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Having to re-input password ...

First time for me. The only thing that has changed is I'm on a DND computer.
Happening every day now. Seems like if you leave it for a bit or when you open in a new page, you have to log in. Also when I opened a page in a new tab all the green back ground was missing.
It's happening for me when I first open the site and click on one of the sub-forum links and sometimes when I refresh the page.  Happened twice yesterday and once this morning.
When you log in, the system stores your userid and a hash of your password in a 'cookie'. Each time you visit a page here, your browser presents that cookie and the server verifies it to keep you logged in. If the browser stops sending the cookie (E.G because the cookie has been removed by a cache cleaner) then you will be treated as a guest by the server.

I've not had to log in here for months on several systems that I use regularly, so my suspicion is that something is wiping out these cookies - and your login info with them. You can check to see if these cookies are still present as follows:

IE on Vista/Windows 7

Browse to C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files. Check for a file called something like [username]@army.txt. Mine for example is called bobbitt@army[1].txt, but shows up in Windows Explorer as cookie:bobbitt@army.ca/. If you can open the file (drag it into notepad) you should see about 9 lines with a variety of info here... DO NOT POST OR SHARE THIS INFO! If the file is empty or missing, you have no cookie, and will not be automatically logged in.


In Firefox, go to Tools --> Options --> Privacy and click on the remove individual cookies link. This will open up a new window with all the cookies displayed. Type 'army.ca' in the search field and ensure there is one called SMFCookie10. This is your login information as described above. If it's not there, you won't be automatically logged in.

In a nutshell, this process will tell you if the cookies are being wiped out, or if they are still there. That should help us figure out what's going on.

Irony:  Posting to this thread and being punted out for not being logged in.

I've experiecned this problem under IE7 with a cacheing proxy server, and under Firefox 3.7, no cacheing, but under NAT.

I usually go to unread, then open topics of interest in new tabs.  I will sometimes have topics readable to me mixed with login prompt(s); sometimes hitting refresh on the login will be successful in getting the page I want.

I can't see any pattern thus far.
It is happening to me everytime I logon now, even when using different computers and access points. 

I just opened up this site no problem, but when I clicked on this topic, I was then required to login. 
Same here. And I went to the folder mentioned ...I use IE7.....and it was MT. Now I am far removed from being computer savvy but would not all my saved codes be in there? I have no issues going to different forums and logging on. As mentioned by George this also happens on the computer at work when I surf my breaks.
Me too more often than not nowadays.  Mike, it must just know you are "Big Daddy" and treats you as such.  We, on the other hand are the great unwashed.  :D
With others reporting the problem, I was not going to, but it has happend to me three times today.
If possible, could someone check to see if the cookies are present when you get the login screen, but before you actually log in? At least then we'll know where to start looking.
This has been happening to me as well lately. It just prompted me to log-in, so I checked and I do not have the army.ca cookie. I checked for a milnet cookie since I usually log-in through milnet.ca and there wasn't one either. After log-in the milnet.ca cookie was there. I do not use any kind of cache cleaner and I there were a ton of old cookies there as well. 
Actually Mike, this may be a good bug to have.

The couple times it's occured to me, I've usually just finished typing up a long-winded rant. Having to log-in again, my insights bitchin' have been lost, and I've just said to hell with it and let it go.

I've just wiped out my cookies to see if I can observe what others are experiencing. Typically though, the server doesn't ask for cookies to be deleted, usually that's something the browser or a cache cleaner takes care of. The rash of reports here seem to conflict with that theory though...
It's been happening to me for a few days, and it just happened again.  When I noticed that I was no longer logged in, I checked the cookies as you requested.  The PHPSESSID cookie was present, but the SMFCOOKIE10 cookie was not.  After logging in, both cookies were there.  I'll keep an eye on things to see if I get kicked out again.
I opened up the site a few minutes ago and have browsed through approx ten to fifteen pages and then had to login again to post this. 


Have you made some mod to time people out?
The only time I've ever had to type in my password on Milnet.ca was after running CCleaner, which is to be expected. I'm on the site daily, and it hasn't logged me out once.
Occam said:
It's been happening to me for a few days, and it just happened again.  When I noticed that I was no longer logged in, I checked the cookies as you requested.  The PHPSESSID cookie was present, but the SMFCOOKIE10 cookie was not.  After logging in, both cookies were there.  I'll keep an eye on things to see if I get kicked out again.

Mike, it just happened again and I verified it.  I noticed that I'd been logged out, checked the cookies, and the SMFCOOKIE10 cookie had vanished.
I check in a few times a day from home and work and have not been refused once.
