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Hangover cures.

I go by the 2-2-2 plan prior to bed...

2 cups of water
2 Advil
2 Gravol
Woh Don't know about the last post but I will swear by the following.

2 x 1000 bags NS
Vit C for extra panash

Oxygen at 3L by nasal prongs or 10 L by simple mask PRN depending on the pre treatment situation.
Breath the O2 while getting the infusion if avalable and you are good to go.

Stay away from Tylonol at all costs while you are consuming ETOH. It does a number on your liver that you do not need.

Kat Stevens said:
Extra strength Advil, 2-4 12 oz glasses of water, each with .5 oz of 3%   H2O2(hydrogen peroxide).   Won't kill ya, and will give the ol bloodstream a much needed oxygen boost.

So you advocate drinking peroxide in a 24-1 ratio to raise blood O2 levels.

Which reaction takes place that boosts oxygen levels? How does H2O2 do this?

Just curious.
I'm not too sure of the chemical mumbo jumbo.  Peroxide is just distilled water with an extra oxygen molecule.  Those extra oxygen molecules break off, and bind together, forming O2.  As water is primarily necessary for transporting oxygen to the muscles and organs, including the great grey sponge, it seems to make sense.  If you've ever been badly overhung, and jumped into the ol' box amb, for a snort of O2, you'll know the wonders of it.  It was suggested to me by a health food guru.  I was sceptical too, but I tried it, and I'll be jiggered, it worked. Just make sure it's 3% H2O2, nothing stronger.  In my work, i deal with 35% H2O2, and it's bloody lethal.
Kat Stevens said:
In my work, i deal with 35% H2O2, and it's bloody lethal.

Not if diluted properly.  On a side note; Health nuts use that strength to fight cancer and other ailments.

Kat Stevens said:
If it's diluted, it's not 35% H2O2, now is it?

You are correct!

I belive the dosage is one table spoon in eight ounces water; three times a day (for humans)

It worked on a pet dog's cancer we had.  Tumor in mouth and cancer in lungs dissapeared.

Of Course this might turn into Cancer Cures that work discussion.  So I'll leave it at that so I don't completely hijack this thread.

1 tbsp of 35% in 8 oz of water gives you Approx 2% H2O2 by volume.  In other than medicinal use, too much for human consumption.  Handling 35% is also mucho nasty, it burns like hell. Far better to use the 3% that you can buy at any drug store, much safer to handle.
After a hard night of drinking this is what helps me wake up hang-over free.  Swallow a 500mg pill of ginseng and drink a glass of water, when doing this I have only had one hang-over get to me, and trust me, that was one rough night

If you dont want to do this you could always just drink absinth. Dont know why but you dont get hang-overs.
Just to add to what RN PRN posted.....

1L Normal Saline or Ringers Lactate (fluid replacement)

25g 50% Dextrose (sugar/energy)

100mg Thiamine

25mg Gravol

Mix it all into the 1L of fluid and infuse over an hour.

I have seen people completely recover within the hour.
I'm interested in these actual home made medical marvels,
Where does one find the ingredients and the neccessary tools to use them!
Hair of the dog that bit ya?.... in the "Medicine" cabinet of course :)
Ah, you mean Jack Daniels Old Fashioned Cough Syrup!  :blotto:

I meant the ones with salines, and glucose, ringers lactate, thiamine
Are these all OTC at a drugstore or would I have to look harder?
Harder, much harder.

Not only do you have to know what you are doing or you could cause yourself much harm but you have to start an IV. Either on yourself or get a medic to give you a hand.

Now he or she has to get the equipment from somewhere. If they get it from work... Well that is stealing...and stealing is wrong.

RN PRN said:
Harder, much harder. Pfizer makes a product for that.

Not only do you have to know what you are doing or you could cause yourself much harm but you have to start an IV. Either on yourself or get a medic to give you a hand.

Now he or she has to get the equipment from somewhere. If they get it from work... Well that is stealing...and stealing is wrong.


Logistical re-allocation....

Or Skills upkeep?  Not everyday you get volunteers for IV starts.  Besides, the solutions were about to expire.

As the Hangovers cures, one must also practice the hangover explanations as well.  The more practiced and it seaming to just roll of the kilarny tongue the more truthfull it seems.

First, drink something using Gatorade as a mix.  I suggest Gin.  Fill your camelback with it and watch movies at the theatre in Wainwright.  Then, use the rest of your bottle of gin to bolster the double gin and tonic at JD's.  When the bouncer accuses you of bringing that empty Gin bottle into the bar that's sitting at your table, deny.  When you run out of money, drink water.  Drink water until the taste makes you nauseous - unless you're in Wainwright - the water there is dusty and makes you nauseous on the first sip.  There, you just tough it out.

So far, with Tonic Water and Gatorade as mix, you've stayed reasonably well hydrated.  Keep pushing water.  If you have it, take a couple Ibuprofen (aka Advil, aka Motrin) with the last canteen of the evening.  In Wainwright, I only drink out of a bar glass, coffee mug, beer bottle, or canteen - it's the best way to track what you've consumed.  Drink water until your belly's distended and sore.  Don't puke it up.

When you wake up to pee - and you will - drink water until your belly's distended every time.  If you puke, drink at LEAST as much as what you drank immediately prior to puking.

Sleep in, in Wainwright, that can be as late as 0700!!

Eat a greasy brekky.  If the Brits are ruining the kitchen again, that should be easy.  Take a multi-vitamin.  Avoid coffee.  Drink water and V8 until you are cured.

Puke, then, water.  Same quantity of water that you've already consumed in alcoholic beverages and you should be good to go.  I hate puking, but I love how good I feel the next day.
Another one that I have heard.....but have not been able to try it myself.

Hydrate yourself well that night, and take 800mg Ibuprofen, along with two tablespoons of table sugar before retiring for the night (or the rest of the morning).

Like I said.....haven't tried it myself....but some people swear by it.....
I can't imagine that much ibuprofen and booze would be very good for the liver!

The sugar part I agree with though, sugar before bed and sugar in the water when you wake up will give you the kickstart to get past the nasty bit of the hangover.