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Help me build a used computer!


Army.ca Veteran
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Okay guys, when my wife's brother came by to visit today, he mentioned his 6 year old computer. I was suprised to hear that and I enjoy rebuilding my older systems to make "new" ones for family members. The problem this time is, I am out of parts!

I need some help from the Army.ca guys (if it's not too much to ask)... I am willing to take any older computer stuff off your hands and I will pay the shipping! I know the computer the mother in law is using doesn't even have USB on it, so she's getting my really old system rebuilt as a gift. I am assuming his computer is in just as bad a shape!

I have a couple of cases in the basement, and a network card (he's on high speed)but that's it.

I could use:

graphics (if not built in)
sound (if not built in)
I might be able to work out a monitor...that'll be the last thing.

I hope you guys can help out.

So... your basically building a computer from scratch in an old case?

I have a P133 processor + mobo, modem, and legacy video card.
All function as well as can be expected can be for gear of this age. (and free to boot!)

Thats all I got for free  ;D But I can't see this being any use to you.

I can't see the shipping costs being less than the cost to build from OEM low end parts though.

BTW - Somone on the board is selling a laptop for cheap...
I can check out our box of computer goodies in my basement...I should have a pretty recent video card, and definitely a few monitors.

It'll have to wait til I get back home from leave in early Jan
Hey that's cool Des... he doesn't even know I am considering it..no rush
All this talk is depressing me. Running a kick butt system here...64 meg with 4 gig hard drive and windows 98.
Pentium 2 

Please don't mock me too much.
Don't knock the old systems...  ;D

I was running a P133 with a 13" monitor until I got my laptop. Used it for a fileserver for a while.

I still use a p2 for a living room media centre.
ahhhh... nothing like 16 megabytes of ram to get the juices flowing. ;D Computers have come a long way in just a few short years.
Sorry, alltought I would love to help..but all I have available is an old ATX form case.

I got rid of all of my junk when I turned to the light side and bought a MAC  8)
mysteriousmind said:
I got rid of all of my junk when I turned to the light side and bought a MAC  8)

Well we can't all be rich and fancy like you.

I used to have some stuff kicking around, I'll look.
Rice0031 said:
Well we can't all be rich and fancy like you.

Actualy my mac cost me less thy my PC I sold to get my mac. :)

you could be suprised on the new price of macs ;)
May have some parts for ya.

You around Longue Pointe anytime soon? PM me.

I prolly have 2 PCs with components / parts.  Prolly able to kick in some 15 in monitors as well - You're on your own for the KBs & rodents though.
Hey Bzzliteyr,

I have a Celeron 533 CPU (chip/motherboard) with 512 MB of RAM in it and a few 6 GB harddrives just sitting around in my basement. I also have a Celeron 333 CPU lying around.

If these sound good, just PM me. I live in Toronto.
I in fact will be in Montreal next week geo.. PM me and I'll give you a ring.. if they're just sitting there I'll grab them off your hands for a couple of bucks, or timmies gift certs?

The Bro in law hasn't sent me his specs yet.. I'll harass him some more..to make sure I am not wasting all your time...
Bzzliteyr said:
I in fact will be in Montreal next week geo.. PM me and I'll give you a ring.. if they're just sitting there I'll grab them off your hands for a couple of bucks, or timmies gift certs?

The Bro in law hasn't sent me his specs yet.. I'll harass him some more..to make sure I am not wasting all your time...

Bzz, when next week are you in town? I'm here on leave at the moment myself...Montreal Greet, perhaps?
On block leave till Jan 8th.
will PM you the bare basics of the two machines I have sitting here gathering dust and a couple of phone numbers.

Okay.. never click on someone's profile if you are in the process of typing somtehing.  I just erased ALL that I had typed here!!

Montrealers, I will be down next week to take my wife and daughter to the Jan 2nd Habs game (if you know anyone that can hook me up with tix, that'd rock!).  We also plan on going out to a nice (no too nice$$$) retaurant, and recommendations?  I haven't been to Montreal for New Year's eve in like, forever.  Do they still do fireworks, and are they big?  That will be the deciding factor on when we are coming down.  I will definetly be there for the 2nd though (trying to flatter scalpers if I need to!).

As for the computer:

Compaq Computer
AMD Duron(tm) Processor
120.0MB RAM
Local Disk C  capacity  34.5 GB
Local Disk D  capacity 2.72 GB

Duron = Celeron if I remember correctly.  I can see the ram needs upgrading.. I am not sure if it's PC100 or what that might be in there.  He didn't give me the processor speed, but as you can see, it needs help!  BTW any other parts left over are going to be donated to any organization that takes them to build computers for people in third world countries, I just have to find a link.

Thanks for the help!
If you find it, post that link for computers for third world countries...
Duron > Celeron

Socket A

Come in 600 - 1800 mhz flavors.

What are they using the computer for that they need anything better? The RAM could use a little boosting, but thats as good of a computer my parents use, and they are fine using it for web surfing, email, even photoshop. I suppose it could use another HD somone said they had an 8 - that would fit the OS quite nicely.
Yeah.. he's on high speed.. so I fugured a computer that can handle stuff like that.  Honestly I thought the "six year old" factor would make it worse off than that.

My wife got an amaxing book for oone of her gift exchanges at work, it's called "change the world for ten bucks" and I am very impressed with it.  Inside it, on action 29 it discusses sharing your old computer with those in the world that are worse off than us.  It links to two sites:


I hope all can help out.. and I recommend that book to everyone.. it's only $10 (http://www.newsociety.com)

I'll check I have 512MB of RAM and a NVIDIA older video card kickin around let me check but its yours for free (but you'll have to pay postage I'm in edmonton)