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Help please!


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Hey all I will give you some background and then give you the situation/question.

I VRd from the forces in 08. I was 043 ut I never finished my QL3 course. I left because my ex said she wanted to settle down and ave a family, so stupid me fell for it..lets just say that it never went through. I'm with an amazing woman now and got married in July. I miss the CF badly, so I thought I would go reserve for now. The only unit close to me is a light infantry one which is fine with me. I was just curious if I had to go through the recruiting process all over again. My wife is very supportive with my choice and is behind me 100%!! I haven't been on the boards in a very long time!! I will be on here ALOT more now thanks guys for all the feedback in advance :)
Pretty sure with your limited experience they wouldn't have enough to do a PLA (Prior Learning Assessment) on ya for a recruit school bypass.  Never know though.
So I would have to do through basic all over again interesting lol what is the PLA for? To see if i retained any previous knowledge?
MrRGoyer said:
So I would have to do through basic all over again

Maybe, maybe not. You will have to reapply to the CF just like everyone else.
MrRGoyer said:
So I would have to do through basic all over again interesting lol what is the PLA for? To see if i retained any previous knowledge?

I might have spoken too soon but what Aviator says makes more sense.  It wouldn't make sense to put you through basic all over again imo. 
Thanks guys for the responses I wasn't too sure how it would go down. I just really want back in the CF So I would ave to go through the recruiting process so the aptitude test..physical..medical.
Yep. You might be more competitive, however, since you have prior service. That in turn might work against you as they will probably ask you why you left in the first place.
It was a stupid decision on my part  leaving the army for a woman which in turn didn't work out.  Could that be held against me?
I deserve it lol I will have to get myself back in shape though thats going to be fun :)

Has anyone else ever made this same stupid mistake and went back in?
MrRGoyer said:
I deserve it lol I will have to get myself back in shape though thats going to be fun :)

Has anyone else ever made this same stupid mistake and went back in?

I made similar mistakes, applied to a university that i didn't really want to attend cause my GF at the time was heading that way. Cost me a full year of tuition that i now have to pay back  :(

Edit: Spelling
We learn by making mistakes. I was just peeping around forces.ca browsing the jobs. I clicked Army,NCM,Full time and there was a very limited amount of jobs that came up. Is the CF not hiring or is it just slow? Maybe someone with the inside scoop  will read this  :nod:
There was an article posted stating that the CF froze the # of active members at 68000 until 2016 or something like that, there was a post about it with a link o the press release.
Would probably explain why the recruiting numbers went from 10000 open trades in 2010 to just over 2000 open trades in 2011.

Edit: Information was given to me by the recruiter when i asked him about openings in my requested trade.