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Hate towards muslims....


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this video is has bugged me to an un believe able extent... http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=pKzPOUyt_AA&watch_response

"whats the point of muslims"

im sorry but does this not defy y we are there? are we not there to help these people? is this a war of extermination! NO! its a war of humanity if anything!... This man wants to join the british armed forces!? what?! Im sorry but i needed to let the people who actually have to fight this war know about this moron?... plz tell me, do u agree with me (humanity) or this guy (HATE)?

an angered 14 year old...
Hello canadasyouth ,

Welcome to Army.ca. and thank you for your sense of political duty, at such a youn age!

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milnet.ca staff
The great, and annoying thing about the internet is that any yahoo can go online and post whatever they want.  Don't believe me?  Check out the 80 zillion websites devoted to the Jonas Brothers and those kids from the family channel.   My point is, people are going to spew whatever garbage they want to online. If the video offends you that much, flag it as inappropriate.  

All I see is a video that propagates hate towards Muslims by reminding people of past terror attacks.  Is there a harsh reminder why we went to war in the first place in there?  Yep.  Does it defy why we are there?  No.   As far as his joining the British Army, the truth is, every single person in the military has a different reason for joining.  Not everyone joins just to help others.  A lot of people join to fight.  It's true, we are doing humanitarian work there.  We are also fighting, and unfortunately, you can't have one without the other at this point.

Do I agree that they don't deserve our help?  No.  Our men and women are doing good work over there, and not all muslims are suicide bombers, or terrorists just laying in wait to destroy us all.  Some are, but certainly not all.  Do I agree that this war is all about humanity or hate?  Flat out, it's about both.  

p.s.  thanks for posting that 48th.  msn speak makes my eyes bleed.
canadasyouth said:
this video is has bugged me to an un believe able extent... http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=pKzPOUyt_AA&watch_response

"whats the point of muslims"

im sorry but does this not defy y we are there? are we not there to help these people? is this a war of extermination! NO! its a war of humanity if anything!... This man wants to join the british armed forces!? what?! Im sorry but i needed to let the people who actually have to fight this war know about this moron?... plz tell me, do u agree with me (humanity) or this guy (HATE)?

an angered 14 year old...

The very core of the liberty and soul of democracy is ‘freedom of thought and expression.’ The very conservative alternative is this which, left unchecked, leads – DIRECTLY – to this which, interestingly enough, the folks at YouTube categorized as being “related” to the “What’s the point ...” link you posted.

There is no doubt that the ‘creator’ of the ”What’s the point ...” video is promoting something – maybe, indeed probably hate. I don’t like it, but I believe, firmly, that person must have a right (limited only by a proper prohibition against inciting violence) to say mean spirited, hurtful, even hateful things.

In our zeal to ‘protect’ minorities from plugs and thugs like him or him or even these folks, we have eroded our most basic freedoms – rights for which many fought and died over many centuries. Liberty and freedom are not modern constructs, we can trace the halting, often violent path to modern liberal democracy across continents and millennia. 

I obviously disagree with the ‘reasoning’ in Section 319 (2) of the Criminal Code; I think it imposes unreasonable limits on ‘freedom of speech.’ I believe, and the CC agrees, we are allowed to hate; I believe, and again the CC agrees, we are allowed to express our hatred, even against an identifiable group, like Christians or Asians; further, I BELIEVE we must be allowed to express our views, however odious and wrong-headed, in public, so long as we stop short of advocating or promoting violence.

The Criminal Code of Canada, successive Canadian parliaments and a substantial majority of Canadians, themselves, are wrong: propagating, even promoting hate must not be a crime because it is an unreasonable limitation on one of our ancient and quite fundamental rights – the one that lies as the very bedrock upon all of modern liberal democracy rests.

Promoting violence, on the other hand, is, as it ought to be, a crime. Even dumb people – and the people who hate based on race, colour or creed are, without fail, 100% stupid – can make that distinction.


Sorry for all the colour but I think it's important to tell you what I think or believe as opposed to what is either demonstrably true or which I can, if challenged, prove. Equally, I have highlighted hate because while it is, broadly, a useless, even harmful emotion we have turned it into a crime. What's next: anger, despair, love?

I see this a lot and i'm use to it, even had a lot of hate thrown towards me; being a muslim.

What I do now is I just email the youtube user asking them the remove the video. To be honest that never works so I just flag it as a bad video, nothing you can really do.
Actually slowmode by taking action, in your case contacting youtube, and letting them know your feelings you have done something. You have stated by your actions and presumably your words, that I will not accept your action.

It is an interesting human dynamic, when in a crowd of people, someone will say something either inappropriate or even racist and often all will feel uncomfortable but no one challenges the comment. However, when some one does, everyone seems to rally around the challenger. That's the person you need to be, supply the voice to what others are thinking.

We do have to accept different points of very and strong opinions that are against our beliefs but we never have to accept racism.  :salute:
LOL @ Youtube

Trying to argue anything on youtube, or trying to enlighten the average youtube user is like trying to get ride of a headache by smashing yourself in the head with a brick.

You know, in many schools these days, they teach our new generations all about their "rights". This is a good thing, BUT perhaps their should be a companion course called "Your responsibilities to society". I guess too many "activists" wouldn't like that word. Responsibility. Or are we free to be irresponsible?
OldSolduer said:
You know, in many schools these days, they teach our new generations all about their "rights". This is a good thing, BUT perhaps their should be a companion course called "Your responsibilities to society". I guess too many "activists" wouldn't like that word. Responsibility. Or are we free to be irresponsible?

Hear hear.
The only "right" one is entitled to by spreading hate is the right to go to jail.

Islam has a rich tradition of contribution to human civilization ranging from geology to astronomy - architecture to philosophy.  It is so well documented that ignorance of it becomes a proof against us not for us.  Besides, its a good reminder for Muslims that the sooner they turn back to those glorious examples, the sooner things will be better for everyone, everywhere (I pray).

As to the video: on that young man's profile under books: "Don't read" is what he says.

Now THAT explains everything!
If it bothers you, you can post a reply, and respond to the points he's attempting to make. I know arguing on youtube is, well, we all know how productive it is. But others might see it who might otherwise be somewhat influenced by his idiocy. Let him say what he wants, defeat it in the public view and show how much of a tool he is. Freedom is preserved, and another worthless waste of oxygen is shown to be the waste that he is.
Not sufficiently skilled to quote previous posts, but....

CHIMO - in addition to your attractive call-sign, your post was right on the money and a a very well articulated statement.  I am in full agreement.


twistedcables said:
The only "right" one is entitled to by spreading hate is the right to go to jail.

You wish to jail people for their thoughts or beliefs? That line of thinking has resulted in the Canadian Human Rights Commission being abused by people to silence those that say things they don't like. That is not the Canada I want, and will fight to stop this attack on freedom of speech.
twistedcables said:
The only "right" one is entitled to by spreading hate is the right to go to jail.


Give me a break.  Words and acts are not the same thing.
twistedcables said:
Islam has a rich tradition of contribution to human civilization ranging from geology to astronomy - architecture to philosophy.  It is so well documented that ignorance of it becomes a proof against us not for us.  Besides, its a good reminder for Muslims that the sooner they turn back to those glorious examples, the sooner things will be better for everyone, everywhere (I pray).

<busser> Wrong. (Or maybe I am?)

Islam doesn't make contributions to human civilization ranging from Geology to astronomy - architecture to philosphy. A religion cannot build structures. It's a book. That is like saying the idea/finding of the solar system was done by Christianity. It wasn't. It was done by a human; Nicolaus Copernicus/Galileo Galilei. (yes yes, others before etc. etc. this is a different discussion)

Religion (of any type) does not accomplish anything. PEOPLE accomplish things. Whether they were driven by religion is another issue, but the religion itself does not. Your statement should be "Muslims have a rich tradition of contribution...".

(I could be interpreting this incorrectly as I understand "Islam" to be only the name of the religion)

Anyhoo, hate videos on youtube are a plenty. Problem is there are lots of people who thrive more on their view counter, than actually thinking about the content in their video.

2CDO - well yeah, for his thoughts, Ernst Zundel (for example) was declared a national security risk, incarcerated and then deported.  Parliament makes laws - not soldiers.  Soldiers defend the govt.'s that make those laws.  You may choose to disagree with the law - but the law DOES criminalize spreading hate.

NS: You're right.  I should have said, "Muslims have a rich tradition...".  I was trying to show that the rule with the Christian experience has been conflict between scientists and theologians, whereas with the Islamic tradition, the rule has been theologians and scientists are the same.  Just do a search of Muslim Philosophy (and comparatively, "Christian philosophy") and you will be overwhelmed at the historical record.  Heck, one thing that blew the hell outta me was that Islamic philosopher-theologians brought Greek Philosophy to Europe! Through interaction (read: conflicts) Europe would later experience "Enlightenment".

Point is, hate against anyone is wrong and illegal and does no one any good.  In the end, it just consumes the hater.
twistedcables said:
Point is, hate against anyone is wrong and illegal and does no one any good.  In the end, it just consumes the hater.

I am on course this week about things like this, and I am sure its the ACTION or PROMOTION of hate...rather than the individuals own beliefs.  Its actually a big discussion point around the table. 
Eye In The Sky said:
I am on course this week about things like this, and I am sure its the ACTION or PROMOTION of hate...rather than the individuals own beliefs.  Its actually a big discussion point around the table. 

Under current Canadian law 'hateful' thoughts are not illegal, but acting on/promotion them is. I agree with you completely, people are free to think what they want and, in my opinion, act upon it to a certain point.
Sure people are allowed to hate a group of people such as Muslims..Christan..Jews..but really where does that get them? They will account for there loss sooner or later in life.
I can't comment on that...I am just saying that, from a legal standpoint, it becomes a hate crime when someone promotes or acts on hate towards a person or persons.  Thoughts are hard to prove, actions are easier to prove.