step in the right direction. I believe we should be there for two reasons;

We should try to ensure that the Al-Qaida training camps and the Taliban don't resurface, and this will require a sustained Operation spanning at least five or more years.

Also, our troops gain invaluable experience in a combat environment.

Someone mention pulling out of Afghanistan and going to Africa.  I get the feeling from the posts I've seen, it is not a good idea.

We could pull all our soldiers back to Canada and hope that the mean terrorists will go away but...if life were like that, you wouldn't need a Visa card.

Gnplummer :cdn: